Ask Edward Cullen a Question…
Jul 16th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Site News is gathering your questions for an interview with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart! To submit your questions click HERE! is gathering your questions for an interview with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart! To submit your questions click HERE!
Twilight Series Theories is pleased to bring you the details on Twilight Live, the first event of its kind. Hosts: Kallie and Kassie, Becka, Bailey (NoMoreMarbles) and Lisa from TwilightMoms Time: 12 Noon on August 1st Location: Borders in Columbus Circle, New York, New York Agenda to include Question of the Week, Supporter Speculations, Movie
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Here is the next Breaking Dawn quote! Bella: “Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You’re not taking him to a strip club, are you?” AAAAAAHHHH!!! For those who are unaware of how to find Stephenie’s websites, here are links to them for you. These are her official sites where you can also find
[continue reading…] has sent out an email this evening of the latest in news… here is a TST abreviated version! Exclusive scene from Twilight in the Bonus Features on the Penelope DVD out in stores today! Entertainment Weekly has a 9-page spread on the Twilight Saga! Tonight is the premiere of the second Twilight Trailer, you can
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Make sure to head on over to Yahoo! Movies on Thursday to see the HD release of the new Twilight trailer! Remember, this is the same one that premiered today, not another new one 🙂
Jackson Rathbone Online has a video of Twilight’s Jasper Hale playing with his band, 100 Monkeys! To check out his guitar playing, click here!
The Barnes and Noble Tagged! episodes that were released Monday are now available on iTunes! Just search podcasts->Barnes & Noble Tagged!
So, Entertainment Tonight showcased the new Twilight Trailer tonight! Summit Entertainment is refering to the trailer as Trailer #2, so we will have to wait and see if more comes later! Here is a rough cut of the footage we found on YouTube… as soon as we get something clearer we will post it! [HTML1]
As we all know, Breaking Dawn doesn’t come out for 17 more days and yet it is officially the bestselling book of July on according to!! Way to go Stephenie Meyer and all the fans that are pre-ordering books!! Let’s keep her on that list and when the book is released, let’s make
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Hey Twilighters! I got an email about this artist and you must check her out! She only has 2 songs right now, but hopefully she will add more! Click here to check out Chelsea Robson! Kelly, TST music 🙂