Vampires at midnight! Parties for last ‘Twilight’
Jul 10th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Book News
CNBC has an article on the midnight release parties popping up on August 1 around the country. To check it out, click here!
CNBC has an article on the midnight release parties popping up on August 1 around the country. To check it out, click here!
Popstar! Magazine, who features a behind-the-scenes look at Twilight in their current issue, reveals that they will expose more of their set visit in an upcoming issue later this year. I know, I know, it’s still a ways off. Sigh :<
Hey guys, I’m sorry Episode 27 isn’t up yet. It’s been a technological nightmare, not to mention we recorded past midnight so we’re all a bit delerious. I’m going to post next week’s question of the week so Kallie has something to work with, and try to get the show up tomorrow (even if it
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The Lexicon has information reguarding the Penelope DVD, and the Twilight Clip. Here is a intro to the Twilight Clip! -The Penelope DVD starting Tuesday (July 15) contains an exclusive scene from Twilight that has not yet been released to any other outlet. -The attached clip is the “behind the scenes” introduction that leads
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Apparently not all of us fans are pleased with the photos that were made available. Have you guys heard the backlash? If not, the LA Times has posted an article talking about it. Check it out here. *Not every response has been quite so vitriolic, of course. On, kittykatkate wrote: “Honestly, it’s a
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Portrait has a “find the difference” posted with the Twilight cast picture! Can yooooou fine whats missing? Check it out here!
You can do it! Portrait Magazine’s poll is still going one! Now Twilighters have done it before! So vote, vote, vote for the Twilight cast! Click here! I know we can win! We are so close!
MTV is commenting on the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. You know which one 🙂 To check it out, click here!
The Twilight Cast has done a photo shoot for Teen Vogue magazine! Now don’t get to excited yet, because it will not hit stands till October! I know, I know, but thats only 3 months away! Ashley has more news about it, to look at it click here! And to visit Teen Vogue’s website
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Last time the Lexicon was on set they interviewed Mike Welch! To watch their video click here! [HTML1]