Twilight Midnight Showing?

Oct 13th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Is your local theater showing Twilight at midnight?ย  We have some listeners that are working hard to get their theaters to realize that a midnight showing is a MUST!ย  If you have any bright ideas, or if you need some help getting your theater’s attention you can leave comments on this post!

One listener, Kim, actually thought this up… she is in the Philadelphia area, and if you want to contact her you can email,

141 Comments to “Twilight Midnight Showing?”

  1. KimCullen says:

    hang ten… no midnight movies scheduled yet for Bend or Redmond, OR.. It looks like the major theaters in your area are Regal Cinemas..

    Regal Old Mill (541) 382-6347
    Regal Pilot Butte (541) 382-6347
    Redmond Cinemas (541) 548-1244

    For anyone else inquiring about an Edwards / Regal / United Artists, the corporate contact info is:
    Regal Entertainment Group
    Phone: 1-865-922-1123 (if you live in Tennessee)
    Customer Relations: 1-877-TELLREGAL or 1-877-835-5734

    or send them an email inquiry by using this form:

  2. KimCullen says:

    For any high school age Twilight fans concerned that a midnight show on a school night is impossible.. Remember that some theaters that run “midnight” movies actually start them at 10pm! Make sure to ask about that once they confirm a midnight release ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. KimCullen says:

    Remember to tell your theaters just how big the fan base is, and how many of your friends want to attend!
    This is what theater general managers care about! Lots of people asking for a movie (in their eyes) means PROFIT: more seats sold and more importantly, more concessions sold.

    Kansas City Star did a great article on Summitโ€™s facts about the popularity of the books / anticipation for the film. Consider printing this out and giving it to your theater:

  4. KimCullen says:

    Shteff — about getting a midnight release in Liverpool, England – or anywhere else that is releasing the movie after Nov 21.. It may be too early to get a concrete answer from the theaters.. but its never too early to express interest to guest services / theater management.. Since you have extra time, perhaps you can organize with your Twilight friends to visit the theater once a week.. Or draw up a petition with names and email addresses of Twilight fans in your area that want the midnight release.. These are just ideas to get you started — good luck, and keep us posted!

  5. KimCullen says:

    Sorry its taken so long.. Anna & Avery – our Louisiana Twilighters ๐Ÿ™‚
    Neither Baton Rouge or Bossier City currently have a midnight show scheduled..

    It looks like Bossier’s big theater is a Regal Cinema called Bossier Corners 318-742-9922

    Baton Rouge has some more options:
    Citiplace Stadium (also Regal) 225-216-0064
    Rave Motion Pictures (225) 753-2710

    Rave Motion Pictures theaters in AL, AR, FL, IL, IN, LA, MI, NV, OH, PA, TN, TX
    will have advance tickets go on sale Oct 24th.. at that point you should see midnight movies posted if they are scheduled.

  6. KimCullen says:

    Didn’t mean to forget Amanda, another Baton Rouge Twilighter and the Twilight premiere birthday girl! Hope you have a great night!

  7. KimCullen says:

    Advance Twilight ticket sales:

    AMC – November 7th

    Rave Motion Pictures theaters in AL, AR, FL, IL, IN, LA, MI, NV, OH, PA, TN, TX
    will have advance tickets go on sale Oct 24th.. at that point you should see midnight movies posted if they are scheduled. (Thanks to Kayte @ HGE)

    Cinemark (thanks to Kayla @ BAE)
    Advance tickets will go on sale October 24th and at that time all theatres showing this film and who might be showing it at midnight will be listed on the website.

    Wehrenberg Theaters (Missouri and Arizona) There WILL be midnight shows at their theaters and they hope to have tickets available online sometime THIS week. (Thanks to Che @ BAE)

  8. KimCullen says:

    For anyone in the Chicago area, check here for theater contact info:

  9. Courtney Byron says:

    Is Cinemark Tinseltown USA or Cinema de Lux: Stonybrook in Louisville, Ky having a midnight showing because i thought they were and all my friends and i were gonna go.

  10. TAMMY says:


  11. Nicole Stevenson says:

    is there a midnight showing in the conroe tx area? i want to have a huge party. Im like the biggest fan ever. I think its unhealthy, because i have so many twilight things. i even make bed covers and pillows!!!! lol anyways if anyone has any info plz tell me

  12. Mackenzie says:

    Are they showing a midnight movie Grand Rapids, Michigan? if the are ul you tell me which theatre?

  13. Brooke says:

    Does anyone know if any theaters in the West Palm Beach, FL area are doing a midnight showing?

    I tried to search on Fandango to find out, but failed miserably, haha.

  14. sandra says:

    hey, is regal theater in opry mills mall in nashville tennessee having a midnight showing?
    please comment soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Caroline says:

    Does anyone know if Gallery Cinemas in Colchester will have a midnight showing.
    My whole school LOVES Twilight ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. Emilee says:

    Is Regal Cinnama, at Lake Ronkonkoma, on Long Island, giving a midnight show?

  17. Tyler says:

    How about yakima, wa

  18. Lindsey says:

    Naperville, aurora, or bolingbrook Illinois?!!?

  19. Ceci says:

    I want to know if there will be a midnight showing for Twilight in Minnesota preferably in Anodover or East Bethel?? That would be awesome! me and my friend really wanna see it at midnight that would be Great!! Thanks=]

  20. Azure says:

    Either the theatre at enfield connecticut or east windsor or buckland hills please???!?

  21. Amy says:

    Colorado Fans Alert!!!!!
    Buy tickets for a Twilight Midnight Event on Friday Nov. 21, 2008 at 12:01 am….do you want to purchase tickets and get more information??? email me at and reserve your tickets NOW!!!!!
    This isn’t just a movie this is an event for die hard fans only!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. V says:

    miami better have a midnight premiere!! i’ve bought a shirt already and check websites daily just to be sure. i’m gonna call the theater soon too. ughhh i really hope soooo!

  23. JessicaCullen says:

    OMG! I am looking like crazy for a midnight release showing anywhere closer to my area. They only have tickets left for the showing in Huntington Beach and I can’t go that far. But as I was saying I was looking around and notice that Edward’s Cinema isn’t even planning on showing it on their opening day! What is that about? I’m going crazy looking for tickets so if anyone knows any theater that is in Los Angeles, California let me know yeah?
    email is:
    Please and thank you’s!
    -Mrs. Cullen [forever]

  24. Pamela says:

    Adrian MI is having a Twilight 12:01a.m. release on Friday the 11/21/08. They are the only ones so far listed in Michigan, that I’ve found yet anyway….:)

  25. Rachel says:

    Is there going to be a midnight showing in or near Moline Illinois? Because all of my friends and I are going if there is.

  26. Hannah says:

    Showings @ theatres in Rochester, Minnesota?

  27. amy says:

    are there going to be any midnight showings anywhere in San Francisco theaters? or Daly City theaters?

  28. Ashtin says:

    Is White Oak in Garner North Carolina?

  29. Kiersten says:

    Andrea’s a Fanpire- I saw that you said Irvine Spectrum? I’ve been going on fandango and it says that they dont havnt any dates scheduled yet, do you know if spectrum is showing twilight at midnight, and if so how can I get tickets? Thanks!

  30. emily says:

    OH NO :O i can’t go to a midnight showing :O i have a dance competition the next day and i have to wake up early . Does anyone know if atlantic cinemas is showing it?

  31. Tamara says:

    Pioneer Place Mall in Portland Oregon!!! We need a midnight showing!!!!

  32. Becca says:

    Is AMC in Kansas City, MO showing it – me and all my girlfriends want to go.

  33. Elizabeth says:

    Do you know if the Deptford Cinema in New Jersey is premiering a midnight premiere? if not do you know anywhere else that is close to there?

  34. Chloe says:

    My Placerville theater is not going to have a midnight showing! Ah! Is there anything you can do?? Big intervention!? lol
    If anything is possible, please help! We have alot of dedicated twilight fans up here in the mountains who would really love a midnight showing!!!!

  35. Janie says:

    ok. so i really wnat to go to the midnight release, if there even is one near any of the multitude of theatres….but like i wanna go with my cuzin and her mom wont let her go cuz its a skool night..
    so im really confused abt this whole midngiht thing
    its released the 21st
    so does that mean the midnight release would be 12 am of the 21st? meaning like thrusday (the 20th) nighttime?

    im really bad with this stuff..and im not even blonde!

  36. alyson cullen says:

    I need to know when and where there will be a premiere for twilight in memphis or nashville if u can please help me

  37. norma says:

    theres NO midnight premier in amarillo, tx
    how do i get them to play it…… someone!

  38. mrs.cullen:) says:

    I really hope theres a midnight showing for twilight in columbus,
    because my mom finally let me go!
    but i can’t find a theartre that has one!

  39. Liza says:

    I just got an email alert from Fandango, my theater is having the midnight showing (Sacramento, CA)!!!!! A group of my co-workers and I are going!!!!!

  40. Hannah says:

    Will there be a showing in Norfolk, VA?????????????????????????

  41. Miranda says:

    For Seattle/Tacoma fans:

    Fandango is now offering tickets for 12:01am shows at Century Theaters in Federal Way, Olympia and Lynnwood. Possibly more, but once I found the closest one to me I dropped everything to nab my tickets. I think you can order them directly from the theaters as well. YaY! My closest theater is a Regal, so I will still keep my eye on that one, but I couldn’t pass up the first tickets available.

  42. Will Wytheville, Va have the Midnight showing of Twilight.

  43. Amber says:

    I really need to know if any theaters around Torrington CT are showing Twilight at Twilight! How could no one think that this play on words would not be brilliant for this movie?!?!

  44. Lauren says:

    Cupertino/Sunnyvale,CA area??

  45. joanna says:

    I emailed Regal cinemas and the lady there said to check back every couple of weeks.
    But will Regal be selling tickets? Because a majority of people at my school want to see Twilight for the midnight viewing. I also asked someone that worked at my Regal cinemas when they would be selling tickets, and he said they didn’t know (I asked one of the people in suits, not the people behind the food counter). My regal cinemas is Cascade 16, WA.
    I am waking up @ 12 to check.

  46. Amanda says:

    Does anyone know if there will be a midnight showing in the Tampa Bay area in Florida? Tickets just went on sale in the theaters near me, but none of them show a midnight show.

  47. Ashley Bradshaw says:

    Is Columbia SC going to have one? I don’t see one anywhere. ๐Ÿ™

  48. Teddi3894 says:

    hi, i think i need some help. see i did the fandango mail alert for tickets in my area
    and now the show times are listed, but 12:00pm isn’t there!
    that’s just insane, in my opinion.
    my mom might think it just isn’t listed yet, but i’m not sure how it works, im going to my movie theater today to find out
    if they don’t sell tickets for midnight, can someone please help me find a way to convince them?

  49. erin rose says:

    will there be any midnight showings near toms river nj …. i have sooo many friends who want to see it

  50. Emilie says:

    Is there going to be a midnight showing at Carousel Mall in Syracuse, New York?

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