Twilight Banned?

Oct 7th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

The Orange County Register is reporting that the Twilight Series books were banned in San Juan Capistrano schools because of questionable content.ย  The books were only banned for 4 days, then reinstated.ย  They also have a short list of other frequently banned books.

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22 Comments to “Twilight Banned?”

  1. KK says:

    I’m not surprised….blasphmey…. that kinda thing…. they shoulde be int banned books week! That was two weeks ago…

  2. wow! Im glad I don’t live there! We have teachers that are just as much in love as we are! So I do think it will be! (luckily!)

  3. allysa says:

    that is stupid!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Briannah says:

    Breaking Dawn was banned in the scholastic book fair or some other shiznat.
    Dumb, huh?

  5. Laura says:

    They also banned MARK TWAIN! Next time they’ll probably ban History books for being racist and Health books for being sexually explicit!

  6. renae says:

    i can’t suprised but that’s sad

  7. Erin(: says:

    BREAKING DAWN! TWILIGHT SAGA NOW BAND BOOK???*local news music plays in background*
    I’m absolutly not suprised!!!!! Hello? WHO DOESN’T LOVE<3 BAND BOOKS??? Aka now Twilight…then HP??
    WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!!!!!!!!!*Ahhh the Volturi is going to kill us all AHHHH!*
    I can’t help but laugh because like even one in my school is like’ OMT! I LOVE TWILIGHT!’ even my English teacher is reading it….which is pretty Twilight Zone.. but more Twilight fans the merry!
    This is Erin signing out…*more local news music plays*

  8. Erin(: says:


  9. Erin(: says:

    Sorry I have the WORST spelling problem…. I meant Banned! GAWSH! This isn’t cool how badly I can’t spell!

  10. sissy says:

    i do not know why but this struck me as HiLARiOUS!!!! omgsh im cracking up
    TWILIGHT banned???!!! pshaw!
    like that would keep any rabid fan away! if that were me, i’d drive to another library to get the books, switch the covers, and read it during CLASS muahaha
    this is too funny. and four days?!?! baahaha. she realized this saga was too big for her to handle! or maybe she couldn’t overlook the fact that she is a closet-Cullenist

    thank you for brightening my dayy!!
    ~sissy =)

  11. Tiffany C. says:

    If they banne history books, i’d be soooo incredibly happy!! haha

    that is ridiculous though…why ban the bible?

  12. Alissa says:


    They dont even do anything till they are married.
    I always thought that was a good message
    “The right man will always wait for you”

    So if that isnt a good message boy-crazed middle school girls. then i have no clue what is?

  13. Bagels says:

    i can kinda get y they might ban BD in like an elementary school, but anything higher just seems ridiculous.

  14. Jasmine says:

    That’ sooo gay it’s not even funny!!!! I mean “Hello?!” What were they thinking?!

    Jazz (Team Edward,Bella,Renesme!)

  15. rita says:

    i agree with Bagels……..
    they cant possibly ban the rest of the series without a judgmental reason. (BD i kinda understand…….)

  16. Shteff! says:

    O_o thats amazingly funny. To me anyway…I’m shocked they didn’t personally ban it from my hands in school since I had it confiscated so many times *sighs* It is pretty lame that they…go to the extremes of banning something like a book O_o wow..

  17. Mrs. Edward Cullen says:

    That is so stupid! Banning a book because it’s “too mature” for middle school students! HA! There is nothing wrong with Twilight that middle school students shouldn’t be reading them. If they are talking about the sex parts in Breaking Dawn, then that’s stupid too! Stephenie Meyer doesn’t give too many details and it’s not explicit at all. Actually, these series do give a lesson, because they are MARRIED when Edward and Bella make love. That actually is a model for girls out there to wait until we are married to have sex! In my opinion, they had NO reason to ban Twilight! There are actually many other TV shows and movies out there that are WAY worse than Twilight; like Gossip Girl, 90210, One Tree Hill, Degrassi, Secret Life and more (even though I watch those shows lol)! TWILIGHT ROXS! (wow, i actually used proper grammar on this comment, which I normally don’t do, so this means a lot to me lol) I am also SO glad that they haven’t banned Twilight at my school and I’m in middle school too! My English teacher knows about the book, and my science teacher wants to read the books and he is a 50 year old guy who already has gray hair! I think that’s kinda funny though ๐Ÿ™‚

    ~TWILIGHT~ IS MY CRACK! @_@ ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. irishmommy says:

    this is stupid..if you don’t want YOUR brats to watch or read Twilight…….. just because it is YOUR belief thta the book/movie is “EVIL” don’t forus your stupidity on the rest of us. the soaps now days have more sex in them then ever and you don’t hear these people bitching abotu banning their soaps…lol

    look I am a mommy of two boys. I screen everything they watch..I don’t think any thing should be banned…as much as I think the “freedom of Speech” is abused… they are right they can have out what they want maybe you should make a Christian only library if you don’t want your kids watching or reading something….don’t try to take away other people’s rights to read ( because they are not scared little babies) what they want. if you raised your children right they will be able to read soemthing and know what is real or not… if they can’t it is YOUR own fault. Don’t blame the devil or god or the library for your short comings with your kids. learn to deal witht he world of today the “devil” does not live in books he is not going to jump out and suck your kids into the hell you are afraid of because they read a BOOK or watched a MOVIE!!! get over your self already……damn I hate stupid people!!

    an annoyed mommy

  19. irish mommy says:

    damn I can’t spell today lol to early to be awake… that and force about

  20. I am Mrs. Edward Cullen says:

    I never ever ban the twilight series because there is nothing wrong with the book. It is the best book I ever read and if you ever ban the twilight series then the person who ever thinks about banning the book’s series then they are really really stupid.

    • Rosie says:

      THANK GOD!! I’m also working on banning Twilight, period. The plot is…there is no plot, it’s an insult to vampires and readers everywhere. But THAT’S not why i want it banned. It’s the attacks and suicides that have been going on because of the books. A boy in his chemistry class had acid thrown at him and was stabbed with a broken beaker. now he’s partially blind. When a friend of mine bought a “why twilight sucks” Book, a girl tackled her and started beating her with new moon. Not to mention the new crack religion, “Cullinism.” I’m all for books, but this has gone WAY too far.

  21. EM says:

    GOOD for THEM!! twilight is BULLS*!

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