2 Days ‘Til Breaking Dawn!

Jul 30th, 2008 | By | Category: Site News

Today we hear from two Staffers… Kassie (Pocdast) and McKell (Trends)!


This is Kassie, I think you all know where I stand on most of this but
just in case you don’t know or can’t remember…

Team: EDWARD… shocker, huh??? ๐Ÿ™‚

Favorite Characters: Edward…again, Shocker :), Alice, Carlisle, and
Leah…did you expect that??

Least Favorite Characters: Jacob… I think he is starting to grow on
me a little; but only if he finds someone to love besides Bella!!! I
really don’t like Jessica or Laurent!

Bella-Staying Human or becoming Vampire: Please please just bite
her!!! But be nice! ๐Ÿ™‚

Favorite Villain : I love Victoria…go redheads!!!

Since I love music so much I am giving my 2 favorite songs from
Stephenie Meyers playlist from Twilight!

1. In my Place โ€“ Coldplay
2. Please Forgive Me โ€“ David Gray

Thanks for supporting Twilight Series Thories! I am so excited about
the release’s hope to see y’all there!

Hey guys! Can you believe two days! Ahh! Lately Twilight has been taking my brain over, so here are some plain random things that I did to tide myself over, though when I started I didn’t realize what I was doing, lol. The first was a Scrabble game me and two of my best friends did, we had to use two bags of letters and cheat a few times, but we successfully played a whole game using only twilight words haha! The next was our Forks sugar cookies, it was actually my niece’s, (who is four) idea. I wanted to make cookies, and so we were looking for shapes to cut out. She saw a cool looking pine tree and then I saw the apple one and I just decided we were making Twilight cookies. That was okay with her because she thought the book with the apple looks pretty cool! (Shes learning young lol!)

My Favorite Quotes Are,
“You’re wounding my ego, Bella. I just proposed to you, and you think it’s a joke.” -New Moon, Page 540
“If someone dared you to eat dirt, you could, couldn’t you?” -Twilight, Page 207
“Of all the things about me that could frighten you, you worry about my driving.” -Twilight Page, 213