13 Days Till November 21!

Nov 7th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Today’s question:

What song would you have personally added to the Twilight soundtrack?

Kallie: I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie

Kassie: My Own!!!  “Edward Leaves Bella for Kassie” 🙂

Kelly: Ohhh I don’t like this question, it’s hard!  There are SOOO many I would add, but then again I’m not sure I would add any because I haven’t heard the music with the movie!  I’ll get back to ya on that one!  🙂  (Krystal: Haha, I added it Kelly!  You never gave me an answer 🙂

Muna: Coyotes by Jason Mraz (mostly because I’m going through an intense Jason Mraz phase right now, his new CD is amazing, you have to check it out)

Alex: My Heart Will Go On…(Titanic Fan>)

Lexine: “In The Arms of Sleep” by The Smashing Pumpkins. it is one of my absolute favorite songs and the lyrics fit the sort of borderline-obsessive feel of the book and it’s all about how a man can’t sleep, and just wants to be with his love.

McKell: This is for keeps by the Spill Canvas

Marisa: Another Muse song I suppose

Krystal: Well, there are far too many, but I was listening to “Safe” by Travis today and I think it would totally fit.  Or “Grace” by Jeff Buckley 🙂  I had to sneak 2 in there!

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