Cam Gigandet Interview
Jul 28th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Site News
MTV has added a video interview with Cam Gigandet along with the Twilight cast’s message to the fans. You can go and check that out here!
MTV has added a video interview with Cam Gigandet along with the Twilight cast’s message to the fans. You can go and check that out here!
I wont say much, just in case you are against spoilers! But this is Gooood! You will want to check out this MAJOR SPOILER out!
Hey everyone! Today it’s my (Lauren’s) day to help you with your countdown to Breaking Dawn. Only four more days! After all this waiting I am really excited to be able to count to the very last day on one hand! Okay, so here are my favorite Twilight Saga quotes: “I make the cowardly lion
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The Movie Fanatic has joined forces with His Golden Eyes to bring you exclusive Twilight profiles! Here is what they had to say: “Questions…questions… from the Twilight fandom! tMF is thrilled to announce the upcoming joint project of the Admins at His Golden Eyes and tMF in launching detailed, well-researched and definitely awesome profiles of
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CosmoGirl has an article on why so many of us have fallen in love with Edward Cullen! Check it out here! has a new interview with Kellan Lutz. Kellan: “And to answer your question, do I think that I’m like Emmett? I really think it’s quite amazing to read a book and to read a piece about something someone created and I’ve never really felt this close to a character if that makes sense, during
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In the current issue of Entertainment Weekly (8/01/08) there are a couple of pages of Twilight coverage which includes readers’ responses to the EW cover, a short interview with Twilight Guy, and the Edward vs. Jake poll. There is also an announcement that calls for readers to stay tuned to for Twilight Tuesdays! They
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Hey everyone! Kelly here with your weekly podcast music update! Artist- Little Plastic Stars Song- Waiting Album- Truths, Lies, And Lullabies Website/MySpace- Click here! Can I buy this on Itunes? No this band is not on itunes! Sorry! ENJOY! 🙂