We bring you…………
Sep 24th, 2008 | By Kelly | Category: Featured Articles, Site NewsTwilight Series Theories TwiTunes is pleased to present to you our first ever contest!
Are you interested? Here is the information:
Theme: What do YOU want on the Twilight movie soundtrack?
Directions: Write a song! Then turn them into kelly.tst@gmail.com, in the email you must include your name, the lyrics, and a title to the song. Also the subject must be titled: My contest entry.
Rules: The song must be appropriate, and should include no inappropriate words. Also we reserve the right to turn away any songs that do not follow these standards. And only one song per person please!
1st place- Gets to read and/or perform their song on the show. They also get to choose from either a Runway Dorothy CD or a Jakob Martin CD.
2nd place- Gets their song posted on the site, along with the left over CD.
3rd place- Gets their song posted on the site.
Deadline- October 31st, 2008.
*Also please note that if you have no way of playing the song on an instrument or of recording it, no worries! Lyrics are all that is needed!*
We look forward to seeing all of your amazing entries!