Cam Gigandet Interview

Oct 15th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Twilight News UK has a great new interview with Cam Gigandet which you can read here!

“Sanguina: Are there any cast or crew that you’d like to work with on another film?

Cam: Pshh. No WAY! Those people? (whistles and swirls finger by temple)

Haha, no, I think Kristen is kind of… unbelievable! So I would love to work with her again. I mean most of my stuff is actually with her. A lot of the cast members unfortunately I didn’t get to work with a lot of them, at least extensively. But also I think Rachelle and Edi are two of the most professional yet… I don’t know, they are just so enjoyable to be around and I think that is really important part of the shooting. So I really enjoyed them. And I think Rob is hilarious and talented and yeah, I mean I would work with any of them again. It’s just, after this movie, who knows what going to happen!”

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