Ask ‘Twilight’ Stars and Author a Question

Nov 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Moviefone will be doing an unscripted interview with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Stephenie Meyer on November 8 and they want your questions!
“On Saturday, November 8, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Stephenie Meyer will be sitting down in our Unscripted studio to interview each other using your questions. You know what that means.

Submit your question for Kristen, Robert or Stephenie in the comments section below; and if you’re lucky, they may use your question and say your name on the air. Be sure to include your name and where you live. Then check back here on November 17 to see if your question made the cut. And please, ladies, try to control yourselves! Oh, actually, never mind — go wild. We hear vampires dig a girl with passion.”

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7 Comments to “Ask ‘Twilight’ Stars and Author a Question”

  1. Barbara says:

    Rob and Kristen,how did you guys create all that romantic chemistry and sexual tension?

  2. Jenn says:

    Hello Stephenie. I actually have two questions for you. I hope you don’t mind. Is there a slim chance it may be made into a movie? And if Twilight the movie becomes a success, will you consider about writing Midnight Sun?

    Verona, KY

  3. Jenn says:

    Oops my first question was is there a slim chance of Breaking Dawn becoming a movie?

    Verona, KY

  4. Megan says:

    This is a question for Rob, Kristen, and Stephanie…

    When you’re not filming, doing promotional stuff, or anything else work related, what does a normal day look like for you? Do you have a routine or do you kind of go with the flow?

  5. Megan says:

    Oh ps… I’m Megan and I live in Columbia, Sc. Sorry! :S

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  7. vickie says:

    Hey there i think you should of made it a t.v Series not a movie so that way you could of got all the of the book in to it .
    There was so many things in the movie that did not happen and the way it happen .
    Dont get me wrong the movie was good . It was nothing like the book .
    t.v Series season one twilight , season two new moon and so on
    Just thought i would let you know how i felt . I do love your books and love for you next one to come out

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