‘Twilight’ Countdown: Kristen Stewart talks about becoming Bella

Nov 10th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

The L.A. Times talked with Kristen Stewart for today’s countdown.

“We changed everything. There wasn’t one scene we didn’t touch. There were many occasions, really quiet parts of the movie when it’s just Edward and Bella together, where I was like, “Alright, we’re not saying any of the lines. We’re just going to do the whole scene with no lines.”

But, at the same time, some of those “corny lines,” it was just me being self-conscious. Those wrenching fundamental emotions, I mean how else do you express them? How else do you say, “I love you”? How else do you say, “I want to die for you”? I mean, those are really dramatic lines, but when expressed in that context, there really is no other way to say it. Catherine really helped me with that. She put me in the right position and sort of forced me to go there. You have to be so exposed, so entirely cracked open and vulnerable to able to give like that. So on the page it was really corny, but we worked it out.”

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