Rob Talks Chest Hair
Sep 8th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie has a great interview of Rob from the red carpet. To hear him discuss Breaking Dawn, his chest hair, and his favorite Stephenie Meyer book, click here! (Huge thanks to Robert Pattinson Online)
Robert is just too adorable and funny! I was surprised to hear that New Moon is his fav. book! Edward is hardly in it! Although the last few chapters would be awesome to play out! Great to hear he’s totally signed on for playing in future Twilight movies if they make them. 🙂
Ha, that was a funny clip…I don’t think the people taking the picture took the chest hair into account. Rob is soo adorable about it though:D Oh and I like how the interviewer told him a huge spoiler about the book : / when Rob hasn’t even read it.
I love New Moon too! We’re made for each other i tell you!Lol!Was he a little tipsy in this video? It’s funny entertainment weekly apologised for the cover they must have got serious complaints. I think when people complained about it Rob thought they were criticising him but really it was the wardrobe and makeup that was so wrong. Lipstick on a man?No,no,no -just no. Everything about the cover was out of context of the book- it wasn’t about him at all.
the screen cap that’s there before you press play is the cutest thing EVERRR
god, i love him lol
[…] the Movie – New UK R … Breaking Dawn Launch Day photo … Twilight Series TheoriesRob Talks Chest Hair Mon, 08 Sep 2008 20:19:56 has a great interview of Rob from the red carpet. To hear […]
That reporter just totally spoiled Breaking Dawn for Rob.
rob is so funny
OME GINORMOUS SPOILER!!!!!! i bet the interviewer has never read the books so he wouldnt know how huge that was.
I LOVE NEW MOON TOO . i like the books in the order they are in. twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking
huh, that’s a bit surprising that he likes New Moon best, but the end is actually one of my favorite parts in the whole series. I cannot beleive the interviewer gave away that big old spoiler! gosh!!
Haha, ‘little teenage girls afraid of your chest hair’ that made me laugh 😀
I LUV U ROB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t think that a little chest hair would cause such a commotion that the man interviewing Rob would feel the need to ask THAT of all things…. but Rob’s just too cute about it ^^ well, I totally would have other questions for him, like “Wanna go out sometime?” *laughs* though I would have to do it behind my very adorable BF’s back…. *laughs even more* neeee, let’s drop that – Rob’s cute, but he’s way to wacky for my taste (just had it confirmed here…)….Like him a lot though ^^
Rob, I love you!!! haha he was soo funny!! His facial expressions are great.
Rob is so adorable I can’t stand it! I know a lot of women-girls don’t like chest hair, but let me tell you ladies real men have hair. and it’s warm and toasty when you are spooning with your honey.