Twilight Boys in CosmoGirl!

Sep 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Ooh-La-La!  I am loving the pics from the October issue of CosmoGirl!

Twilight stars Rob Pattinson (Edward Cullen), Kellen Lutz (Emmett Cullen), and Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) are in this month’s edition of CosmoGIRL. Some scans of the article are now online.

Here are a few excerpts:

Q: Are you at all similar to your characters?

Kellan: Rob is definitely Edward. He’s so complicated, so poetic… I mean, you cannot help but like this guy! I’d say I’m definitely the protector type. I have six brothers and one sister, and I got beaten up a lot because I was in the middle. But then I learned to defend myself.

Rob: Yeah, Kellan protects me all the time. It’s like having a globe around me. Really, he’s like a globe of protection!

Q: Twilight isn’t just a “vampire movie”, it’s a love story. Do you guys like romantic films?

Taylor: I really liked Enchanted. In fact, I’ve seen it five or six times.

Kellan: I like The Notebook, Tristan & Isolde, and Romeo + Juliet. [I enjoy] period pieces that aren’t just about winning the girl but are also about the struggle of class, wealth and privilege.

You can read the translation of the article over at the LJ site here.

Thanks to for the info!

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