Peace. Love. Twilight. FanFic Contest!

Sep 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles


Peace. Love. Twilight. is going to be doing a fan fiction contest! Read the rules below and visit their site here!

1. Stories must be between 1000 and 5000 words.
2. Stories must be submitted between September 2 and September 15.
3. Your story must be POST (that means it takes place AFTER) Breaking Dawn
4. Stories will be judged on the quality of the writing, if it is fun or
interesting to read, and if it makes sense.
5. Submit your story with your name/penname to,
with the title of your story and your name in the subject line.
6. Questions? Leave them in the comments or email them to me at

Prizes To Be Announced!


Have fun everyone!

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