Moviefone has two new exclusive photos here!
haha wats with the sudden rush of new pics?!?!?!?!
im not complaining 😛
Rob is so HANDSOME! AHHH *Melt*
omg love them!!! rob is soooo cute!
Ah, I love the waterfall pic. Today was like Twilight Christmas! I hope tomorrow is the same, Twilight Hanukkah; 8 days of extras 🙂 I can dream.
I know suddenly their having like a picture rush thing!!!!!! but obviously not complaining!!!!! lol!! I love the new pic of rob!!!! God, can he get any more gorgeous?!…the answer is yes; yes he can!!!!!!!! lol!!!
Jazz (Team Edward,Bella,Renesme!)
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haha wats with the sudden rush of new pics?!?!?!?!
im not complaining 😛
Rob is so HANDSOME! AHHH *Melt*
omg love them!!! rob is soooo cute!
Ah, I love the waterfall pic. Today was like Twilight Christmas! I hope tomorrow is the same, Twilight Hanukkah; 8 days of extras 🙂 I can dream.
I know suddenly their having like a picture rush thing!!!!!! but obviously not complaining!!!!! lol!! I love the new pic of rob!!!! God, can he get any more gorgeous?!…the answer is yes; yes he can!!!!!!!! lol!!!
Jazz (Team Edward,Bella,Renesme!)