A Tale of 3 Young Actors
Aug 19th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsThe Movie Fanatic has an article on the three young British actors hitting it big-Robert Pattinson, Ben Barnes, and Jim Sturgess!
The Movie Fanatic has an article on the three young British actors hitting it big-Robert Pattinson, Ben Barnes, and Jim Sturgess!
Hi! I know you’re site’s under construction, but could you guys underline the links or make them a different color so people know what to click on? Thanks!
Love Jim, he’s awesome, if you agree, you have probably seen Across the universe! Love that movie, it’s my favorite. until twilight comes out of course!
I love all three of them!!! Great article!
OMG! am glad that they chose Robert Pattinson to be Edward!!!! he is soo HOTTT!!!!! i mean hotter than any other hot person there is. that is just my opinion
Ben Barnes is my favourite star…
I like you as Prince Caspian,,,
Ben Barnesss!!!!!i love him ,he’s my fovourite actor♥