Show Stephenie Some Love

Aug 11th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News

We all know that there have been many mixed feelings about Breaking Dawn in the Twilight community, but we also know that the majority of us loved it, right? has launched a campaign to show Stephenie Meyer some love for her new novel.

“A few days had passed since the release of Breaking Dawn, and the reactions
just won’t stop. The response hasn’t been the best, but you can help us to
give Stephenie Meyer our support, because we still love her, we still think
she’s an awesome writer and most of all because we think she did a great job
with Breaking Dawn and all the Twilight Saga.” wants you to send in YOUR videos and photos expressing your love for Breaking Dawn.  Videos should be under 50 seconds and need to be submitted by September 9.  The videos will then be sent to Stephenie on September 13, which happens to be Bella’s birthday!  To check out all the details, click here!