Four More… Days!

Jul 28th, 2008 | By | Category: Site News

Hey everyone! Today it’s my (Lauren’s) day to help you with your countdown to Breaking Dawn. Only four more days! After all this waiting I am really excited to be able to count to the very last day on one hand!

Okay, so here are my favorite Twilight Saga quotes:

“I make the cowardly lion look like the terminator.”

“I’ve seen corpses with better color. I was concerned that I might have to avenge your murder.”

“Stupid, shiny Volvo owner.”

“So the lion fell in love with the lamb.
What a stupid lamb.
What a sick, masochistic lion.”

“Would you understand what I meant if I said I was just human?”

“You’re intoxicated by my very presence.”

“Nothing more fun than an irritable grizzly.”

“It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share.”

“I think she’s having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her.”

“Penguins. Lovely.”

“If we could bottle your luck, we’d have a weapon of mass destruction on our hands.”

“I am Switzerland. I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures.”

“Fall down again, Bella?
No Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face.”

Sorry about how many I have! Oh, and I also have an honorary mention from the first Twilight Teaser Trailer:
“This is wrong Edward. She’s not one of us!”

Okay, so if you couldn’t tell from my quotes, I am Team Switzerland, but I do want Bella and Edward to get married!

To celebrate the fact that there are only four more days, here are some top four facts about me!

My top four favorite characters are:

4.Alice Cullen

3.Bella Swan

2.Jacob Black

and drum roll please…

1. Edward Cullen!

My top four favorite actors in the Twilight movie:

4.Kellan Lutz

3.Jackson Rathbone

2.Taylor Launter

1. Robert Pattinson

So, what am I doing to get ready for Breaking Dawn?

Well, my friends and I are all making T-Shirts to wear to a midnight release at our local Borders. We are also dressing up as the Voltori.

So what are you and your friends doing the night of the release?

(Leave us your answers in the Comments!)

And remember! Only four more days!

44 Comments to “Four More… Days!”

  1. southern_belle says:

    I asked my friends…..I am 31 btw….if any of them were reading the saga and I honestly thought they were going to laugh me away from the table. This was three weeks ago….now they have read the books and we are all going to the midnight release. Just bc you have been out of high school for awhile doesn’t mean you can’t love it too:D

  2. Sarah L. says:

    My friends and I are making Tees as well. We are also maybe having a sleepover that night as long as I can make them agree to not tell me what happens (they read faster than me) and NO talking!! that is going to be a interesting sleepover…….

  3. […] by the cast, Catherine Hardwicke, and Stephenie Meyer at our live show!  This is not a r … Four More… Days! Mon, 28 Jul 2008 07:15:41 Hey everyone! Today it’s my (Lauren’s) day to help you with your […]

  4. Sarah says:

    Gah.. I’ll be at home studyig. Why does BD have to come out on a Monday? Actually, why does BD have to come out on the 4th here in Australia?

    NOT FAIR!!

  5. Sarah says:

    I want to ask my friend over, for a sleepover August 1-2. Since we don’t live in the States, we aren’t going to any release parties. 🙁 We will probably just hang out at my house and do all Twilight related things!

  6. […] the original post on Twilight Series Theories Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and […]

  7. sou says:

    making t-shirts, and eating candy at borders. ^-^ lol

  8. Maddy says:

    My friend Emily and I are having a sleepover, were going to make t-shirts and bookmarks and then go to BN to get the book, and when we get back to her place were going to drink tons of pop and stay up all night reading.

  9. Carissa says:

    My sister who just started reading the 3rd book, is coming with me to hunt down that final book. I am going to try to ask stores who are open for 24 hours if they are selling BD at midnight so we can avoid all those other crowds, b/c it will be a madhouse.

  10. Sa'Misty says:

    hahaha… So aren’t you glad for Stephanie’s EW Breaking Dawn spoiler 😀

    ummm… I just plan to go in a cute dress to a Barns and Noble and wait for my book XD

  11. Jasmine says:

    My friends and I are making T-shirts and we’re celebrating Edward & Bella’s engagement and then we’re going to a release party!!!! 🙂

    Jasmine (Team Edward)

  12. McKell says:

    Me and my buddies have made some outfits that truely “sparkle” and our theme say real men sparkle 😀 its going to be amazing fun 😀

  13. Chelsea says:

    Well my friends an I bought shirts that have an apple with a bite out of it and a trickle of blood, and an orange with a pawprint. At the top it says Twilight,t hen below that it says Jacob vs. Edward, Who cares? They’re both delicious! We’re wearing those Friday night and hauling ourselves down to the nearest Border’s where we’ll be partying until we get out precious books!

  14. Jonathan says:

    I’m going to Nashville! But I don’t have any friends into Twilight:-( Figures, though. I’m a guy

  15. ReturnedSecrets says:

    My daughter and I are going to a release party at the Borders near our house. She’s dressing up as Bella going to prom…it’s one way for her to use her walker boot again after breaking her ankle last year. LoL
    She wants me to dress up with her and so I’m debating dressing up as either a Volturi, a nomadic vampire or Esme….ah, the decisions…I’ll be rummaging through the costume closet this week to figure it out.

  16. tesa says:

    i live in germany currently(military kid) so no borders midnight release.boohoo… but me and my twi-friends are going to stay up until dawn reading our fave chapters from the saga and come up with the stupidest, craziest theories for bd before the book actually comes out. it’s gonna be super fun

  17. Nicolette says:

    My friends and I are dressing up as Rosealie, Alice and Esme and going to a prom thyme release party, then having a sleepover and taking turns reading BD aloud. Hopefully we’ll be able to pull an allnighter! lol

  18. Mary says:

    I already got my shirt, homemade from the Iron Ons in Eclipse: Special Edition….I’m going to the midnight release at my Local Books-a-Millions, but judging by the fact I’m only a few months away from thirteen, I’m a bit worried as to how people will react. Oh, and I will be having a scream session with my friend in a few days. Lol. (There’s only two other Twilit people I know! How horrid!)

  19. Massie says:

    me and my friends ordered bellas engagement ring and her bracelet. Plus a edward t-shirt (how could we not get something from edward!)

  20. Amber says:

    In my area, the theme is Vampire Boyfriend Prom. 😛 I overhead some workers discussing what they wanted to do, and they were talking about ways to distinguish between Team Edwards and Team Jacobs. I think I remember fangs being involved. My friend is totally making me dress up in my prom dress with her so she doesn’t feel like a loser, but I bought this cute hat on that has wolf ears attached to identify where I stand. 😛 Well, I’m Team Edward in the sense of who should be with Bella, but Team Jacob in every other way. There’s something about a wounded soul that brings out the maternal instincts in me. *sigh*

  21. Christine says:

    Ahaha, one of my friends who was ACTUALLY going went to the wrong bookstore and bought it early! I told her we were going to Borders because we had agreed not to dress up fot the prom in Barnes andNoble, but she went and bought it there anyway.
    But at least my mom’s letting me go at all. And I’m dressing up as Alice, my costume is what she wears during the graduation party in Eclipse.
    …I do have another friend that MIGHT come though…
    lol. I wish I could go as the Volturi, but my hair is already cut short and I don’t have anybody else comoing with me. I bet your costume would be awesome!
    4 More days!

  22. lyat says:

    This is so unfair! I totally bought my copy early but I can’t go the midnight release because I have a big futbal workout in the morning!

    …stupid futbal.

  23. Tiffany says:

    sitting at home wishing to go to a midnight party…*uber tear*

  24. Chels says:

    I’m planning on heading over to my local hastings and going to the release party with a friend of mine he he he 😉 I only have 1 friend who is into twilight… 🙁 she’s team jacob, but I’m team edward all the way ha ha :D!!!!!!!!

  25. Erin:) says:

    I am making a shirt to it is going to say… HP or TWILIGHT why can’t we love both!
    and i am so going to be Jane or Heidior mabey Leah(she is the best WOLF!)… i don’t know but i am freaking out!!! 4 DAYS ….ONLY 4!!!!!
    * fan girl SCREAM!*

  26. Jo... says:

    unfotunately none of my friends rd twilight so my mum (i’m 14 :'( ) won’t let me go!! But i still have a few days to get my m8s there….

  27. harper says:

    well me and my cousin(kiran) are going to stay up all night on july 31. then we will go get out wristbands for line placement early in the morning and go back to her house and sleep all day. wake up at night get ready to go to the barnes and noble party thing and get there at 10 or 11 get the book and not sleep until we finish it.
    i am soooooo excited and can barely keep from laughing when i think about the book.

  28. Jessica loves Edward says:

    I’m going to a midnight release party at Border’s with my best friend. I totally should make a shirt to wear! That would be awesome. Unfortunately, we can’t read BD when we get it. We are both going camping for a week, leaving on the 3rd. We don’t want to read the book in one night, because we both like to space it out and enjoy it long. And we don’t want to bring it to camp because we will be freaking out even more, plus, who wants a dirty book?That would be horrible! So we both have to wait a week before we will read it.

  29. Cody says:

    Me my bro, sister, and girlfriend are all going to our local B&N and we’re going to get the book. Thank God I get paid this wensday!!!

  30. Amy says:

    Psh-shaw! What are my friends and I doing? Meeting up at duh Borders; we’ll talk, giggle and talk some more, then totally freak out when we finally receive our respective copies of Breaking Dawn. Sad to say that we won’t be dressing up…we might even show up in pj bottoms, totally ready to spend the early morning finishing that book (totally exhausting our retinas under the yellow light of our reading lamps)! So yeah, we’re meeting up solely to buy the book, then quickly deserting each other to gobble up the story in our own privacy.

  31. Delaney Jo says:

    Me and my two best friends are having a sleepover!
    we’re going to dress up as Alice (me), Rosalie, and whoever Shannie can pull off and head to the release party at BAM then we”re going to go back to my house to go to our seperate corners of the living room to read the whole book in one setting!

  32. Lauryn says:

    Me and my two friends (that are as obsessed as i am) are going sleepover, and munch on a red velvet cake in the shape of a heart, with Edward and Bella written in the middle. Then we’re going to go to the Barnes and Noble release, then come back and read until our eyes can’t stay open. Oh, and did i mention that 24 hours before the book comes out i WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SIT STILL? 🙂

  33. Michelle says:

    I’m going to the NYC breaking dawn concert. I’m probably going to go to a release party for the sole reason of buying the book. Hopefully, I might see some Twilight footage if I go to Borders!

    Is Barnes and Noble or Borders giving out wristbands for line placement? Cause if so, I’d go to a store before the concert, so I don’t have to wait too long.

  34. jen says:

    I’m going to a release party at Barnes and Noble…
    and making T-shirts. Some of us are for vamps, others wolves. And team jacob/edward bandanas.

    Not for ships, though.. I never really did the teams by shippings.

  35. I’m taking a couple of BOYS…well my 17 year old little brother and cousand…with me to the party at the B&N about an hour away from my house. I’m making them Twilight Guy t-shirts and everything. The only sad thing is that we all have to work the next morning so I guess I just have to stock up on Red-bulls and worry about sleep later!

  36. Erin:),

    I love your T-shirt idea!!!!

    “HP or TWILIGHT why can’t we love both!”

    love it, love it, LOVE IT! you sould check out my myspace.

  37. Elizabeth Cullen says:

    I am going to the Barnes & Noble in the Parks Mall in Arlington with my cousin and our best friends.

    I’ve got a beautiful, black and white, strapless dress to wear. And a dark red ribbon to tie around my waist. I also found some VERY Volturi-like jewelery while I was hunting through my mom’s jewelery cases.

    We’re trying to bribe some of our cuter guy friends into going with us for the laughs… we’ll see!

    And now, I’m even more pumped because of the SPOILER Stephenie gave away about Bella and Edward’s definite wedding… I mean, “What spoiler?”

    L.O.L. I’ll see y’all there!

  38. Hayley says:

    All my friends who are as obsessed with the series as i am are going to the midnight release party at Borders too. But we’re not making t-shirt sadly 🙁

  39. chandler m. says:

    all my friends are going as volturi

  40. icytwlght3 says:

    My friends and I made super awesome t-shirts and we are going to the NYC concert…then we are going to Borders to pick up our books

  41. Brianna says:

    ahaha!!!! my friend and i are going to the Breaking dawn release party at 10 august first at barnes and noble!!! its funny because anyone who hasnt read the books thinks i’m crazy for going!! but i dont care!! lol even my mom(who read the series) thinks i’m crazy!!!! i guess i am a true fanpire at heart!!!!

  42. Nadia says:

    me and my friends are making tshirts, being from melbourne australia there arent so many events here and we didnt find out about them until they already had waiting lists so we’re making our own fun (:

  43. Katie S. says:

    I am making a vamptastic shirt, it is awesome!
    and me and my mom are going to the parties, and i think my favorite teacher of all time is going too. She is the one who got me to read the books.

  44. Maria Cullen says:

    well… i am going with my friend lauren and i am simply going to the party at 11:00, enjoying the party for an hour, getting in line for my book, going back to her house, and we are reading our books in separate rooms until i fall asleep(i cannot read in the same room as a person if they are reading the same book as i am- i tried it with hp7 and i had an emotional breakdown because everyone is a faster reader than i am. hah a) and i am wearing my team edward shirt that i am wearing right now. haha

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