19 Days Till November 21

Nov 2nd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Today’s question is:  #19. How do YOU think they are going to make Edward sparkle? (Funny or serious, maybe most creative, lol!)

Kallie: I am thinking modest body glitter… clubbing style! LOL!

Kassie:  Lots of glitter!!! 🙂  And I guess some great lighting.

Kelly:  Ohh maybe computer effects?  I highly doubt just straight glitter on his skin!

Muna:  Just my making him seem like he is glowing. Maybe he’ll have a twinkle in his eye like Dumbledore.

Alex:  I think they are going to have like ferry dust like….

Lexine:  i am going with a lot of creative lens flares and maybe some good powder.

McKell:  They should give us special “Dazzler” glasses that make him look even more dazzling 🙂

Marisa:  CGI? Real glitter? You could always cover the vamps in honey and chicken.

Krystal:  Maybe a combination of make-up and CGI.

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28 Comments to “19 Days Till November 21”

  1. Jane says:

    Crushed Austrian crystals! The sun would have crazy rainbows arching off of him!!! Or, they could do a glitter thing all over with the crystals glued here and there to give the glitter more of an edge.

  2. Sarah L. says:

    I totally think CGI and real glitter with a GLOW effect!! Ya… maybe thats too much…..

  3. Ana says:

    I read in the Twilight Movie Companion that ILM ended making something for Catherine that she liked. If you haven’t heard anything about it, the sparkly effect was just as much of a mission to work with as the weather was.

    They tried several things, but Catherine Hardwicke didn’t want it to look like something that came out of Vegas. They even went as far as getting the effect the jelly fish produce but none of it was IT for her. So ILM began with, “…a still image of Robert Pattinson and they produced a digital moving effect over the image. ‘There’s this animation of sparkly bits treated like a prism, and optical effect,’ says George from ILM. ‘It’s the function of the way light hits him, rather than something he is generating. He’s not putting off the light, he’s reflecting it. ‘ ILM presented it to Hardwicke, who was relieved. The look needed finessing, but it was heading the right direction. ILM would develop the final effect in post and she would shoot the live-action plates in close-up.” (YES, I quoted this directly from the book)

    So, rest assured Twilighters, Twi-hards, and Twi-holics, Edward WILL sparkle in the movie. I decided to quote this from the book because I got ticked that a lot of people were saying that Edward wasn’t going to sparkle from the pictures they saw of him in the meadow when he’s suppossed to reveal his sparkling skin. Some people even went as far to say that, “The movie was ruined!” NOT TRUE. Do your research people!

  4. Leslie says:

    Probably some computer special effects and glitter!

  5. ELIF( team edwardddd) says:

    glitter glitter glitterr! or special diamond dust which is amazingly sparkly but i dont care!! hes going to look dazzling anyway!!!

  6. Peeves says:

    I don’t know but probally some CGI. i hope Edward will look good if not i am going to be sad:(

    P.S. i am going to laugh when he sparkles

  7. Cynthia says:

    Thank you, Ana!
    I wasn’t sure what the deal with that was. I hadn’t heard about what they decided. I thought it just got cut.

  8. Bagels says:

    okay, so first he’s gonna be dumped in a giant container of glue, then he’s gonna role around in glitter until he’s completely covered!!!!
    or maybe not…

  9. Laura says:

    Ana: You just made my day, thank you for that.

  10. Sa'Misty says:

    Some body shimmer (like a very fine glitter) so it looks more realistic… maybe a little CGI with it 🙂

  11. Sa'Misty says:

    this is kinda random, but I always think of the actress that playing Esme as the crazy lady on Grey’s Anatomy 🙁 I hope the movie will help me forget that or I’ll just kinda laugh every time she comes on 😀

  12. Bailey says:

    i was thinking maybe water just cause that might send of shining or something idk if that sounds really stupid but it was the first thing that came to mind

  13. Jocelyn says:

    ya dump a tub of body glitter and rub it in :p

  14. Shteff! says:

    Tch, sooo simple.
    I’d shove him in a bath and scrub scrub scrub till he sparkled like something polished with detal shine (H)

  15. Madeline says:

    Uhhhhh…….. I think glitter and computer effects for sure

  16. Ashley says:

    HAHAHA i love the idea of the special “Dazzler” glasses!!!!

  17. Madison Team Edward and Alice says:

    Poor Buckets of glitter on Rob For the sparkle effect!!Or maybe computer effects

  18. Vivi says:

    I agree with McKell, only instead of just making it for Edward they should make one for all the vamps and the packs!
    Forget 3-D glasses, next time I go to my local theater I want “Dazzler” glasses!!!!

  19. Erin(: says:

    I agree with kassie and alex! LOTS AND LOTS OF GLITTERY FAIRY DUST!!!!!
    oh yeah I went there!

  20. mo says:

    glue on crystals and cover him in glitter

  21. Marci (major obsessed) says:

    how about real diamonds. They are a girls best friend ya know.

  22. Jenine says:

    Special effects probably!!!!!!!!
    He’s so Hot i really dont care how they do it!

  23. Erin(: says:

    NO!Vampires is a girls best friend DUH! didn’t everyone know that???
    hahaha muna!!!!!!!!!! i love your answer!

  24. Tiffany C. says:

    full body glitter…that woud be amazing! haha

    or just special effects…but thats not as awesome…

  25. goalicego says:

    Thanks Anna!

  26. rosie from team jakeward says:

    i think glitter and computer effects because they could just do effects but it would be funny if Robert Pattison had
    to wear body glitter……hahahaha….i totally laughed when i typed that!!! 😛

  27. Victoria says:


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