Twilight in Rome!
Sep 13th, 2008 | By Kelly | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsWe have recently been emailed about an article from Rome about Twilight! The only problem was it was in Italian! So we have loosely translated it for you and highlighted the main points of Twilight!
- “ROME – 11 SEPTEMBER – “we decided to come meeting to the requests of the market and of to occupy with Twilight (photograph) November 21 I space it free bequest from the movement in summer of Harry Potter.” So, the general manager of Eagle Pictures Jacopo Hut announces the given news of exit of the first film I discuss from the religion of stories of series between the young that in America sold about forty million copies and in Italy reached the figure record of 500,000 books sold. “We are very hopeful in the result of this production that will be in Italy day given and with the United States and will be followed from other two considerable titles and destined to a public above all of youngsters like Ember – The mystery of the Christmas film light of town with Bill Murray and Tim Robbins and, January 9, The ink of heart of legend with Brendan Fraser and Helen Mirren”. Four the titles that precede l’ gone out of Twilight, that could have a’ world preview October 31 to the final evening of the Festival of Rome: l’ animation L’ Coffer of Noé (3 October), the insane comedy Disaster Movie (10 October), The price dell’ honor – Pride and Glory with Colin Farrell and Edward Norton, also this in predicate to to be presented Rome and in exit for Halloween, and Awake November 14. Meanwhile, Eagle Pictures entire its work squad with two new acquisitions: Mattia War (Lucky Red) is the new director marketing of the society, while Marianna Giorgi (Moviemax) is from 1° October the responsible dell’ press bureau. Confirmed it is Roberto Gibelli like person in charge of the distribution and Lombard Mark, is l’ director delegated some society presided over from Tarek Quite Ammar. For Mattia War: “Eagle Pictures operand is an important raising of its brand: not only across expensive acquisition of titles considerable, but also thanks to investments of marketing that fluctuate title for title from a minimum of a million and means of Euro until to arrive the figure of three millions”. (the complete text of the article on the Newspaper of the Show of the 11 September 2008)“