Novel Novice Twilight is seeking submissions…

Sep 19th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

Recently we received an email from Novel Novice asking us to post some information for them! Check it out!

“Novel Novice Twilight is seeking submissions for two projects!

First up, the September Fan Fiction Challenge. Every month, Novel Novice
Twilight hosts a fan fiction challenge. This month, we are asking writers

Tell a story about Bella’s first time going back to school as a vampire.
She can be attending college for the first time, or she can be returning
to high school for the first time since her transformation.

Submissions are due Tuesday, September 30th. Complete details and rules
can be found here:

Novel Novice Twilight is also seeking Webcasters. We are launching our
first Webcast this fall and we have extended the deadline for auditions.

The Novel Novice Twilight Webcast will be a way for Twilighters to keep
the Twilight spirit alive by bringing us news, discussions, activities and
other Twilight fun in an entertaining way.

Auditions are now extended through September 26th. Complete details and
rules, plus an example audition video, can be found here:


So if you just can’t get enough of Bella and the Twilight gang, or you want to do something like what Kallie and Kassie do…go check it out! It can’t hurt 🙂 and I’m sure it’ll be fun! 🙂