What Belongs in the Movie Twilight?

Oct 4th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

This week we want to know two things…

1. What do you think HAS to make it from the book to the movie?

2. What can you live without?

131 Comments to “What Belongs in the Movie Twilight?”

  1. Rachel says:

    1. I have to see Bella fall down the stairs and through a window.
    2. I can live without the airport scene in the VERY Beginning when Renee is dropping Bella off @ the airport.

  2. Angel Marie says:

    One thing that definately has to be in the movie is the part where Jacob comes during their prom to talk to Bella. I just think that would be way cool to see. As well as the part before the baseball scene when Edward takes Bella to his house to meet the family. More specifically where we get to see Edwards room and his collection of music. Oh and of course when Bella tries to flirt with Jacob to get info on Edward.

    If I’m being honset I cant really say what I could stand to miss in the movie. Im pretty cool with the flexibility that has to go into adapting a book to film. But one thing I think I could be ok with missing is the blood typing scene. Im so not a fan of needles! lol

  3. Sarah L. aka Team Nessie says:

    Ok ok, so for me I would really like to see three things in the movie.
    1. Edward and the rest of the Cullens seeing the video that James made in the ballet studio.
    I know it wasnt in the book, (being in Bella’s POV and all) but I feel that it would be really cool to see the his reaction, plus Alice’s reaction to James knowing who she is. It just seems like a good idea I mean I can just picture them in the waiting room or something watching that while Bella is sleeping or something. (I just gave myself the chills LOL).
    2. This one is kinda a dumb request but I have this little bet with my friend about Edwards piano. When reading it I pictured the piano white (because the room is white.. so it makes sense) she on the other hand pictured it black. So for me I would love to see the piano white (except if its black I will be ok with that)
    3. All the guys asking Bella to prom, hilarious!!! (enough said)
    I can live without Bella going dress shopping with the Angela and Jessica (I could be wrong on the humans sorry if I am) and the time when Bella was in the hotel with Alice and Jasper. I felt those times were just plain boring and I dont mind to see them cut.
    Great Podcast!!!
    Sarah L. aka Team Nessie

  4. Alex says:

    1. I really want the ride back from Port Angeles in the movie because it is such an important time in their relationship. It’s the first time Edward has his guard down for Bella and is answering her questions.

    2. I could live without the week that Edward isn’t there. Okay they can show like one day of him not being there but don’t drag it on and on. That would be a waste of valuable film time! Oh yea and when she’s stuck in the hotel waiting for Edward. That is the worst part of the book for me.

    Cant wait for the MOVIE! woot woot!

  5. Sabrina says:

    i think there needs to be a scene in the movie where Edward watching Bella sleep. I think that is so important to the begining stage of thier relationships. Because she talks in her sleep it is the only time Edward can see what is going on in her head especially with all her insecurites.
    I cant think of a scene i can live without. I know they have to cut out some, but i cant think of one!
    Love the podcast!

  6. Kourtnee B. says:

    1. Edward watching Bella sleep
    2. The confrontation in the hospital
    3. The Prom scene with Jake
    4. The whole Port Angeles scene
    5. The first time they had lunch together
    * some of the scenes i listed i already know were filmed i hope they are put in the movie

  7. chelsea y. says:

    Hey Girls!

    So, the thing that I absolutely have to see in the movie is the meadow scene. This scene, the famous 13th chapter, is one of the most crucial scenes in the book – it’s where Edward + Bella start. Well, yeah, the first part of the story is Edward and Bella, but not Edward + Bella together, if you know what I mean. In this scene, Edward is so… unrestrained. And Bella is so openminded. Both of them are so honest and here they really let their love for each other come into play. Some of the most memorable Twilight lines come from this chapter, too (my favorite being: and so the lion fell in love with the lamb). And, obviously, it is their first ever kiss. I mean, if that is not important, then I don’t know what is. I already know that they are putting this is the movie, but I’m worried that they can’t capture the scene correctly. If the movie makers cannot film it just right, then I would be really disappointed. Of course, it can’t be exactly as I myself had pictured it, but I do hope that they make the dialogue and passion between Edward and Bella intense and real.

    Anyway, love your guys’ podcast. Can’t wait until the next one!

    ~chelsea y.~

  8. Danielle F. says:

    wow that’s probably your hardest question of the week yet, that’s because for me there’s no part in the book that i could really be will to give up. The story would just be off then, but thats a screen writters job so most lickely they took out the part that could be taken out and it would just run smoothly for us.

    Well the sceen that i think is the most improtant is the first time in the cafiteria when Edward and Bella’s eyes first meet, well i guess it’s not that important but i think it’s nesicary.

    NOw here’s the hard part, what scene could i live with out? let me think … … … … … … … I would have to go with how Bella hates that speed of being on Edward’s back while he’s running. I picked this because there’s more imoportant scences that there going to need time to do, andif you take this out it wouldn’t mess up the story.

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes

    LOve the pod cast


  9. chelsea y. says:

    Hey Girls (again)!

    So sorry – I didn’t read the part about what scene I could live without.

    The scene that I could live without would have to be where Bella is wandering through the forest, figuring out that Edward is a vampire. Since this movie wont feature Bella’s thoughts being said out loud to the audience, it would be really boring to see her walking through the woods and sitting on a tree trunk, thinking.

    I know that that scene would probably be left out already, but the other scenes seem more important to the story.

    Now I am – offically – done.

    ~chelsea y.~

  10. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    Okay, ladies, seriously… I think I have some beef with you! I love y’all to pieces but I must say I’m shocked! Are you really going to read and discuss things from the actual Twilight script? What shocks me is you won’t read Midnight Sun but you’ll blow open the Twilight script before the movie comes out. I hope I misunderstood, and it sounded like you might just speculate what will/will not be in the movie. I don’t want to sound mean–I’m not! I’m a faithful listener and I click your topsite button several times a day, but I was really surprised you’d read one but not the other. (I’d LOVE to hear a few shows on Midnight Sun, that’s why I’m so earnest about this!)

    Oh, and Stephenie is a patron in a restaurant scene in the movie.

    To actually answer the question….

    There MUST be the Port Angeles scene, because that’s when all the tension melts into affection for them both and can make the Meadow scene possible, which also MUST be in there. I’m sure everyone will agree to those scenes. Biology class, yes; blood typing day, yes; so on and so forth.

    As for what I could do without…. Actually, I’m probably one of the few, if any, who has never really grasped the baseball scene. I understand that when they can shed the human facade and let their hair down and not limit themselves, a physical game like baseball must seem quite a relief. But I have a hard time with all these perfectly gorgeous vampires who wear designer labels and don’t make a wrong move suddenly dawning frumpy baseball uniforms and enjoying the American pasttime. I actually kind of cringe when I see the pictures of the actors in the pinstripe uniforms. It’s just so…un-Edward. So, even though there’s no chance of it happening, I’d omit the baseball scene and have the Cullens run into the nomads in a different method. Don’t ask me what that scenario would be–that’s the screen writer’s job! I hope the baseball scene in the movie in INCREDIBLE so I’m finally sold on it.

  11. Meg says:

    1I think that what really, really has to be in the movie is Edward’s charm. I know it’s probably not really what your asking, but I’m being honest. Edward wouldn’t be Edward without his irristable charm. And without Edward, there is no Twilight, and with no Twilight there is no movie.
    2Okay, the meadow scene absolute HAS to be in the movie. If it isn’t I honestly, might just die. Or at leaste leave the theator. One of those. It’s just so important….and I love it.

  12. BellaEmy says:

    1. The thing that absolutely needs to be in the movie for me isn’t a seen its more of Edward’s habits, Edward always has his arm around Bella’s waist it is absolutely burned into my memory its a mark of his protection for her. Whenever I imagine Edward and Bella he always has his arm around her waist. The other thing that has to be kept in is how Edward kisses Bella’s neck and colar bone its such a powerful and sensual image that I connect with Edward and Bella.
    2. I think that the movie can live without the part where the Cullens aren’t in schhol because it’s sunny outside (or at least part of it) This scene would just go on forever and there are so many more important parts that should be included.

  13. Cynthia says:

    Okay the Scene I absolutely have to see in the Movie Is:
    PORT Angeles….hands down
    this by far has to be the most shocking scene in the entire book and i just love it

    I Definately could live without:
    Bella researching on the internet about vampires, it really isnt that crucial of a part
    But regardless, i cant wait for the movie, its going to be awesome!
    Love the podcast ladies,

  14. Sarah says:

    OF COURSE THE MEADOW!!! hahahahha well, i want to see ANY part of Edward and Bella’s interactions, and maybe even the part where Bella goes to the Cullen’s house.

    I could live WITHOUT the tension. i can see myself just going CRAZY over the parts where Bella thinks Edward hates her. I WOULD ME SCREAMING!!!

    as you can see, i have lots to look foward too, i love love LOVE your podcast and i hope the movie wont dissapoint!

  15. Sarah says:

    Correction guys sorry i meant to say Mostly the part where bella goes to the cullen’s hosue

  16. Morgan says:


    well…the scene that HAS to be in the movie is THE MEADOW SCENE!! its the best scene in the book && its when Edward and Bella first Kiss and it becomes their special place.

    I think they could leave out some of the scenes where Bella trips over all the time. Yes it’s part of her character to be clumsy but it sometimes gets a bit annoying and I think they should leave some of the trips out. But of course they need to leave some in lol

    Keep up the awesome Work

    Morgan xoxo

  17. charlotte says:

    What im worried about is not if they cut things out im just scared that all of my favourite parts will be cut short. In my ideal world the book ould be the script but one thing i am especcially hoping they put in is when edward first composes bella’s lulluby for esme (that bit is acctually from midnight sun but who cares) . One thing i could live without seeing in this movie is when bella does all that reckess flirting with jacob at the beach because i felt sorry for him (even though i am definately team edward all the way). Love the podcast guys!

    P.S. if you guys see rob at the premiere in L.A. can you ask him to marry me? THX


  18. Caroline says:

    1. First Kiss
    2. Second Kiss
    3. And so on ….

  19. Kam says:

    1. Meadow scene
    2. First time he stays over Bellas
    3. When Bella says she loves him and when Edward tells Bella he loves her
    4. The last hospital scene(it’s so sweet:) )
    5. First time they see each other
    6. The whole blood typing chapter
    7. Port Angeles

    And what I can live without well…

    1. Jacob and Bill coming over

  20. Ashley says:

    Can’t live without:

    1) First Sight
    2) first Biology lab together( aka “Open Book” chapter)
    3) PORT ANGELES! the whole chapter!
    4) where Edward and Bella confront each other after Bella is dispatched from hospital after being saved from van
    6) first time Edward invited Bella to sit with him alone at lunch
    7) the whole blood typing thing
    8) Clair de Lune
    9) the song “Time is Running Out” by Muse. that inspired Stephenie Meyer!
    10) “Your hair looks like a haystack. But I like it.” lol. sorry that was random. but still.

    that’s all i can think of now.
    oh! their first kiss, definitely. i wonder how they’re going to make spunk ransom’s skin sparkle. CGI, perhaps?

  21. Annabel says:

    OK, so I really have to see the intense chemistry between my husband, Edward, and Bella portrayed well. That is so vital to the story, it would not be worth reading without the love scenes. Also, when they first kiss. It made my heart melt when I read that part.

    I think that I could live without the whole Mike thing. Mike Schmike. Who needs him when you have my husband, Edward? Also I don’t want so much Charlie. Charlie can’t do anything, he just sits on the couch watching baseball while Bella is his slave. I can just imagine him calling Bella to open his beer because he can’t reach it- it’s on the other end of the coffee table.

  22. Chloe says:

    >The first time they had lunch together
    >The confrontation in the hospital
    >The Prom scene with Jake
    >The whole Port Angeles scene
    >Edward watching Bella sleep

  23. Gayl E. says:


    2. I can live without the.. (blank)

  24. Alex says:

    1. I Cannot Live Without My Favorite Part, Where She Wakes o And Says You Stayed An Leaps Into His Lap! And Edward Says Your Hair Looks Like a Haystack, But I Like It! That is My Favorite Scene EVER. I Hope They Do That, Even If They Don’t Ill Be 0-k I Guess

    2. They Extra Scene, At The Beginning When Billy And Jacib Give Her Her Truck, I Don’t Think That is Neccasary.

  25. Chelsi says:

    lion fell in love with lamb quote,

    blood typing chapter

    could live without: i don’t know…..

  26. Olivia says:

    i can’t live without them showing the first time edward sleeps over. its one of my favorite parts in the book and i hope it turns out good. also any scene involving edward missing a piece of clothing i can FOR SURE not live without.
    i can live without any scene involving jacob. seriously.

  27. Marissa says:

    I couldn’t live without the meadow scene it’s my absolute favorite scene, and I love when Edward says ” And so the lion fell in love with the lamb” ( Sorry if I didn’t quote it exactly but you know what I am talking about). I would be dissapointed if that scene didn’t make it in. Although if they some how captured the different emotions that went on then I wouldn’t be too sad because that is the most important part ( along with the kiss but that just goes without saying πŸ˜› ) . I know many probably had this answer, I tried not to read them on my way down, but it really is the best scene in the book! Also when Edward says he loves Bella for the first time in thoughs exact words is soooooo awesome and I really hope that they will like make it so he says it a little while after Bella says it, because I think it means a little more than if he just said I love you too right after she said I love you.

    I could live without ( this is really difficult because I love every single scene) the day when they do blood typing. It just wouldn’t make a very big difference if it were taken out. I think it is cute and sometimes funny but doesn’t do much for the plot of the story. Ouch that was painful to write because like I said before I love every scene and I know some scenes are going to be condenced and I’m alright with that because like I saw the grenhouse scene and I loved it. They are going to do a fantastic job with the movie regaurdless . Kristen and Rob are going to do a fantastic job , so will the rest of the cast but those two will make or break the movie.

    Sorry if my answer was really long, I love the podcast!

  28. Christina says:

    I can live without some things, like Bella reading that book that had all those names that were either close to or actually were Edward. But I can’t live without Mike, Tyler, and Eric all asking Bella to the dance in all the same day! That was just too funny. πŸ™‚

  29. Jacq says:

    Edward watching Bella as she sleeps.

    I want to see how Edward sneaks into her room. I guess this part is also crucial to the story line because is shows how Edward fought off his urge or instinct to bit her as she lay there on her bed unconsciously and how he wonder silently why he can’t ‘hear’ her.

    It is just creepy in real life to know someone is watching you on your sleep. XD

  30. Lauren says:

    I am hoping some of cuter lines from the book survived the adaptation. I would love to hear Robert Pattinson say, “If I could dream and at all, it would be about you.” and “What if I’m not the super hero? What if I”m the bad guy?” I know it is not possible for the book to survive line by line, but I hope some of the more memorable lines make it into the movie.

    I know everything from the book can’t make it, and I can live without some of the scenes that don’t act as huge plot catalysts. We don’t absolutely need to see every time Bella trips, every Biology class, and every single gym class. I love Twilight and want to see a fantastic movie, and i think little changes like this would help the movie to continuously move.

  31. alma says:

    1.wen edward and bella are in the medow
    2.wen billy gives charlie the truck

  32. Lisa from Germany says:

    those are good questions… my answer would be:

    1. the “lion and the lamb” Dialogue between Edward and Bella because it just summs up what the book is about

    2. porbably Jessicas and Bellas oh so long conversaton about the spring dance and Mike Newton. i don’t like that guy… even though Mike Welch is awesome!!!!!!!!!

    You guys are geniuses!!!!!!! keep up the great work.
    sending hugs all across the ocean

  33. hal says:

    1. there has to be when during their first kiss she has the exact same reaction to him.and when edward meets charlie.
    2. i can live without her lonly dinners with charlie and the silent conversations.

  34. ashley says:

    1.) the first time edward stays while she sleeps and bella knows he is there.
    2.) i can live without the airport scene in the begining, when bella gets droped of to go to forks.

  35. Fleur says:

    1)I have to see the La Push scence, the nightmare and when she looks at the internet, when Jaaob tells her about the legends, because that makes the book, because without that scene, she would of never found out about them being vampires.
    The meadow scene, because it’s goodddd
    When she first meets the Cullens
    when Edward watches her sleep (:

    2) I can’t choose, to me all the scenes are important.

  36. Alethia .O-A says:

    I think that the car scene after the ball game should be in the movie, because this is when Edward, Bella, Alice, and Emmett decide how to save Miss Bella Swan. Something that could be left out is some of the first day class scenes, I like them but, they could probably be left out. I’m only 12 so I’m hoping my parents will let me see the movie! I’ve mentioned it many times, but haven’t gotten around to to straight out asking yet. ha ha ha. Anyway this is what I think.

  37. Andrea says:

    A scene that absolutely needs to be in the movie is the part where Bella is being followed by the men and Edward speeds to her side and rescues her and the scene afterward where he’s telling her how he would love to kill the men.

    A scene I can live without is where Bella and Charlie are in the car talking, on their way to Forks from Port Angeles, when she first arrives.

  38. KP :) says:

    1) They really need to make an emphasis on the eye colors
    2) The Beach scene
    3) When Edward watches her sleep
    4) Emmett’s sense of humor πŸ™‚

    5) I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT ANYTHING THAT IS IN THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Madsi Alice Portrayer says:

    1.)I have to see the Port Angeles scene,I mean this is the part where Bella like does the 20 questions to ge Edward to tell her he is a vampire,oh and f course the scene where Alice and Jasper appear and Edwards door and Alice says we thought you were having Bella as a snack and wanted to know if you would share that part was pretty good.I also would love to see Bella flirting with Jacob!!And I just have to see when Edward says and so the lion falls in love with the lamb.

    2.)I can live without Jacob going to the Prom,Renee takig Bella to the airport,and Edwards week gone.

  40. The Twihard says:

    I think what HAS to make it in the movie is… the dinner in Port Angeles, because that’s were we find out pretty much everything, or the meadow scene, because it’s were they’re truly being thereself.

    I don’t know what I could live without , GOD, this weeks questions are hard.

  41. Marci (major obsessed) says:

    What I hope they cut out is the scenes where the vampires are hunting the animals. I don’t think we need to see too much of that…….I don’t want the movie to be gross or obseen.

  42. i says:

    1. i think if there is a chapter title for the event it should be in the movie (i.e. chapter 5, Blood Type)

    2. i think the events could b shortened for time like the blood typing, ok edward is ditching, bella gets woozy, edward comes to save her because she’s layng on the sidewalk, and that makes mike jealous, edward takes bella home after they go to the nurse, see…shortened.

    i just want to see what the producers came up with, and i want to see it soon…ugh…november 21…its so far away! πŸ™

  43. Alexis says:

    1. Dinner in Port Angeles and the ride back. Oh! and when Jacob tells Bella about the Quilette myths!

    2. When Bella’s in her backyard reading the Jane Austen stuff…they could leave that out.

  44. Elizabeth says:

    1. What I really want and better be in the movie is a really small scene that most people might not think about. I really loved it when after the meadow Edward and Bella go back home and he stays with her. I thought that was one of the most romantic scenes and the cutest in the whole book. But my favorite is when Bella wakes up and Edward tells her that her hair looks like a haystack and he likes it, very hilarious. But they BETTER put in the part where she asks about what she says in her sleep and Edward tells her that she said she loves him. Those parts were my favorite in the book, besides the whole meadow scene of course. It just showed how much they really love each other and how they were finally able to say it and express it.

    2. I think the whole book is crucial, but it would be impossible to fit it into one movie so I think all the phone conversations between her and Jessica could be cut. I just can’t think of any part that I could be satisfied of if they cut it.

  45. Bagels says:

    1. This may sound strange to some people, but I actually like the Port Angeles part better then the Meadow scene. Shocker I know!! That being said, I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THE PORT ANGELES PART!!! but i’ll probably die a million times over if they don’t put the meadow scene in, but i know they are so i don’t have to worry!! πŸ™‚
    2. What I can live without??? Hmm… let’s see… Take your pick: maybe the scene w/ Bella and her mom at the airport, but they can absolutely NOT take out any scenes w/ Edward, and not just because I LOVE him but because every scene w/ him is incredibly crucial and important to the plot. Bella saying bye to her mom: not so much.

  46. Des says:

    1.) bottom of page 318 when Edward’s kiss makes Bella faint …that must be in the movie, it’s funny and romantic and it’s so relative to their relationship, now that they have openly declared their love for each other and let their guard down about their true feelings after spending the day together in the meadow.

    2.) Leave out some of the “Bella doing things on her own” like going to the grocery store, etc., those could be implied by showing her unpack groceries we don’t actually need to watch her shopping in the store.

  47. Sa'Misty says:

    1) I HAVE TO see where Edward was being mean on purpose. What is this part you ask? Well it’s when Bella was trying to get out of school and Edward parks in the middle of the read so that Tyler has a chance to ask her to the dance πŸ˜€
    I would just pay to see the devious look on his face πŸ™‚

    2) I could live with out the first chapter where she is getting dropped off at the airport by her mom… just not that interesting

  48. sarah smiles says:

    I am a very picky person, so my answer may be a long one

    First of all, i cannot live without
    a) the meadow scene (like everyone else answering this question)
    b) Bella kissing Edward for the first time (*swoon*)
    c) That line the first morning after the meadow scene where Bella jumps into Edward’s arms after waking up and says “Edward you stayed!” that was just so sweet
    d) seeing James ripped to pieces, that was so freakishly cool, quite amazing ( i’m a freak :-))

    Secondly, i can live without
    a) seeing Bella take a shower πŸ™‚
    b) seeing Bella throw a fit in the car on the way to prom (that was a little childish, i must say)
    c) I can live without all those scenes with Bella all alone, it’s not that they were terribly boring, just not very interesting, i wouldn’t mind them being cut

  49. elise says:

    1. the hotel and airport scene at the end of the book i think would be great to on screen. When i was reading it my stomach was upside down the whole time and i couldn’t put the book down. I think it was just do emotional for everyone and right before Bella got to see Edward again, she decided to run away and get herself almost killed. For some reason i really can’t wait to see (on screen) Jasper’s expression when Bella wants him to take her to the restroom at the airport instead of Alice, Jasper is just so cute. I think the scenes where Bella is in the cab and running down the sidewalk to get to the dance studio will be great to see, Kristen Stewart is such a good actor.

    2. i don’t think anything should be left out. I know as a reader of the books i will be upset if they leave anything out.

  50. HannahCullen says:

    I think most of the key essential scenes that happen to be my favorites are in the movie, and have been reported as being in the movie.
    Some things that I can live without are the length of some of the scenes. Like, when Bella, Alice, and Jasper are at the hotel. That just goes on and on. THey can cut some of that. And also some other little scenes that aren’t necessary to the story.

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