Jacob + Nessie = Jassie

Aug 20th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

For this week’s Question of the Week we wanted to ask you a question about our celebrity couple Jassie!

How do you feel about Jacob imprinting on Renesme? And, as a personal favor… when did you figure out Jacob had imprinted?

The art work is from Nehvah.

324 Comments to “Jacob + Nessie = Jassie”

  1. Mariah says:

    I realized that Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee at the end of Jacob’s book, but that was the second time around. The first time though, I realized he imprinted when she Bella asked Rosalie to take Renesmee. I was almost giddy, hoping that Bella would take a few swipes at Jacob.

    I just started listening, so I started with the oldest. I’m on the Peter Facinelli podcast. I agree with Kassie, I don’t like Jacob at all.

    I think the whole imprinting is creepy. Deciding to spend your whole life with someone based on a first impression, especially when the imprintee is so young. I didn’t think about it with Quil and Claire, but I liked Quil. I wish Jacob would just take a long vacation, but it wouldn’t be as interesting, would it?

  2. Gabby V. says:

    I am REALLY happy Jacob imprinted on Renesmee because when I knew that he wasn’t going to end up with Bella, I felt so bad for him because I didn’t want the book to end without his happy ending.

    As soon as I read the paragraph where Jacob said “The gravity of Earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the baby girl in the blond vampire’s arms that help me here now. Renesmee.”, I FREAKED OUT because I didn’t see it coming until then! I mean, come one. I don’t think anyone saw it coming until you really thought about what he was saying.

    Anyway, keep up the good work with the podcast!

    -Gabby V.

  3. Gabby Cullen says:

    I am REALLY happy Jacob imprinted on Renesmee because when I knew that he wasn’t going to end up with Bella, I felt so bad for him because I didn’t want the book to end without his happy ending.

    As soon as I read the paragraph where Jacob said “The gravity of Earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the baby girl in the blond vampire’s arms that help me here now. Renesmee.”, I FREAKED OUT because I didn’t see it coming until then! I mean, come one. I don’t think anyone saw it coming until you really thought about what he was saying.

    Anyway, keep up the good work with the podcast!

    -Gabby V.

  4. Megan says:

    I think that it’s the perfect way to keep an interesting character (Jacob) in the story without making people dislike him. Like Kassie, I dont mind Jacob as long as he’s not drooling over Bella. Plus, Bella won’t feel bad about having Jacob around, since Nessie wants him around even more. As for the second part, I figured it out as soon as Jacob described the strings being cut, symbolizing all the components in his life, and being replaced by one steel cable, symbolizing Renesme. I LOVE your podcast, and wanted you yo know that me and my friend Ginny practically die waiting for your next podcast to come out!!!

  5. Bernie says:

    I figured out that Jacob imprinted on Renesme when Bella figured it out. I figured it out right after Jacob said “Bella you know this is something I can’t control.” I literally was cracking up for 5 minutes laughing. I had to stop reading cuz i was shaking so much. I thought it was hilarious that he imprinted on Renesme!
    At first I hated Renesme, i mean HATE!!! I wanted her to die when she was first born.I never liked the idea of Bella giving birth to her. I thought that Edward should have just gotten rid of it, even if Rosalie got in the way. In Jacob’s book I almost started crying cuz he was all alone and nobody cared about him. When he turned and looked at her, when he was leaving the house at the end of his book, he just felt weightless and all that other stuff he said, i hated her even more. I thought she must have some power to control people and she was doing it to Jacob. I just wanted Jacob to forget about Renesme and for Renesme to DIE!!!
    I hated her when she like took control of all the Cullens. In Stephenie’s words, “She had them wrapped around her little finger.” I hated her i wanted her to just leave and for everything to go back to normal. I only truly started liking her when she started talking. I mean i started liking her when she finally showed Bella one of her memories, but i still didn’t love her. I still don’t truly love her and i think i only will love her if Stephenie puts out another book that has more of her in it.

  6. Megan says:

    I think it’s reeally disturbing. Okay, he KISSED her mom on several occasions, used to loathe her dad, and is her kind’s natural enemy. Wow, Jake.
    But imprinting doesn’t nescesarily mean they’ll fall in love. You’re what the other person needs you for, so Jake will be a good friend and an awesome uncle. I think she’s gonna hook up with the other hybrid from South America. Anyways, back to Jassie.
    I figured out he imprinted on Reneesme when he did. At first I didn’t get it, but then I was like “Ooooooh…. CRAP!” I found it hilarious when Bella went off on him…
    “You nicknamed my DAUGHTER after the LOCH NESS MONSTER?”

  7. Wendy says:

    I think it is wonderful. I Felt complete, until I thought about he used to Love Bella and stuff… akward. But hey he imprinted and he won’t have to wait long until she is Fully grown. I found out like in the end of Jacobs book when he says something was pulling me to the room where Renesme was or something like that. I totally freaked but i Said yes he has a happy ending.

  8. Jamie says:


    I don’t think Jacob imprinting on Nessy is the least bit creepy. Like Jacob has already said, imprinting only means that he will be anyone that person needs them to be. It doesn’t automatically imply that there’s a romantic connection. I think it fits that Jacob imprinted on Bella’s daughter, it means he’ll always be part of the family.

    I’m on Kassie’s side for the second question. I think I somehow missed the part where Jacob first saw Nessy, so when Bella first realizes Jacob imprinted on her, I was still like ‘OMG!’
    Love the podcast!!!

  9. erica says:

    I was totally blown away at first, but the first time I read the book it was all like that for me, but I love it now. When you read the first part of book Jacob, when he is with Quil and Claire, Jacob is watching them and he is thinking in his head how he cant even make fun of his friend because he is so jealous of him, and I think for the first time in all four books Jacob actually gets what he wants when he imprinted on Nessie (by the way, I knew right away what happened, sorry but it was kind of obvious, dont hate me Kassie) and now he is totally and compleatly happy. Even if he is more like a big brother for a while, I dont think he would have wanted to miss out on the first part of Nessie’s life. I have always been on team Edward, but have liked Jacob too, and always felt sorry for him, cause he really did get the short end of the stick all the time, and Im glad Steph finally gave him a happy ending. (Hope we get to read more of “Jassie”)

  10. Michy says:

    I figured it out at the end of his book when he was about to kill her and saw her and that feeling rushed over him. I was HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! I love Jacob and im glad he inprinted and that in some Jacob can still have that connection with Bella. I know He loves Bella but now he is IN LOVE with Nessie. Cute!. It wasn’t creepy since Jacob explained about Quil and Claire so I got that. I was wondering about Nessie and Her and jacobs aging process. but they explained that too. So all in all Im am extreamly Happy that Jacob has a happy ending. Speaking from someone who’s been broken. I certainly would have appriciated someone like Jacob in my life. 🙂
    Go Team EdJake!

  11. Kelsey says:

    I figured once she was pregnant that Jacob would imprint.
    Does this mean that Jacob can’t die?
    I thought in one of the legends one of the wolfs lived until he found his true love
    and sense nessie can’t die, jacob can;t either, right?

  12. Melissa says:

    I figured out that Jacob imprinted on Nessie the moment the baby popped out and she was a girl and it pointedly implied several times that he refused to look at it and concentrated on Bella. I knew then the moment that he did look he would never look away 🙂

    Then the second that he did look at her and said all that about the eyes and the glowing and the gravity moved, all that was just a sweet confirmation.

    Because I love that Jacob imprinted on Nessie, because that is (like what Bella unknowningly profecied,ps I got a little hint there too) what made all that with Edward/Bella/Jacob confusion and all the pain that happened there worthwhile because if Jacob had not cared for Bella so deeply in the first place he would have never allowed Bella to live (like Sam) if she (just a family aquaintance) were carrying an abomination and that would have killed Edward too and Nessie wouldnt be born and Jake himself wouldnt have met Nessie and well…it all in hindsight had a purpose, so I was happy for that because Jake deserved that happiness and Nessie is a lucky girl, because Bella only loves the best so even her cast offs are stil the best 😀

    I also loved the Jassie (nice name btw) thing because it brought back the Jacob that I fell in love with the happy/sunny funny and talented(seriously who else can do what he does with cars and motercycles and little wolf charms at 16!) Jacob of twilight and early new moon, imprinting on Nessie took away all his bitterness and even the non Jake lovers can not disagree that that is a good thing 🙂

    Another thing I have to say is that I dont think there is anything wrong or disgusting about it, yes she is a newborn (haha) but it not like that for him, he honestly just thinks of her as the center of the universe, his love for her is not at all romantic its just whatever makes her happy, her happiness is number one and I for one dotn think there is anything wrong with that. Edward even says (and we all trust Edward cause he reads minds) that Jake doesnt see it like that, isnt even anxiously awaiting the time when it can be like that.

    So …ya thats just my two cents, but I think that this is the best thing that could have happened for the both of them. I mean Nessie will never meet anyone “her age”, while she’s growing up she cant go to a real school or anything at her growth rate and even then…the finding a human thing is not exactly the best choice for a partner…I think that her choices would have been limited and Jake was the best person out there to be everything she ever needs.

    anyway I’m “shipping” them 100%

  13. Dani from Fangless says:

    When I found out that Jacob had imprinted on Renesme I sort of like, uuuuh….WHAT?!?! I sort of caught me of guard because, like one of his chapter titles, I sure as hell didn’t see that one coming. I personally, up till that point, thought that Leah had imprinted on Jacob so I was really like AAH! I was really not O.K. with him imprinting with Renesme, and it made me a little mad. Of course you can’t be that mad about it because now Renesme has a protector and someone who would do anything for her – besides her parents. It still was not what I would have liked to happen, but what ch’yah gonna do? What I really loved though was how Bella reacted. It made me giggle for the rest of the day; especially when she finds out Renesme’s nickname. It annoyed me very much though when Jacob is always so reluctant to give Renesme to Bella. It’s not even his baby what the heck Jacob. Granted he’s just protecting her but it was still very annoying. The other good thing that came out of it was that it allowed Bella to keep Jacob close. I still don’t like it very much but over all it’s ok.

    Also I figured out that Jacob had imprinted on Renesme right at the part where he is describing the strings of his life being snipped away and a steel cable holding him only to Renesme. Sorry it got spoiled for you Kallie!

    Keep up the great work and can’t wait to get more info on the joint podcast!


  14. Kyle *Twilightluversigh* says:

    At first I was just as mad as Bella that Jacob imprinted. I mean the whole series seemed to circulate around the Bella/Edward/Jacob Love triangle. But, now I am actually happy he imprinted. I think the whole time I had been hoping he would imprint on SOMEONE…Renesmee was not quite what I had in mind, I was hoping maybe some stranger he may have run into in the park. This way Jacob can still be a part of Bella’s life and the whole story.
    The fact that he is so protective of Renesmee really adds to the plot of Breaking Dawn as well. Bella is jealous of him on more than one occassion which shows us another side of her, and adds some conflict to the story, as well.
    To answer the second part of the question I knew Jacob had imprinted as soon as he explained that now SHE was holding him to the earth, it was no longer gravity…

  15. Jamie says:

    I certainly was not expecting THIS from the novel!!! But for the most part I am happy that Jacob got a happy ending for himself for once!!! He deserves it! Also, it’s nice to think that Jacob can now truly say he is “family” with Bella. I’m happy Stephenie showed the relationship between Claire and Quil in the beginning because it made imprinting seem “ok” and not creepy.

    *oh and I listened to the podcast and I didn’t know Jacob imprinted Kassie!!! I finally understood when Bella screamed NO. So don’t feel bad! I’m right there with you!:)

  16. Jessie says:

    Well I dont think it is so strange that Jacob imprinted on Nessie. I mean she is Bella’s daughter, and I am sure his heart sees the chance to have a part of Bella and that iswhy he has imprinted on her. I think it makes perfect sense.

    And I must admit I wasn’t aware that he had imprinted on her until Edward told Bella that Jacob needed to tell her something. So I didnt know right then. I was so confused about all that stuff before. So I would be a little upset if it was spoiled for me as well.

  17. Taylor(bella)Cullen says:

    At first I was trying to get through the book so fast that I didn’t even notice it…
    But I kinda thought that that was going to happen cause Jacob wouldn’t look- muchless glance- at Renesmee!!!
    Then I was like OMGGGGGSSSHHHHH!!! How could EDWARD do that!!!
    I personally thought that EDWARD was going to kill him!!!
    I am suprized that he didn’t!!!
    I actually started laughing when Bella attacted Jacob!!!
    It was 6:30 in the mornin and everyone was asleep but I wanted to scream ” YOU GO GIRL!!!”
    But then it was sad cause Seth got hurt and Renesmee was glad when he didn’t get hurt!!!
    MANNNNN!!! It was sooo sad that there wasn’t another book about how Jacob and Renesmee turned out!!! =(
    But it was a great book and Stephenie Meyer is the most awsomest person in the world because of these book!!!
    I didn’t read before Twilight!!!

  18. Mrs.Jacob Black says:

    I hate the idea of Jacob imprinting on Nessie. I do not like the idea because all I can think of while I was reading was “Oh my god, Jacob is Harasser!” Obviously we all figured out that he is not a harasser of any type really. But I could not believe that Stephenie would do that to our beloved Jacob. And I just wanted to say that I think Stephenie gave Bella too much. It gave me the impression of a spoiled little kid. She got a baby, Jacob, Edward, and she is a vampire (minus the newborn struggles). So I am jealous of her more than ever, but I can never get over the fact that she always thinks it’s not enough for her she always wants something more. Does anyone else think that, or am I in my own little world here?
    To answer your second part- I knew as soon as Bella found out. Yes I was definitely one of those people who caught that a little late. At the part in Breaking Dawn when she is yelling at Jacob about, “No, no, not my baby. No you did not (etc.)” I closed the book and threw it across the room. I hated it, I wanted to cry it creeped me out. Because I cannot see Jacob doing that at all… I mean he is sweet, strong, hot, amazing, fast, protective, funny, daring, adventuras… oh yeah getting off topic here. So I found out later than most people did, and I hated it what did you guys think?
    I think that Jacob will be happy with Nessie, so even though I think he should have chose me I think he will have a great life with her.

  19. sarruh says:

    I do not know how I feel about Jassie. I guess I have mixed feelings about the subject of older men imprinting on young girls. While I completely understand the fact that it’s not pedophilic [is that a word?] as Jacob and Quil don’t see Nessie or Claire in THAT way yet, I do think that it could create some awkwardness in the future. For instance, when Jacob and Nessie are chatting, is he gonna tell her he used to be in love with her mom? Is Bella gonna tell her that she kissed Jacob? I just think it would be slightly traumatic to know that your boyfriend and your mom made out before you were born.

    I can proudly say I called this pretty much the moment it was revealed Bella was preggers. I thought to myself ‘if it’s a girl, jacob’s gonna imprint on her’ even though I kind of wanted Seth to [I adore him so much!] so Jacob could end up with Leah [I felt teased about the whole thing. Like Stephenie Meyer was like ‘yay for Jeah! wait… nooo boo!’. Thinking back on it now, Stephenie foreshadowed Jacob’s imprinting in Eclipse. When he tells Bella that Quil imprinted on Claire, a two year old, Stephenie was sure to make it very clear that it wasn’t in a creepy way. Quil would adapt to be whatever Claire needed him to be until she was old enough that it wouldn’t be illegal or sick. It’s sort of like she was setting it up for fans to be okay with Jacob imprinting on Nessie.

    A friend of mine brought up some really interesting questions about imprinting. One was, did Jacob really love Bella or was it only because she was fated to give birth to Nessie – his imprintee. At first I was like ‘Wow! Good thought!’ and it is, but the more I think about it, it does and doesn’t make sense. Sam may have been in love with Leah because she was related to Emily, his one perfect match in every way. But there wasn’t any talk of Quil feeling attracted to Emily, his one link to Claire before meeting her and thats where that theory has it’s fault.

    Another was, what if the imprintee doesn’t want to be with the imprinter in the end? Like if Claire grows up viewing Quil as nothing but an older brother type, that defeats Sam’s reasoning for imprinting. If you imprint on the person who is your best chance to help pass on the wolf gene and that person doesn’t want you, what do you do? And what happens if that person somehow becomes infertile?

    And thirdly, what if a wolf was gay before joining the pack? Would they suddenly turn straight and possibly imprint on someone of the opposite sex? Or would they simply never imprint?

    These are all questions I hope Stephenie answers in some way, whether in the guide book or in future books about the wolves.

  20. Jessica G says:

    i didnt think it was weird at all. i actually thought it was quite lovely and was really happy that he finally imprinted. i always knew jacob would be in bellas life so it actually made sense for him to do this. and its perfect because she wont grow old and he wont either because he can keep phasing.. it will be interesting though when Nessie gets older and they can actually BE together. lol i wonder how edward will deal with that. also another weird thought. jacob bella edward and nessie will all be around the same age. hmm weird. i KNEW he would imprint on Nessie as soon as bella found out she was pregnant. i just had a feeling that if he wasnt with her, then it would be her daughter. everyone is happy in the end 🙂

  21. Amy says:

    its kind of a little awkward it just weird cause she is half vampire and she is also a baby it was hard for me to accepst that he imprinted on her i read that page 5 times to finally suck in what just happened

  22. RDL says:

    At first I didn’t like it. I was really afraid that Jacob was gonna or get hurt and I felt like this was gonna seal the deal on that theory. I’m re-reading BD right now and I really love Renesmee (but i hate her name!) and I’m glad that she makes Jacob so happy. I pretty much figured it out when it happened as I read the description. I was just shaking my head in denial cuz I really didnt want it to happen, so much so that I put the book down for a good 30 min lol. Not in a bad way, it was just a lot to take in!! Seriously, Stephenie Meyer almost gave me a heart attack with this book, or at least hypertension, but I loved every moment of it!

  23. Allie Nessie Black says:

    I actually really like them. I’ve been Team Jacob since Twilight, but I do think Jacob got a really good deal in the end. At first I thought it was creepy but then I thought back to Quil and Claire and how their relationship was pretty much brother-sister-ish right now, and it’s not so creepy. But, I mean, Jake’s gonna have some explaining to do when Nessie gets older, like how he was in love with her mother and stuff. But I think its cute and I think it would be awesome if Steph continued the saga from Nessie’s point of view. Also, I didn’t realize Jacob had imprinted on her until Bella realized it, but that may be because it was about 7:00 in the morning and I hadn’t stopped reading once since midnight at that point lol.

  24. Tara McAdam says:

    Well since they talked about them imprinting on someone who would be of the greatest advantage to the tribe. I would think of this as a very smart way of making the tribe very strong. When they have Children they will be unstoppable! I do think it’s a bit odd. But I love the way Jacob never thinks of Nessie like that. Which is great. Plus she is the only person in the world that would be good enough for Jacob from Bella’s point of view. As far as him imprinting.. .. I had a hunch that he would imprint if they had a baby girl…. why else would Stephanie set all that up with quil. She doesn’t often throw in random stuff like that. and revisit it over and over. But I knew the second he went down stairs to kill her and looked at her and felt his body change and fill completely with something else… that he had imprinted. But all this aside when are we going to talk about Bella’s shield!

    Also…… Was it the Sisters song from white Christmas you sang in one of the podcasts??? you just sang the one word but I think it was that…. let me know.

    Love your show as always!!

  25. Leonie says:

    ok… I would like to tell you (or boast a little, I’m not sure which) that i figured out Jacob was going to imprint upon Renesme long long ago. When i read that Bella was going to have a baby, i first thought that it was a little cliched (that’s a long story, don’t ask, unless you’ve watched Angel, then you’ll understand), and then i though. AHA!!! there’s someone, that Jacob hasn’t met yet, for him to imprint upon so that he wont be in the way of Edward and Bella. I was just waiting for it to happen, really. So, no suprise when it did. My sister, however, was really angry at Jacob for imprinting. She’s one of those people who can’t stand Jacob and I’m one of those who wants everyone to be happy as long as Edward and Bella are together. So, Jacob + Reneseme = FANTASTIC! I really don’t mind, although, she may end up out living him, which would be sad.

    Great Podcast, as ever, don’t know how i survived without it before now!

  26. Alex Culera says:

    I Liked How Jacob Imprinted On Nessie! It Was Very Adorable, And Relatable Because Nessie Knew What Was Going On! I Didnt Get That Jaob Imprinted Until Bella Found Out! LOL! It Took Me Awhile To Relize What All The String Cutting Meant, I Had To Read A About 10 Times, I Think Stephenie Could Have Put At The End, I Now Knew I Had Imprinted. But Oh Well! Back To Jassie I Like To Call The Jenesmee, And I Think It Is Adorable! But I Think It Will Be Awkward Having A Husband Who Has Kissed Ur Mom, And I Have A Theory That When Jacob Stops Being A Werewolve He Might Become A Vampire, I Know Itz Poisen but In Twilight He Didnt Have A High Temperature So Maybe He Wont When He isnt And Can Live 4ever W/ Renesme ( I Dont Like Nessie!)

  27. Julia says:

    I think it’s a good idea because that way Bella, Edward, Jake and Nessie can live together without – well, with less arguments. At least after everyone got used to the situation…
    I found out that he had imprinted on Renesmee at the end of the Jacob-book. At that moment I just thought, man, Stephenie Meyer is a genious! I guess I couldn’t have made up any better solution for the Jacob-Bella-Edward-problem.

  28. Amanda says:

    well i started suspecting something when SM was emphazing the fact that jacob was refusing to look at her when she was born. then i kind of figured out he imprinted when he saw her and he said the only thing holding him in life was this baby……lol sorry Kassie.
    anyway, so i was like WOAH! when it first happend. it didnt bother me that renesmee was a baby, cause i know its not something gross. what bothered me for a while that it was BELLA’s baby. for me, its like, he couldnt get over bella so now he’s like “since you dumped me im gonna marry your baby , we’re gonna have vampire puppies.” so thats what was gross. but then i decided i would be tolerante,lol. since i took the perspective that right now, hes not even thinking about whats gonna happen when shes older and its possible to have a relationship.hes only concerned with keeping her happy, like a brother or something.
    so since its the only way to get him to stop being a stupid face about bella being a vamp, i approve this imprinting.


  29. Shauna says:

    I really like the imprinting between Jacob and Nessie. Jacob is my absolute favorite character, so I’m happy that he finally can fall out of love with Bella. As long as Jacob is happy, I’m happy. Although, it is kind of a weird relationship. I mean, a half vampire/half human and a werewolf? Who would’ve thought that THAT would happen? I don’t even want to know what their kids would turn out to be… ugh. But I completly love Stephenie Meyer for doing this for Jake.

    One of my friends told me that Jacob had imprinted on Bella’s child BEFORE I read it… So I already knew. *sighs* So I knew before I even read any of it.

    [[I love you guysss. hugs +& kisses]]

  30. Niki says:

    At first I was in shock. I mean some wearwolf impints to a half human half vampire baby is kind of creepy. But once you see how cute they are, and Jacob is only there to protect her it gets less creepy.

    And i found out in the last page of the book of Jacob. Seriously when I heard that Kassie didn’t get it I was laughing my head off. I had to get my pillow and cover it in my mouth so my parents wouldn’t hear me laughing. Becasue it’d be kind of weird of they cam into their daughters room in the middle of the night, listening to her Ipod, and laughing her head off. And I’m so team Lidnsey. That was problaly the most funniest podcast’s she has done. She kept making me laugh!!!

  31. Fleur says:

    I dunno, how I felt, I felt loads of emotions, at first I thought that he hadn’t imprinted, I had to read the page again to realize that he had, at first i thought, it was just because he saw Bella in her ( the eyes), that;s why he went all soft. (:
    Anyway, I quite like the fact that he imprinted on Nessie, because it means he can finally get over Bella, and untill she is grown up, he can act like Quil is acting with Claire, a brother, and protect her, I think he went way too over the top with protecting her though when Bella first meet her, but you know.
    I was also a bit creeped out, because he imprinted on Bella and Edward’s child, which means that he isn’t really over Bella, because Nessie has her eyes, and probably has a similar personality, so he isn’t going for someone compeltely different, he’s staying in the ‘safe zone’ and that he was imprinted on Nessie, because he was her 2nd choice, kind of saying to Bella ” I can’t marry you, so I’ll go for her” EW.

    It took me a while to figure it out, but then I understood, I agree with Kassie though, at first I thought it was just because he saw Bella in her!

    LOVE the podcasts, keep up the good work girls! xxxxx

  32. NovaAlbion says:

    I was having problems figuring out Jacob’s weirdly increasing draw to Bella – enough for him to overwhelm his aversion to vampires so completely. So when the draw to her vanished (I’ll admit there for a few pages, Jacob’s conviction convinced me that Bella was really dead and Edward had totally lost it.) from her body and “moved” downstairs, I was beginning to suspect something was up. Then at the bottom of page 359 as he was about to kill Renesmee, their eyes met. The phasing stopped mid process (shaking stopped, different type of heat)

    Then at the top of page 360 we have Jacob’s description of how, as he looked at Renesmee, all his ties in life had been casually severed like a handful of “strings” and replaced by a million steel cables to the “center of the universe.” At this point, I was certain. Then we hit the word “gravity” and it was confirmed.

    Eclipse, Chapter 8 – Temper, page 176 – Jacob telling Bella about Quil imprinting on Claire. “It’s more like … gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it’s not the earth holding you here any more. She does.”

    Breaking Dawn, Chapter 18 – There Are No Words For This, page 360 – Jacob describing his feelings upon imprinting on Renesmee. “The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the baby girl … that held me here now.”

    Now, I have to admit that I have read Eclipse only six or seven times. Anyone having read Eclipse only two or three times may have not remembered the parallel wording immediately. If you did, it was hard to miss.

    While Kassie may not have picked up on it on her first read through (and most of us don’t pick up everything first time through), she isn’t justified in being angry over being “spoiled” about something she has read but hadn’t yet figured out. (What? You mean that the Cullens are vampires? Darn, you knew that I’ve read all four books. I’m mad at you for spoiling me because I hadn’t figured THAT out yet!!)

    I thought it was a good resolution to the Jacob dilemma. Jacob is a truly good guy with a lot of positive attributes, skills/talent, who tries very hard to do the right thing in absolutely awful and uncontrollable circumstances. Yes, we want him to be happy. Since we want Bella to be happy and Jacob seems to be an important component of that, we want him around. Because he is a constant irritant, to nearly everyone at one time or another – but especially in the Edward/Bella relationship, we want him to go away.

    I was pretty sure that Jacob was going to imprint as the mechanism to “get over” his romantic attachment to Bella. I was also pretty sure that his “friendship” attachment to her would survive both his imprinting and her transformation. (Only fair. She didn’t mind his being a werewolf as long as he’d stop killing people. Couldn’t he show vampire Bella the same degree of tolerance?) When things were pointed to Alaska at the end of Eclipse (Univ. of Alaska SE/Jacob’s running away, probably to the north, i.e. less densely populate areas), I suspected that he would imprint on a vampire, i.e. a member of the Denali clan. This would have an added benefit of resolving a significant vampire/werewolf conflict. (Which his imprinting did, just with a half vampire rather than with a full one.) This seemed almost certain when Breaking Dawn, chapter 1 reveled that he was in northern Canada, and that Bella and Edward were headed to Dartmouth in New Hampshire. Why else would Stephenie Meyer send him up there? (Red Herring, that’s why.)

    Frankly, Stephenie Meyer had thoroughly convinced most of us that “vampires” cannot have babies. That, combined with the short time and numerous events that took place between the discovery of the pregnancy and Jacob’s imprinting, didn’t leave a lot of time to consider various implications. (It was only seven pages between the discovery that Bella’s baby was a daughter and Jacobs imprinting – two pages of which were spent “working over a corpse” and four pages of which Jacob was building up to killing Renesmee [and Rosalie and Alice and Jasper if he could]).

  33. Rachel says:

    i like that Jacob imprinted on Nessie. Although its a little weird that it happened, im glad that Jacob no longer wants Bella to be his and only his. I like Jacob, but Edward and Bella belong together and now Jacob can stay in Bella’s life (which i like because hes so funny and nice and loveable) without causing Bella to feel guilty. I found out that Jacob imprinted on Nessie when (on page 360) Jacob said that “Everything inside me came undone as I stared at the tiny porcelain face of the half-vampire, half-human baby”.

  34. Lorefairy says:

    I really liked how Jacob Imprinted on Renesmee. It really helped everything even out. This way, Bella and Jacob can still be really close friends, but without the Jacob in love with her problem.
    It took me a really long time to figure out that he had imprinted on Renesmee. I figured out when Bella started yelling at him and saying “no!”. Then my jaw dropped lol.

  35. Ally says:

    To answer the first part or your question: I WAS very unhappy with the fact that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. I felt at first that Nessie wasn’t going to feel the same way about him, and that this was Claire all over again. But little did I know how much little Nessie was capable of. When your a young child, just born, you aren’t really able to feel many emotions, simply because you can’t identify them! A little baby can’t normally feel emotions like jeolousy and love, but Nessie felt love for Bella in the womb, and she felt love for Jacob the moment she saw him. So the fact that Nessie is happy with the imprinting, as much as I wish it hadn’t happened, I’m happy. 🙂 I was also afraid that Jacob wouldbe hanging all over her throughout the vital parts of childhood (even when they occur hours apart) 🙂 and get in the way of Edward being a father. I was satisfied with the way Bella demanded her child when she wanted her, but was also comfortable with her being with Jacob. I have a good feeling that this is going to be good for Bella, too. AND Edward. It makes Bella be close to Jacob, but in a new way, and it makes Edward and Jacob get along in a really cute way! 🙂
    To answer your second part, I knew when he said, “The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the baby girl … that held me here now.”

    Love you guys! Keep podcasting!

  36. Harper says:

    I figured out that Jacob had imprinted on Nessie at the end of Jacob’s book. At first I didn’t like it. I thought that it was random and crazy. But, as the story went on I came to realized that this is the best thing for Jacob because, now he wouldn’t be devestated that Bella chose Edward. Now Jacob will be happy just like Bella. After Breaking Dawn I have to come to love Jacob.

    I wonder if Jacob will continue to phase forever just to stay with Nessie?

  37. Mugglemom2 says:

    Ok, I am NOT being ugly here, but I don’t see HOW Kassie didn’t know Jacob imprinted on the baby. It was exactly how Jacob had described the feeling before…that gravity no longer holds you to the earth, the person you’ve imprinted on does. I remember reading the last page of Jacob’s part, and practically yelling out loud, “OMG, He is imprinting on the baby!!!” And on this latest podcast, Kassie acted like the feeling of imprinting had never been explained, when it clearly had. Quote from Eclipse: “It’s not like love at first sight, really. It’s more like… gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it’s not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her.” (EC8). And that is exactly what happens when Jacob sees Renesmee! I knew right when I read it 🙂

  38. Mugglemom2 says:

    PS- I thought it was awesome that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. It was something I did not see coming so I was so surprised. I love how the imprinting bonded Bella, Edward, and Jacob together. The scene where Bella finds out had me laughing out loud!

  39. Robyn says:

    I think it completes Bella and Jacobs relationship. I figured out when he went down stairs after he helped save Bella’s life after she had Renesmee.

    PS- I think it was a very interesting twist in the book and i enjoyed it alot!!

  40. Joel says:

    First off, I knew Jacob imprinted on the last page of /his/ book. Sorry Kassie. 🙁
    But yes, at first I didn’t like it. I thought, how could Stephenie have Jacob imprint of a character we don’t care about or know at all? But then, I /did/ start to care about Nessie. Once I saw their interaction, I really thought it all made sense. We were all worried that Jake and Bella’s friendship would have ended after she changed, but because of Nessie, it was able to continue. I think Nessie was oddly, but surely the tie that bridged the gap between all of the loose ends of this book. Plus, now that Jake is with Nessie he can still be friends with Bella, yet not have that awkward problem: that he loves her. It’s all fixed up now. I liked it very much.

  41. Tracy Villedrouin says:

    It’s a little weird and I don’t fully understand how it’s going to work, but I’m okay with it. I mean, Renesmee isn’t going to age, so does that mean Jacob is going to keep phasing forever? If he stops phasing, he begins aging again, right? I guess it’s not really that big a deal, but I’m curious. Besides if he’s around vampires, he’d feel the need to keep phasing forever. I don’t know…it’s just so strange.
    I was getting weird vibes when Jacob started talking about how that pull he felt with Bella was gone. That it was now coming from the doorway-like he wanted to get out of the room, and the house. Then when he said he felt he was being drawn to the baby in Rosalie’s arms. But on the last page of Jacob’s book I knew for sure. All the strings to his life coming undone and reattaching to the baby? Then he referred to her by her name, instead of the thing or the killer. Seemed like imprinting was the only explanation for that.

  42. Amy R. says:

    At first I really didn’t like the idea of Jacob imprinting on “Nessie” (BTW, I do not like the name Renesmee)- not necessarily because she was an infant (though that was certainly part of it) but more because it just all seemed a little too neat/easy/convenient. But after reading the book again, their relationship began to grow on me and I came to a realization that made the whole situation easier to handle. I realized that even though Bella had everything she had wanted that she would still want Jacob in her life, which would continue to cause conflict and pain. However by Jacob imprinting on “Nessie”, it allows Bella to still have a close personal relationship with Jacob, essentially allowing them go back to where their friendship began when Bella thought of him as family.

    I figured out that he had imprinted pretty much as soon as Jacob saw “Nessie” and started talking about her. He says, ““The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood…” and that immediately reminded me of what he says in chapter 8 of Eclipse when he was telling Bella about how Quil imprinted on Claire. He also likens it to gravity and says that it is “her” that ties them to earth. Sorry Kassie!!

  43. Carrie says:

    I never was a huge fan of Jacob from the start but I didn’t exactly hate him either so I was kinda happy when he imprinted on Nessie. Mostly because it would take his focus off of bella because lord knows he can’t have her. And also It would mean he wouldn’t be alone anymore in the world of happy couples. I mean really even if you didn’t like Jacob you can’t honestly tell me you did’t at least feel a little bit of simpathy for him. Edward and Bella were just meant for eachother and nothing can come between them, but Jacob loves Bella so it makes sense that he would Imprint on her daughter.

    I preordered my book on amazon, it got here like a week after everybody else got theirs. So when I went to church that sunday everybody else had finished it reading it already. My friend stephanie insisted on telling me stuff and I’m a really impatiant person so I just let her tell me and the first thing she said was “Bella had a baby and Jacob imprinted on it.” When she told me I got so mad. When I finally got my book and started reading it I got even madder cause it would have made the book a whole lot better if i wouldnt have known what was gonna happen. But when I read the last page of Jacobs POV it was really obvious that he had imprinted even if I wouldn’t have know. Go team Kallie. But I understand where kassie is comming from and how some people wouldn’t get it.

    I got a question. Kassie said she was gonna text I think it was Kallie to ask about the whole imprinting thing but she had to get up and go to church the next morning. My Question is . . . .*dramatic pause* What church do you go to?

  44. Carrie says:

    I got a question I forgot to add. Jacob saw them pull Nessie out of Bella and he saw Bella holding Nessie, so why did he not imprint on her till he went down stairs and he saw her with Rosalind?

  45. Jamie says:

    Carrie, I think that would be because he didn’t look in her eyes. I think you have to look in their eyes to imprint. :]

  46. Celeste says:

    Jacob and Renesmee are sooooo sweet together! I think Stephenie was really brilliant to give symmetry to our love triangle like that, to make them all happy without making it feel out of place. Now it seems only natural that Jacob has Renesmee, and Edward and Bella are both friends with him without any pain or awkwardness. It’s like the puzzle pieces finally fit.
    As for when I first figured out that Jacob was going to imprint on Renesmee, I actually suspected it when the book kept saying things like he was being drawn to her so strongly (even though he thought the desire was for revenge). Of course, as soon as he saw her face I knew I was right.

  47. Mandy says:

    I’ve never been to fond of Jacob so I really don’t know how i feel abot him and Nessie. As the book goes on Nessie becomes very attached to him, does that mean when a wolf imprints the “imprinty” suddenly feels the same way? I really want Stephanie to write about Nessie as she grows up, i have so many questions! Like is it possible for her and Jacob to have a family in the future? and what if she meets another Vampire and falls head over heels for him ? (maybe thats just wishful thinking) oooh and i knew jacob imprinted on Nessie at the end of book 2 🙂

    P.S Love the posdcasts !!!

  48. Alexandra says:

    Hey I’m from Puerto Rico so sorry for any bad spelling. It was an OMG moment for me. I was shocked and confused. I read it twice to be certain. At first it was weird, but then i tough it was really cute. I liked it a lot because now Bella and Jacob can be friends, their love for each other is now like it was ment to be. I’m totaly team Edward, but before the book got out, I had a theorie that maybe Bella was going to marry Jacob, and they were going to have a daughter, and later Edward was going to fall in love with their daughter. In Breaking Dawn happened someting liked that, but backward. Stephenie Meyer was a genius resolving the love triangle and i didnt mind she decided for Jacob to imprint on Nessi. The book was incredible, i loved it. I didnt find any flaw and it was just perfect. It was romantic, funny, and emotional. I like Jacob now and I think Nessie is just soooo cute, and the way they bond is incredible. I’m hoping to see a book in Jacob or Nessies POV.

    P.S. I love to listen to your Podcast. You guy are so funny and keep on the good work.

  49. Tiffany says:

    I’m not 100% sure how I feel about Jacob and Renesmee. On the one hand I’m glad he’s not bugging Bella anymore, which is why I kind of didn’t like him in the first place. I’m also glad that he is happy but more importantly that Bella and Edward are (eventually) happy because they found a compromise to keep Jacob in their lives, again while backing off of their relationship (can you tell thats my favorite part of all this? LOL). Plus, with a child as unique and rare as Renesmee, extra protection is never a bad idea.

    But I kind of think its weird that he imprinted on her because it will really be awkward to explain to Renesmee about his relationship with her mother. It might also be awkward when she gets older and he starts having those “thoughts” about her, which will be funny seeing as Edward can hear EVERYTHING! Awkward to say the least. (I wonder if Edward will be more upset at the thoughts about his daughter than he was about the thoughts Jacob had about Bella.)

    The thing that i dislike the MOST about him imprinting on her is that I felt that throughout Breaking Dawn he felt like she belonged to him. I didnt think it would be so bad at first because i never saw that same possessiveness with Quil and Claire but I feel like Jacob thinks he OWNS her! When he tells Bella that “he can share” I think i just about blew a fuse and started yelling at my book at three in the morning lol. That bothered me a lot. It felt like every time Bella even wanted to get close to Renesmee she had to ask Jacob’s permission or something which is just ridiculous.

    I also HATE the whole “Nessie” nickname that he gave her. I wish Bella would have stood her ground on that one LOL.

    I can’t really answer about when I thought he had imprinted because I was SPOILED!!! UGH!

    On a side note, I just wanted to say that I LOVE Renesmee’s name. It reminds me of the word renaissance which reminds me of Edward cuz he’s just a classy man!!!

    Love the show!

  50. Miranda Lewis says:

    Oh my gosh! I thought it was hilarious! He was on his way down to kill her, and as soon as they started talking about the warm, glow-ey feeling, I was thinking “Oh no you di’n’t!” and I busted up laughing. I’m totally on your side though, Kassie. I really didn’t care what happened to Jacob, as long as he got a happy ending and didn’t end up with Bella. =)

    I love your podcast and I really hope you continue them, although with the last book out, I guess there’s not a whole lot left to theorize about. =)

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