Exclusive Clip on “Heroes”
Nov 6th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsMySpace is devoting it’s front page to Twilight today. They also have a banner claiming that there will be an exclusive Twilight clip on Monday’s episode of “Heroes.” (Nov. 10)
There is also a short introduction by Rob on the front page of MySpace.
OME!! SOOO WATCHING with gossip girl! hehe
hehe i am a heroes fan still….imagine my reaction if i DIDNT know
OME I love Hereoes too, but I don’t want to see another clip, they’re gona give away the whole movie
:O Heroes? YAY! I haven’t watched it in a whjile to be honest…all the episodes are taped and ready ^_^”” Gosh I’m so behind!