15 Days Till November 21!

Nov 6th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Today’s question is:

Movies usually have several premieres around the world. If you could go to a Twilight premiere anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Kallie: I would love to go to Australia! I know Twilight is huge there, and I have never been there before!

Kassie: Italy

Kelly: I think in LA, I’ve never been and I just think it would be amazing!

Muna: Probably in London, because I love London and Carlisle’s from there 🙂

Alex: Forks

Lexine: Paris. Hands down!

McKell:  I just wish i could go to a big city like LA or New York

Marisa: NYC baby!

Krystal: London, my favorite city in the world! And you can get really close at the premieres in Leicester Square. But I really want to go to Spain, so…

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11 Comments to “15 Days Till November 21!”

  1. Heather D says:

    London for me too. I have never been, but i really want to go there.

  2. Sophie Weavers says:

    ha..London’s wet, drizzly and cold!!…i shld no i live there!! lol…much like Forks i guess!!
    I saw rob at the Harry Potter premiere 4 yrs ago!! ….didnt see many of the cast clearly thou!!
    go sumwhere hot and sunny…:)

  3. kaylee-AUSTRALIA says:

    YAY Australia!!!

  4. Kristina says:

    London or Australia b/c they have wonderful accents. and Did you know there is no Premiere in British Columbia i almost cried

  5. Shteff! says:

    Liverpool. Simply because I live there and the MTV awards are being held there YAY

  6. Jocelyn says:

    well being realistic, toronto! but i would LOVE to go to LA! (twilight live! yay!)

  7. Samantha says:

    I’d love to go to a premiere in Japan just ‘cuz i love the culture.

  8. Madison Team Edward and Alice says:

    La,Italy,Or Forks\Seattle Wa,OOOHHH AND NY

  9. Jasmine says:

    Definitely Forks! Cuz that’s we’re it all started!!!

  10. Jennifer says:

    I would love to go here in Australia! That’d be pretty amazing!

  11. Kelly says:

    Wait ! I agree with Alex! Forks! Ohhh can i chnge my answer?

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