Say Hi to day 5!
Jul 27th, 2008 | By Kelly | Category: Book News, Site NewsHey Twilighters! Kelly here with your staff count down for Breaking Dawn! So first of all, 5 MORE DAYS! YAY!!!! We are SO close to Breaking Dawn, its unbelievable! 😀 So today I am going to share some of me favorite Twilight Saga things! So let get started!
- Music- So as many of you know part of my job here at TST is the music pages. By doing this I have so many favorite songs, the list goes on and on! Right now I am just going to list a couple, Crashed by Daughtry, Time is running out by Muse, All Fall Down by OneRepublic, Patience by Take That. These are just a couple of my many favorites! Which leads me to my next favorite Twilight thing…..
- TwiTube- One of my favorite TwiTube videos is by RubberDuckInc. (this is also how I found my newest favorite song, Patience!) So now I give you: Patience [Bella Swan; New Moon] Enjoy!
[HTML1] I also love this next video because the maker of this video (TwilightFreak1212) uses the clips really well with the song! (A fave of mine!) Yes, Its short, but I still love it! :)[HTML3]
- FanFiction- Ok well I am a big fan of fanfic! I love stories that are funny! One of my favorite fanfics it when Bella and the Cullens play hide and go seek, cross country! Check it out here! (Thanks Jenna!)Another one of my favorites is one that my BFF is writing about Rosalie and Mike. Now she is not done with it yet, but when she is I will try to post it! So sorry there is not much to my fanfic!
- What team am I? I am team Edward <3 !!!!!!! Now before all of you Team Jacob people boo me, let me say this: I really want Jacob to be happy, but I think Bella should be with Edward forever!
- My favorite book in the Twilight Saga? I would have to say Twilight because it is were the magic all started! I love how Bella and Edward have grown closer together, and the reason the have is because of what happened in Twilight!
- My favorite fan art: Let me say there are some very talented Twilight artists out there! So I am going to show you some of my favorite ones!
- My favorite quotes: Every word in Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse! Just Kidding, well sorta! I have SO many favorite quotes that it is just easier to list the books! And (of course!) I love all the quotes the other staffers have listed! So I think I am just going to leave it at that, unless you want a three page long list! LOL, sorry!
- Poll- So I wanted to see what team the fans of our website are! So please vote for your favorite team!
- My Question- Well to wrap things up I want to leave you with a question! So be sure to answer is in the comments!
If you could ask Stephenie Meyer one question that she had to answer, what would it be and why?