
Sep 13th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

Hey, I was just reading some stuff on Stephenie website and look what I found!

Can you post Forever Dawn, or send me a copy, or give me a summary, or email me the outline…?

Ever since I put up my “craptastic covers” page and included the cover I made for Forever Dawn (the original sequel to Twilight), I’ve been getting different versions of this question. First of all, here’s the reason why Forever Dawn will never be published: it doesn’t fall into the young adult genre. I wasn’t thinking about my audience yet when I was writing it, I was still just writing for my own amusement. When I knew that I was going to have to write another sequel, with a more YA focus, I went ahead and finished Forever Dawn so I could give it to my big sister for her birthday (how many of your sisters have ever written you a 600+ page book for your birthday?). Now, eventually, in the distant future, I will probably put up sections of Forever Dawn like I did with the Twilight outtakes. The reason I can’t do this for a long time is because the plot line of Forever Dawn is still working as a loose skeletal outline for the rest of the series. In other words, it’s chockfull of spoilers. So I won’t be able to put any of it here on the site until I’m past that point in the story. After Eclipse is out and we get a little closer to the release of Breaking Dawn, I’ll be able to reveal the first pieces of Forever Dawn.


What are you going to do next? Will you continue with the Twilight universe?

I think I need a break from vampires. At this exact point in time, I don’t feel like I will go back to Forks. However, I also don’t feel comfortable with telling people what I had planned for further novels. Maybe part of me is protecting those secrets because I’m not ready to leave my vampires behind. Or maybe it’s just habit from five years of compulsory secrecy. I’m sure it will be a while before I figure out which one is the real reason. Things will probably be clearer after I’ve been away from the stories for a while.

I really enjoyed working on The Host, doing something totally different, and I’d like to have that experience again of starting a new world from scratch. I have several other stories that I’ve been waiting to work on. At this moment, I’m torn between two, but I’m planning to commit to one of them very soon.  (What is it!)

So what do you think the one she is going to commit to is? Also How soon will she post Forever Dawn parts on her website!

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22 Comments to “News??”

  1. mazza says:

    THE HOST was amazing!!!! she should do more books like that!! i loved ian!!!!!

  2. hmmmmm, I not sure if I would want to read forever dawn, now thats just my personal opinion!

  3. Tina says:

    well i kind of get what you’re saying, Kelly. It’s got some adult stuff (which i don’t mind) but Stephenie didn’t really intend us to read it. Whatever, though, if she posts some parts of Forever Dawn, i will totally run to my computer to read it!

  4. Mei.J. says:

    Some adult stuff????? like in BD? or…


    Not to sound like a perv but that wouldn’t be to bad…

  5. Jaimes says:

    I would love to have something sci-fi again. The Host was really good. I would love to see what other Sci-fi ideas she has going on in there.

    But doesn’t the comment about being over Vampires make you wonder about the whole midnight sun situation?!? *insert conspiract theory face*

  6. […] to check here for all the latest and greatest news concerning her first vamptastic bir … News?? Sat, 13 Sep 2008 14:27:37Hey, I was just reading some stuff on Stephenie website and look what I […]

  7. Alex-tst says:

    well, this was put on her website before midnight sun!

  8. […] the original post on Twilight Series Theories Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and […]

  9. Keiley says:

    I read in something that she was torn between a time travel story and a ghost story…I think it was in EW. But I want her to keep with the vampires!! It would be AWESOME to read from Alice’s POV.

  10. Johanna says:

    I really loved “The Host” really well written and addictive. I really liked it.
    *Running across the room to duck behind the couch* You can hear a small whisper form the couch and you assume it’s me:
    “Maybe even more than I loved Twilight”


  11. Alex-tst says:


  12. Julia says:

    I’m relatively new to the fandom, and I never realized (until now) that Forever Dawn was something different than Breaking Dawn… I always thought FD was the “working title” of BD. I wonder if she will ever post any of it?

  13. Kelsey says:

    I’ve actually heard somewhere that there will be 2 more books following The Host. I think they’re called “The Soul” and “The Seeker”. If you search “The Host” on Wikipedia, and you click on “Sequels”, it says that she stated in an interview what the sequels will be called.
    I love your podcasts – don’t stop doing them just cause Breaking Dawn’s released!!!

  14. ... says:

    that has been on her website forever
    you guys just found that out?

  15. Alex-tst says:

    No, I just wanted others to know!

  16. Janet says:

    It has been on her site for awhile so I’m not sure that we should take that as current inregards to her plans. For example one of those options was probably Midnight Sun, which we know she’s taking a break from. She’s mentioned before that she might do a Host sequel and a possible mermaid or ghost project.

  17. Lauren says:

    I really want Midnight Sun. I read her draft when she posted it, and I LOVED it! The Cullens reactions are amazing, and they really get to be themselves, instead of pretending to be human for Bella. And I’ve always loved Alice, but her role in Midnight Sun made me love her even more!

  18. Lex says:

    Okay so The host wasn’t the best of her books she should stick to vampires.How can she be sick of vampires?
    I read all 12 chapters of Midnight sun on stephenies site and its amazing i’m pretty sick of Stephenies maybe,maybe not attitude to midnight sun shes been doing this now for hmm since breaking dawn was released and shes making me hate her to be honest.I loved Alice more too.I always liked her as a charater but now much much more.She loved bella before edward,before she even said hello to her.I really loved the cullens reactions too i mean i didn’t like Rosalie a whole lot much less now and jasper i did like now not so much when he wanted to kill her and rosalie too being selfish…wanting to just stay in forks when they will have to move in a few years anyway.If stephenie will just publish Midnight sun already i would be happy.

  19. Andrea says:

    I totally understand her lament about the midnight sun breach, but I to am one who read it after a long internal debate and absolutely loved it. I really hope she confronted whoever triggered the breach and got the answers that she wanted so that sooner rather than later, she can finish her work and we can all add that most wonderful insight to our twilight book collection.

  20. Zandria Cullan ((yes real name)) says:

    I have a question…..a very desperate question. CAN SOMEBODY PLEAS EMAIL ME MIDNIGHT MOON MY COMP WONT LET ME DOWN LOAD IT PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ LOL By what I have been hearing about midnight sun its suppose to be the best book out of the serious. Im pretty sure that anyone who read the first four books just absolutly feel in love with Edward…So ofcourse we are going to want to read about the twilight story in Edwards point of view.

    My email is

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