Aug 18th, 2008 | By Kelly | Category: Site NewsHey Twilighters! Its Kelly, as most of you know I work the music pages (including the podcast write up)!! So I have been pretty M.I.A. when it comes to music lately, and for that I am truly sorry! I do have a good accuse though: I was reading Breaking Dawn! I savored, that is why I have taken so long! So I am here to announce to you the opening of the Breaking Dawn music page (yes it was open before, but this is the final copy! Not the theories list!) And I want to let you know that I will also be working on the others too! We have some exciting music related things coming up in the next couple months, so be sure to keep your eye out 😉 !!!!! If you have questions, comments, or ideas please email me at , you can also leave these in the comments section (although emails usually get through a bit faster!)! Thank you for all of your help with these list! You rock!
Twilight Series Theories
Music Correspondent