Your Question of the Week!

Aug 29th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

This week we are asking you to post a question for us to answer!ย  This is an opportunity for you to ask us what we think about anything Twilight!ย  We are looking forward to reading your questions, and answering them on the show.

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189 Comments to “Your Question of the Week!”

  1. Jamie says:

    Hi ladies! My question is about Angela and Ben. What do you see in their futures? Do you think they’ll stay together? They’ve always interested me, because it seems that they are the strongest all human relationship in the book.

    Also, I wanted to ask if you remember Alice calling Jasper “Jazz?” I only ask this because in the Midnight Sun draft on Stephenie’s website that’s what she calls him. I know I’ve read Fanfictions where this name is used, but I didn’t want to confuse them with the book. Thanks, and I love the podcasts and the new web design!

  2. Amanda says:

    What did you guys think of the reviews and comments about Breaking Dawn? Too harsh? Just right? Comment back!

  3. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    I had questions about the wolves. It’s been stated that vampire venom would kill a werewolf. But then we discover the Quileutes aren’t really werewolves, just shapeshifters who assume wolf form. What do you speculate (sing it, Kassie! supporter’s speculaaaatioooooooons…) would happen if one of the Quileute Pack got a big nasty vampire bite?

    Also, during Edward’s fight with Victoria at the end of Eclipse, she sees Seth and shouts “Not the same! Not the same!” I knew she was referring to wolves–something about a run-in James had with wolves in Siberia–so do you think she immediately recognized Seth wasn’t a genuine werewolf or do you think she was in shock to find one in Washington?

    I have lots of things about Twilight I could discuss, but I’ll just wrap up with one more question. Are you guys going to read the released chapters of Midnight Sun and do a podcast or two about it? I would not have read the manuscript if Stephenie hadn’t released it on her site. But I figured since she did I sort of had her blessing to read it, if that makes sense. I think I liked it ever more than Twilight! There were SO MANY things I gained from Edward’s perspective. I’ve read Twilight seven times and there were quite a few things I misunderstood from Bella’s point of view, but reading Midnight Sun completely put me straight. Anyway, I’m just wondering how you all feel about the Midnight Sun situation and if there will be any shows about it.

    I LOVE YOUR SHOW!!! It’s seriously one of the highlights of my week. I was sort of one of your ‘first’ listeners…back when I started listening at week 8 there weren’t too many people answering the question of the week and stuff like that. But you have become so successful and I really enjoy seeing how the show and changed and expanded but has remained true to form. I’ll quit yammering now…you’ll have a LOT of questions to read this week!

  4. Tava says:

    I was also wondering what you guys thought about the backlash regarding Breaking Dawn. I was spoiled so it took me 2 reads through the book to appreciate it- at first I couldn’t believe the weird spoilers were true!
    I also wondered what you thought about the Midnight Sun leak, if you have read the draft and what you think about it. I loved it so much and I am so sad we won’t see the rest. I felt Breaking Dawn didn’t have enough of the old Edward/Bella feeling so I needed some Midnight Sun. Also, who do you think leaked it?

  5. Tiffany C. says:

    Hey girls!

    My questions are as follows:

    Which character do you think you could relate to the most, vampire, werewolf, human, or even half breed, i guess? Why do you think this?

    What is your “favorite character” from either of the four books? What about this character appeals to you?

    Which of the four books is your favorite? Why?

    Which of the four book *titles* is your favorite? Why? (I just had to ask this…i’ve been thinking about cool book titles lately…xD)

    I might add more later though. keep up the good work! I love the podcasts and everything you all do to make this site great!!

  6. Hanna says:

    Hey Ladies!!

    My main question is, do you think that Renesme made Breaking Dawn a better story, or do you think that she was an unecessary character? I felt about equally torn between these to choices. On one hand, she gave the story a juicer and more suspenseful plot. She also gave the story an element of surprise when all the readers thought that vampire children could not exist. However, I also felt that Edward and Bella did not spend as much time together like they used to. The story is no longer a love story between Edward and Bella. In Eclipse, you could still tell that Edward and Bella were head over heels for each other, always touching or kissing or talking. Now that Renesme is around, it is about Bella and her. Where is Edward? I undestand that this story is from Bella’s point of view, but I love the devotion and passion that is shared with Edward and Bella before Renesme is around. I know it is still there, but it is left up tp our imaginations a little too much. I understand that there is the mother-daughter bond. Don’t get me wrong, Renemse holds a special place in my heart like the rest of the characters, and the story would not be the same without her. Tell me what you think!

  7. Morgan says:

    Hellooo (:

    My Question is Who are you’re favourtie characters and why? What is you’re favourite thing they did?

    also what do you think about the whole Midnight sun thing?

  8. *Kristen says:

    Who is/are your favorite vampire(s) that come to witness?

    by the way Renesmee is pronounced ruh-nez-may no mee

    I hope I don’t sound rude.

    love ya guys!




  9. Marci (major obsessed) says:

    Can we send flowers or something to Stephanie? I feel so bad for her. Also do you think signing the petitions will help Stephanie change her mind eventually about finishing Midnight Sun. It is so awesome. I actually cried while reading it since I knew I wouldn’t get more………Do you think this will effect her letting Summit do the other movies since they are the only ones who saw the manuscript?

  10. Tiffany says:

    I wanted to know if you guys had trouble picturing Bella right after her transformation. Ever since I saw the movie trailer I keep imagining Kristen Stewart as Bella but there are just so many changes happening at once that I found it hard to picture the “new Bella”. Not only is she changing into a stunning vampire but she’s also becoming a mom and I was wondering if you guys had as hard of a time picturing her as I did.

    My second question is do you think that the fact that most of the characters don’t age will be a problem as far as the movies are concerned? If they decide to make all of the movies (fingers crossed!!!) do you think that they will film them closer together because they don’t want that to be an issue? I know that there is such a thing as “movie magic” but it still has me wondering!

    Love you guys!!!

  11. Michelle says:

    What are your feelings about Stephenie putting Midnight Sun on hold?

    What is your favorite book of the series? What is your least favorite book of the series?

  12. RyRy (Ryan) says:

    Hey ladies! My question is what are your opinions on Stephenie Meyer postponing the completion of Midnight Sun? Do you think this is a fair reaction? An overreaction? What would you have done if you were in the same position?

    I love you guys, and keep up the show!

  13. Tina says:

    Maybe this has already been answered somewhere, but its kind of been eating at me!
    my question is: Did we ever find out what the ‘mystery book’ was?? Breaking dawn was based loosely on two books, Midsummer Night’s Dream and…. what?
    my other question is if the actors and images from the movie have affected your mental pictures of the characters or anything like that? Luckily for me, most of them have gone unchanged, but i keep seeing Peter Facinelli when i picture Carlisle. It’s happened with other books too. Does that ever happen to you guys?
    love all you gals!
    PS. its actually kind of spooky, i just listened to the ‘Book of Jacob’ podcast this afternoon and was trying to think what this week’s would be and i actually thought to myself ‘what if we got to ask them the questions? hmmm’ no joke ๐Ÿ™‚ keep up the good work!

  14. Janet says:

    With all of the negative responses lately to BD and MS along with Stephenie’s own reactions. Where do you think this leaves the fandom? If twilight really is over what will happen now?

  15. rachel says:

    This is a really good idea! I’ve been dying to know some stuff.

    1) How/When did you guys start reading Twilight?
    2)How did you get the idea to do a podcast on it?
    3) Do you have any idea how long the Twilight series will last? (How many books? Is MS the last one??)
    4) What is your favorite/least favorite book in the series?

    I really love the podcast! It’s the best one on iTunes and other podcasts actually use your website as a reference! I laugh a lot when I’m listening and I like hearing what everyone else thinks. Keep up the GREAT work!!

  16. Tina L says:

    Hi, thanks for a great podcast.

    I have two questions (if that’s ok?) and two comments.

    Q1. If you could choose one word that sums up / describes your feelings about how Breaking Dawn completes the series of books for you, what one word would you say? For me, it’s the word “SATISFYING”.

    2. Did we ever get to find out what was going on with Bella hearing Edward’s ‘voice’ every time she put herself in danger in “New Moon”? He wasn’t actually communicating with her was he, so was it some self-protection / survival instinct thing of hers, just couched in Edward’s voice, not her own (to herself, if you know what I mean)?

    Comments. I was very upset for Stephanie that the Midnight Sun chapters had got out there before she wanted. I stayed up till late last night reading it, and really enjoyed it. I have two comments about it – 1. I was surprised about how early on Edward knew he was in love with Bella – that certainly didn’t seem to be revealed from Bella’s perspective till the meadow scene in Twilight. So I was VERY happy about that from Midnight Sun’s perspective. 2. I don’t know, now that I’ve ‘heard’ Edward’s perspective in these chapters, I’m happy with that. I would have loved to read the whole of Midnight Sun as a future book, but now we’ve got these chapters, I’d be happy for Stephanie to ‘let it go’, have a rest from the Vampire world for a while – she’s given us so much.

    Take it easy guys….you are so funny….I have a silly grin on my face the whole time I am listening to you… you are so lucky to have such a deep sisterly love and friendship.

  17. Laura says:

    Hi Kallie and Kassie! My question is do you think vampires imprint? I ask this because it seems like the first time a vampire sees it’s future mate the vampire immediately has strong feelings toward it. When Carisle first saw Esme he wanted to save her. When Alice and Jasper saw each other for the first time they immediately had feelings for each other. Another time is when Rosaile first saw Emmet when he was dying she was reminded of little Henry and wanted to save him. The last example is when Edward first saw Bella. In the first chapter of Midnight Sun Edward wants to protect Bella from Jessica and later wants to protect her from basically everything. I know vampires don’t imprint in the way shapeshifters do but it seems like vampires have a thing for love at first sight. Love the podcast! Team Edward all the way!

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  19. Hilda says:

    Hi Kallie and Kassie! First of all I love your show and look forward to it every week ~ it’s so much fun to listen to!!! My question is about the reaction to Breaking Dawn. I’ve read (and I am starting to agree with this) that SM did not focus on BD the same way she did for her previous three books (Twilight, NM, and Eclipse). At the time she was writing the Host and her writing style for BD was very similiar to that of the Host. It lacked the magic between Edward and Bella that the previous books had. So what do you think???

    Also, will you read the MS draft? I have and it’s pure genius ~ even if it was a draft! I think I loved it more than Twilight! It would be a shame for SM fans to miss out on such a wonderful piece of work. I found myself grabbing my copy of Twilight so I could read Bella’s reactions to scenes at the same time that I read Edward’s. It was great!

    I don’t know how, but I love Edward even more after reading it! I really hope SM gets over her dissappointment and continues the manuscript ~ I really want to know how the Meadow scene turns out!

  20. Kassidy M. says:

    Heyy Kassie and Kallie I love your podcast! My question for you is from the book breaking dawn. Why do you think Stephenie Meyer wrote the book of Jacob???
    And do you think if she writes a nother book taking place after breaking dawn whos prospective would you like it in

  21. Lora says:

    Hi ladies!Well my question is:
    What would happen to a vampire in space?

  22. sissy says:

    hellooooooooo! love the podcast
    im so glad i get to ask just any random question =P
    not sure if this one has been asked before (so sorry if it has), im just a lazy butt this morning
    my question is:
    How did Bella being a vampire change her character FOR YOU?
    i will explain:
    when Bella was turned into a vamp, she was still Bella, but…not. she had the same personality of course, but i was picturing a completely different person in Bella’s place. it was no longer the Bella i’d known for the past three books, and it felt weird (but i liked it).
    I’d just like to know basically what you thought of Bella-Vampire-Cullen

    thanks so much, sorry if its too confusing!!

  23. Sarah in Texas says:

    hi ladies! i really enjoy ya’lls podcasts, so thanks!

    i too, like so many others want to know what you guys think about the whole Midnight Sun ordeal? i read the 12 chapters SM made available on her website and even in rough draft form i thought it was fantastic, i truly hope she does finish it. what are your thoughts, comments, ect?

    also, i know that the Twilight series is over in terms of it coming from Bella’s perspective but i was wondering if SM were to continue writing the story with the same characters, who’s perspective would you want it to be from and why? i think i would enjoy reading from Renesme’s perspective…the whole mother daughter thing and the continuity it would bring would be awesome!

    anxiously awaiting your next podcast! =)

  24. Amy says:

    Okay, hereโ€™s dah question.
    If Bella had a baby boy instead, how do you think heโ€™d look (what lovely features did he inherit), and how do you think heโ€™d act (his personality). Oh, and what would be a cool power for E. J.?

    Long live the lost possibility of E.J.!

  25. Harper says:

    who has a half brother?

  26. Katherine in San Diego says:

    Do you think that Nessie was the right nickname for Renesmme? Why or why not?

  27. Kate says:

    If you could have written breaking dawn what would the story be about?

  28. Mac says:

    Do you think that Renesme and jacob make a good couple? If you got to pick who jacob imprinted (other than yourselves) who would it be and why?

  29. Callie Cullen says:

    Hey girls!
    Sp here’s my question: are there any characters introduced in Breaking Dawn that you just can’t get enough of? More specifically, if Stephanie wrote a book in the world of Twilight about any of the “houseguests” (and I don’t see this happening for a while, mind you. poor Stephanie is probably too upset), who would you want it to be about?

    Also, just out of curiosity, did you read the Midnight Sun manual? If you did, did you read once she had it on her site or before. I was just wondering because I read it on her site, but I was still so guilty. (It was so good, I cried because I knew I might not ever get any more)

  30. Camille says:

    My questions for you are as follows:

    1.) Did you prefer reading from Bella or Jacob’s point of view during Breaking Dawn? Why?

    2.) In what way do you think Edward’s presence affects Bella’s personality during Twilight?

    3.) How do you think Jacob’s mother died? What do you think her story was?

  31. Camille says:

    Also, I love your podcast! It is both fun and informative. I eagerly await your new episode each week. Keep up the good work!

  32. Sa'Misty says:

    Are you upset that Stepanie has put up what she has written for Midnight Sun AND is postponed it?

    I hope she finishes it!!! ๐Ÿ™


  33. sonja says:

    Hey ladies,

    I’m wondering what you guys think will happen with Midnight Sun. I read what Stephenie said on the website and I was really disappointed. Do you think she’ll eventually get over the issue about it being leaked, and finish it sometime in the near future?

  34. Kirsty says:

    Hey my question is

    Which book(twilight New moon Eclipse or Breaking Dawn is your favorite?
    and which are you looking forward to seeing on film most??


  35. Celeste says:

    Hi girls! Thanks so much for reading this on your podcast if you do! You guys rock! Ok so my question is, if Bella never jumped off the cliff in New Moon, what do you think would’ve happened? I think she might go with Jake but somehow ended up with Edward in the end. It’s just fate that it would happen, because Jake imprints on Renesmee, and I’m sure Bella would be having second thoughts about Edward anyway, when and if he came back. So what do you girls think? Keep up the great work!

  36. jessica says:

    heyy! i was wondering what your thoughts were to stephanie meyer putting midnight sun on hold “indefinitely”?
    Do you support her decision? And do you think that she ever will finish the book?
    Thanks a bunch!

  37. Hello : D

    I’ve got a question.

    We all know what kind of cars the Cullen’s drive now. But, what kind of cars do you think they drove during the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s etc.?

    Love the show,

    ~Elizabeth~ Fandom United

  38. Maria says:

    If you could be one character in the twilight saga for one day, who would you be?

  39. Alex Cullera says:

    Hi Kassie & Kallie!
    I Was Wondering What You Think About Midnight Sun Not Being Published
    As A Fan Im Furious And Im Going Crazy! But Oh Well I Guess Itz Her Decisoin
    But What Do You Guys Think? Please Answer!

  40. Julia says:

    Hey guys,
    Here’s my question:
    What do you think would happen to a plant/ animal if the vampire venom was allowed to spread? Do you think it would die, turn into ___, etc?
    Just wanted to know your thoughts! I ‘ve been pondering this for a long time, so this seemed the perfect oppurtunity to get some other options.
    Love the podcast, you guys rock! Keep it up!

  41. Tessa says:

    Do you think that Renesmee is taking Bella’s love away from Edward?
    That is why I didn’t like Breaking Dawn as much as the other books and if you disagree, that is okay, but I think when Renesmee was just being born and she bites Bella it was my least favorite part. Edward just pulled her off Bella and said “No Renesmee.” Bella and Edward aren’t in that much of love anymore with her and it’s hard to imagine Bella as a mother.

  42. Brooke says:

    Stephenie Meyer mentioned on Mugglecast that one of the reasons she wanted to end the series was because if she continued writing, she knew which character she’d have to kill off. Which character do you think she was talking about?

  43. Bella J. says:

    what do you think of the recent midnight sun mishap?

  44. Jo says:

    Will you (or maybe have you already) read the Midnight Sun draft on Steph’s website? And do you think that fans refusing to read it will be an encouragement to Stephenie or not? Now that she’s posted it, I’m wondering if she’ll be happy to hear all of our rave reviews of Edwards POV or if she’d rather hear that we’re all holding our breath for Midnight Sun to be published…

  45. Jacki says:

    I LOOVEEEE your podcast ๐Ÿ˜€ ~

    Question :
    Why do you think Emmett and Esme were backing up Bella into not wanting to take out the baby, even though it was killing her?

    Comment :
    I love your podcast[: Again. Keep up the good – no, FANTASTIC – work ๐Ÿ˜€

  46. Holly B. says:

    First of all: No one else I knew was reading twilight (besides my mom whom i don’t see often) when i first started it. I really appreciate your website and podcasts because it feels like I can finally be a part of a conversation about twilight!!!

    Second: My question may seem trivial but it has bothered me since I first thought of it. Why do you think Rosalie is interested in cars? In her human life she was admired by everyone, prissy, and posh. When she was transformed, what do you think happened in order for her to want to become a grease monkey?

    Thanks girls for being so awesome!!!

  47. Lori says:

    1. Do you think it was a wise decision to postpone Midnight Sun?

    2. How do you think it will affect fans who’ve respected Meyer’s wishes and not tried to figure out the plot spoilers for the book?

    3. Could the whole thing a marketing ploy? (Maybe the negative backlash from Breaking Dawn has made Stephenie Meyer’s marketing reps feel the need to “leak” information to get people talking again. I hate that this could be a possibility but it has happened before with other writers, movie scripts, and bands! Personally, I REALLY hope NOT!!!)

  48. Lindsay says:

    Harry Potter was moved until next summer. Suddenly Midnight Sun is “moved.” Coincidence??? I’m so not a conspiracy theory person but it just seems to be really interesting timing! : /

  49. Kymesha says:

    I am late in responding to the recent podcasts SOOOOOO….

    I am listening to the latest one, just after hearing Kallie vs Kassie.

    I am on Team Kassie. I have been since I first listened to TST. I am a recovering Jacob-Hater, so I synched with Kassie from Day One. Well, I did not realize that Jacob imprinted until … 10 to 20 pages later when Bella screams “You IMPRINTED on my BABY??!!” this was like the only thing in the book that shocked me.

    Don’t shoot me.

    Okay, shoot me.

    I very strongly dislike BD. I thought it was impossibly disappointing, but filling, too, b/c I actually read it. And I didn’t put it down for 2 days.

    I was like a terrible compilation of a ton of the fanfiction I read in the months before BD. I thought of the fact that Bella could still get pregnant as a human, but I shot it down after the constant remembrance of “vampires don’t have babies!” And I didn’t want Jacob to imprint on anyone, but i wanted Leah to imprint on him so he’d have to deal with her anymore. I wanted Jacob to SUFFER. ๐Ÿ™ Mwuahahahahaaaa

    I honestly wanted a HUGE Volturi–Werewolf–Vampire fight. Such a letdown when nothing happened.

    I have half a mind to rewrite the book myself. Stephenie just can’t please everyone…

    PS: Thank Goodness I’m not alone in missing the imprinting.
    PPS: Still love the series! And you guys
    PPPS: Sorry if it was all choppy. I’m in a hurry.

  50. Sarah L. says:

    First off I just want to say that I absolutly loved Breaking Dawn as the conclusion to the Twilight Saga I really liked all aspects of it, but at the end was left with a few questions ( which leads me to hope that Stephenie Meyer isn’t quite finished just yet) those questions were:
    1.) When Renesmee( not Nessie ) is older how will her relationship with Bella and Edward change? Do you think that they will still live together or will Renesmee and Jacob leave for a while after they possibly get married? I really loved Jacob imprinting on Renesmee and would love to have a continuation on that maybe?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    2.) What happened to Renee?? I feel like after Bella became a vampire Renee totally fell out of the picture( even more than she was). Its not that I really mind because in the books you never really see her that much, but in a way I felt bad for her because she went from being Bella’s self confessed “best friend” to only seeing her 2 times in about 2 years. Do you think they will have a relationship in the years to come or is Renee too “fainthearted” to be somewhat let in on the big secret the way that Charlie was?

    I’m sorry these are both hypothetical questions but they are the ones that I was the most curious about when I finished Breaking Dawn. I love the podcast keep up the good work ladies!!!

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