Twilight recieves MPAA Rating
Sep 10th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Featured Articles, Site NewsThe Twilight movie has recieved a rating of PG-13 from the MPAA, for ‘some violence and a scene of sensuality’. You can find the rating on the MPAA site here.
‘a scene of sensuality??’ HAHAHAHAHA!
sorry, that just made me laugh. I don’t quite think that’d be grounds for a Pg-13 rating, but there’s violence too, so whatever.
I knew it………..
how could it not be pg13? the violence definitely makes it that. haha. but i’m sooo looking forward to this now!! woohoo!!
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Wow, the movie’s actually coming to life now! does this mean they’ve finished editing? That’s pretty fast..
we never saw THAT one coming…
yeah cause it was totally gonna be rated ‘R” for the scenes where bella and edward get their freak on
i’m just glad its not PG
it makes it sound like little kids should go see it so they can talk the whole time
ugh lol
wow. PG-13. WHAT A SHOCKER!!! lol deff saw that coming but “a scene of sensuality” ? there is more than one scene, i am sure of it. i knew that the violence would be part of the rating cuz there is deff some violence too
YAY! Ive been waiting for the rating! That just makes me happy! IDK why! Yes I know Im weird!
I guessed it would be PG-13, but the some sensuality thing surprises me just a little bit.
Im excited!
Yay! But… what does ‘a scene of sensuality” mean? Lol!! We don’t have long to wait!! YAY!!!!! ๐
‘a scene of sensuality’? i guess that’s only funny if u’ve read the books, but that just make me laugh.
dude wow pg-13?? i totally didn’t see that one coming… haha
LOL This made me burst out laughing…. I knew it was going to be PG 13 (WHAT A SHOCKER) But their phrasing “A scene of sensuality” makes it seem like only one scene… Which I figure to be the ‘kissing scene’ they are always talking about. There are more than one kiss in Twilight I may add… They better make up for it somehow.
I figured they had to start somewhere. By the time we get to Breaking Dawn, figuring they get that far, it has to be R for the scenes of sensuality combined with the violent birth and vomiting blood.
I hope there is more than one “scene of sensuality” ๐
OH dang…I wanted a “300” spartan-vampire-bloodbath R movie (Edward in awesome deadly slow-mo)….buuut beggars can’t be choosers.
“a scene of sensuality” what could that be? I mean, Twilight is the lightest of all books on that front.
PG-13 WHAT! jk. like we didnt see that one coming. maybe the violence is from all the head-ripping and bloodsucking in the book. “a scene of sensuality” hmm, I really dont’ see what that could mean! lol ๐
OMG! I desprately want to see this movie! “a scene of sensuality”! HA! I don’t really know where they got that!
I can’t wait for this movie to come out! I’m so glad that it’s not rated R, because then I probly wouldn’t be able to see it, but the book doesn’t really have that much of anything that would make it R, so yeah. . . I can’t wait for the movie, tho!
WHAT?! PG 13/!!! omfg….. Im 12 and i love the books D: crap it…. D:
a scene of sensuality? i get the PG-13 rating for the violence but like even Disney movies have kissing! Come on! My parents were like, ur not going to see that if there’s anything bad in it! Ive read the books! Nothin bad happens till like the last one! Wat ever! O well im still excited! My dad wants to see it and im like NOOOOO! Its too girly!!! ttyl
i absolutely luv twilight <<<<<<<3 wat the heck is a scene of sensuality haha im glad its pg-13 cuz if it was r i wouldnt b able 2 c it haha cant wait 4 november 21 aaah
The scene of sensuality is when they kiss she is in a tanktop and underwhere. I love the books can’t wait to see i!
^^Oh, is that what the “Scene of Sensuality” is? I wish they would have made that more clear, and isn’t it thats just because apparently thats what she sleeps in in the movie, right? Or something like that. Because I saw that in the commercial and I’m like, WTH is that? And then I saw the rating, and I worried they were going to change it from the book on that part, lol.Of course, who sleeps in their undies and a tanktop in Washington is very weird… even under a lot of covers…
So you mean it’s rated PG worldwide? please i need an answer..I’ve waited 4 months for this movie……
yes it is rated PG13 nation wide
I think rating of The Twilight saga movies should be 15+