Robert Pattinson is The First Hawk

Sep 4th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News has a short write up and pictures of Robert out on the town in LA.  He answered a few questions…

“When asked if he likes horror films, the British actor said, “I don’t like that ‘hiding behind doors’ element when suddenly it’s like ‘Boo!’ I like the more eerie and disturbing horror flicks. One of my favorites is The Exorcist.”

Twilight’s tagline is: “When you can live forever, what do you live for?” And so, Pattinson was also asked if he would like to live for eternity.

Rob shared, “Uh, yes. I think so, especially if I could turn it on and off. I kind of like the idea that I could see what death is like and then come back again. That sounds good to me. I want to have my cake and eat it too.”

To read more, click HERE!

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