Oct 3rd, 2008 | By Alex | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsSeth just updated Stephenie’s site saying this
Summit has let us know that there will be a new, final trailer for TWILIGHT coming soon! It will be debuting in theatres on Friday, October 10th in front of certain movies (it is at the discretion of the individual theatres). There will also be a sneak peak of the new trailer on Entertainment Tonight on Thursday, October 9th. Immediately following the sneak peak, Summit is letting the fans be the first to see the trailer online in its entirety and share it.
What you need to know:
- You can see the trailer first online before it’s officially released, via the Twilight widget. If you don’t have the widget, you can grab it from the official film site at
- The trailer will be available exclusively via the widget starting at 8:00 PM PST on October 9th for one hour, before launching in HD on MySpace at 9:00 PM PST.
- A countdown clock will be added to the widget shortly, counting down to this highly anticipated event.
Stay tuned for more exciting movie news!
AHHHH!!!!! I(Alex) cant wait as i am sure you cant either!