Jackson Afraid of Spiders?

Oct 1st, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Jackson-Rathbone.org has a new interview with the actor here!

Q: Tell us three random facts about yourself


1. I slept under my desk all through my senior year at Interlochen Arts Academy.
2. I’m terrified of spiders.
3. I’m fairly colorblind. I mix up colors like blues and purples or reds and greens.

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11 Comments to “Jackson Afraid of Spiders?”

  1. Nia says:

    Ah, I have arachnophobia!

    (even though I’ve never slept under a desk)

  2. Haley says:

    hey i’m afraid of spiders too!!! stupid aragog in harry potter and the chamber of secrets! it scarded me half to death!

  3. Quinn says:

    ZOMG marry me Jackson
    I loooooooooooove youuuuuuuu
    i want that picture
    I’m not legally old enough to get married though (11 yrs.)
    Oh well
    Love ya

  4. Quinn says:

    about that person who was talking about aragog, i thought that he was cute but i thought that his little siblings were FREAKY
    Bye Bye
    I want to marry either
    Jackson Rathbone
    Kellan Lutz
    Michael Carter (he goes to my school)
    they’re all hot 🙂

  5. Teri says:

    Awww, he’s colorblind. That’s so cool, lol. My great-grandfather was colorblind. I’ve always found that interesting and wondered what it would be like to see through his eyes.

  6. KellyTST says:

    thats cool that they were like brothers! And Kallie and Kia saw them together at a restaurant in Portland so hes not lying!

  7. hal says:

    i love him! he is definitly the cutest cullen. i dont like spiders at all either.

  8. Erin(: says:

    I SOOOOOO CALL DIBS ON JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What now?!?! I am so freaked out by bugs!(aka EXPECT for llady bugs and butterflies) Jackson if you read this(which I so dout!) color bindness is so awsome! You don’t see the colors, the colors are in your mind and you have to dig for them. Deep within you will find your inner reds, greens blues and purples.
    I’M SUCH A DORK! I’m writing a comment to Jackson Rathbone which he probally will never read my vamptastic comment EVER! LOLZ! But lets say call me what you want because I am a Loyal, Dependable, Hardworking person who doesn’t care what other people say because I’m just so AWSOME!<3

  9. cass says:

    that guy looks like a massive alien pedo weirdo. crossbred with tom cruise.


    and all you guys are a tad creepy and obsessive, seeing as twilight wasnt a particularly good book.

  10. Rachel says:

    well,cass if you didnt like twilight, the nwhy are on the website for twilight FANS?!?!

  11. cass says:

    my friend told me to check it out to see all you guys going nuts over weird alien pedos in the probably crap version of a relatively badly written book 🙂

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