10 Days Till November 21!
Nov 10th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site NewsYay! We are getting closer! Today we wanted to give you some of the TST staff’s locations for the midnight premiere.
Today’s question is:
What are your plans for the premiere? (What locations you’ll be at for the midnight show, if you are going and if you feel comfortable with it)
Kallie: I am going to go with other Twilight fans to a theater in Arlington TX at The Parks Mall!
Kassie: I will be in LA and praying for an invite!
Kelly: Going to see it with a bunch of friends! I’ll be at a movie theater called Rave, if you know where that is!
Chelsea: I’ll be at the Regal Cinemas 12 across from Pembroke in Virginia Beach, Virginia for the midnight premiere of the movie! I’ll be in a Twilighter’s for a Cure breast cancer awareness shirt and a Twilight hoodie from Hot Topic with my boyfriend if you want to seek me out!
Lauren: My plans for the premiere night are to stand in line for HOURS with friends, watch the movie, scream, and pass out. Lol
Muna: I’m going to a theater in Herndon, its called the Worldgate and yes I am going to the midnight showing.
Alex: 1025 Woodruff Road – Greenville Mall, Greenville, SC 29607
Lexine: I will probably try to find a nice quiet (well, realtively quiet hopefully) sunday afternoon/evening showing to go to. it’s the best time to see a movie, and i’d like to really take it in and enjoy it the first time.
McKell: Walker Cinemas in Perry UT and we will be selling hot chocolate 🙂
Marisa: I’ll probably see it opening weekend, if not at midnight.
Krystal: I’ll be at the midnight showing at Celebration Cinema North in Grand Rapids, MI. (And maybe a few more times that weekend, lol!)
Where will YOU be for the premiere?