BD’s “Book of Bella” Podcast ~ Week #29
Aug 9th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Podcasts
I know what you’re thinking… “It’s about time!” And, to that we say, “Is there ever enough time?” This week Kassie, Linsey and I talk about the first book in Breaking Dawn! There just wasn’t enough time to do it justice, but don’t worry… we will be around long enough to pick it apart sooner or later! As you can imagine, we disuss the wedding, reception, honeymoon, and all the characters we love so much! This show does contain SPOILERS for the first Book in Breaking Dawn, so BEWARE! The TST Epilogue Contest Winners are announced on the show this week… you can read their work HERE! Also, Linsey’s blog is mentioned on the show, and you can check it out HERE! This week’s music is Last Ending by Daniel Ghattas.