19 Days Till November 21
Nov 2nd, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site NewsToday’s question is: #19. How do YOU think they are going to make Edward sparkle? (Funny or serious, maybe most creative, lol!)
Kallie: I am thinking modest body glitter… clubbing style! LOL!
Kassie: Lots of glitter!!! 🙂 And I guess some great lighting.
Kelly: Ohh maybe computer effects? I highly doubt just straight glitter on his skin!
Muna: Just my making him seem like he is glowing. Maybe he’ll have a twinkle in his eye like Dumbledore.
Alex: I think they are going to have like ferry dust like….
Lexine: i am going with a lot of creative lens flares and maybe some good powder.
McKell: They should give us special “Dazzler” glasses that make him look even more dazzling 🙂
Marisa: CGI? Real glitter? You could always cover the vamps in honey and chicken.
Krystal: Maybe a combination of make-up and CGI.