9 Days Till November 21!

Nov 11th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

Can you believe we are down to single digits?! You guys, we are in the home stretch! Yay!

Today’s question is:

If New Moon gets made into a film, do you have any casting ideas for new characters? (ie, Aro, Jane, Marcus, etc.)

Kallie: Oooo… I have NO idea! I am going to entrust Catherine Hardwicke with this one! I think she has done a great job so far!

Kassie: I would be a Jane!

Chelsea: I would love to see someone like Dakota Fanning play Jane but I think she’s getting a little too old…but maybe someone like Jonathan Rhys Meyers play Felix.

Laruen: I haven’t thought too much about a cast for New Moon…but I would like Steven Strait as Jacob.

Kelly: No I really don’t, but they made such good choices for this movie so I trust the next will be just as good.

Muna: Aro- Michael C. Hall, the actor from Dexter. He does creepy so well.

Alex: No

Lexine: I would love to see John Malkovich as Aro – I think he can play the sugary-sweet evil very well.

McKell: I think Johnny Depp would be a good Aro for some reason.


Jane=Dakota Fanning
Marcus=Kevin McKidd
Aro=James Marsters
Caius=David Anders
Alec=Ed Sanders
Krystal: I love Lexine’s idea of John Malkovich! Maybe Cillian Murphy. Saoirse Ronan for Jane. I don’t know, I’d have to go through some lists, lol!
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23 Comments to “9 Days Till November 21!”

  1. Sarah L. says:

    hmmm idk…. this would be hard

  2. ... says:

    lol johnney depp
    that would be awesome

  3. ashley says:

    I would be jane because I’ve been trying to get it (help me)
    John Malkovich as Aro
    Alec -seth R.
    p.s thanks krystal and kelly for the advice on Seth ; ) (school kid) also he said I should have been Bella for Halloween he foregot her name which was cute
    to figure out what I’m talking about go to 10days till november (date 11/10)

  4. ann of Green Gables says:

    jonny depp should play Aro for surrreeee:) but he has to shave!

  5. Bailey says:

    Alec= Austin Williams
    Jane= Amber Joy Williams idk what she looks like but she is Austin Williams younger sister by two years so they could probably play twins pretty well
    Aro= johnny depp the more that i think about it he actually would be perfect!
    Caius= david anders all the way!

  6. Michele says:

    The only casting idea I have for right now is for Jane. I would love to see Saoirse Ronan, the little girl from Atonement and City of Ember, in the part. I think she would pull it off nicely. She has that small frame and innocent face that could be Jane, and I can see her eyes portraying the deadly stare to inflict pain on others. Other then that, it’s is so difficult to decided who should be which part.

  7. Madison Team Edward and Alice says:

    I think Taylor Laughtner will stay Jacob,and Catherine Hardwick will be able to cast the rest of the cast the same way

  8. Jenn says:

    I can not wait!

  9. Edel IrishBella says:

    Aro- Bill Nighy
    Jane-Jodelle Ferland
    That’s all i can think of but I think both actors would be AWESOME!! Bill Nighy was Victor in the underworld and Jodelle Ferland was in the messangers and several other things!!

  10. Shteff! says:

    There are so many amazing people! My friend wants me to go for Jane since I’m sinister -_-‘ And I have this gaze she says when I have my bangs oevr my eyes XD! haha.

    We need Johnny Depp! And Kate Beckinsale. I don’t care who they act as, but they’re both perfect for Vampire classed movies.
    And we could stick Vin Deasel in randomly XD AND KEANU REEVES! <—- Those two are completely random, so ignore.

  11. twilighterrrrrrr4life! says:

    I REALLY WANT ALL 4 BOOKS TO BECOME MOVIES!!!! THAT WOULD BE SO TOTALLY AWSOME!!!! i think having stephanie meyer playing a chracter would be sooooooo cool!!!!!!

  12. Jamie says:

    Do you guys think they’ll use another actor for Jacob for when he grows? Or will they just use some super CGi thing? SOmehow I can’t picture Taylor lautner growing a foot in a few months…he’s kind a short.

  13. Jasmine says:

    They did an awesome job for finding actors for Twilight so I trust them to find great characters for New Moon!!!!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  14. Angel Marie says:

    I dont know about the characters mentioned but I’ve been dying to play emily!!!! So random but she’s one of my favorite characters from new moon and I so have the dark beauty thing going on to play it! Alas only Chtherine can see what she likes. And she’s got plenty of talent in Hollywood to choose. Go NEW MOON!!!!

  15. Andrea says:

    I wanna be jane!
    and i think taylor lautner should still be jacob
    because he will grow
    and he can buff up and stuff

  16. Erin(: says:

    I really wonder how old she was when she was changed…hopefully a Tween(:
    her black hair=my EXTERMLY dark brown

  17. Krystal says:

    Ashley-did you ask Seth to the premiere then?

  18. ashley says:

    first jane has pale brown hair and secound she changed between 11-14 years hope this gets your record straight! ; ) me JANE o.k! : [

  19. Aly says:

    Hmm I’m a total Johnny Depp fan but I think John Malkovich would be a freakin’ awesome Aro. However, Hugo Weaving would also be awesome. For Jane, Daveigh Chase (aka the Ring girl) I like the idea for Kevin McKidd (Grey’s) for Marcus. That’s such a good idea. Maybe even Misha Collins (Supernatural) He definatly has the “other worldly” thing down. For Alex, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje( aka Mr. Eko from Lost) He’s big and scary looking, good for a tracker. haha

  20. osbessed twilighter.....aka...TWERD..:] says:

    ahhahah…Johnny Depp?
    idk….i also will trust the Catherine will chose a great cast…i wonder who will play Leah clearwater…

  21. Aly says:

    oops not Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje for Alec. hahah my bad wrong character

  22. Julia says:

    OMG! A really good Jane would be Leighton Meester- Blair, from Gossip Girl. She doesn’t look little-girlish but she could totally do that creepy smile/stare thing SO WELL.

  23. jena says:

    I think James Masters would be great to play a vampire. . . again. but I don’t see him as Aro, maybe he could play Caius or Marcus one of those. And I know this is not in here and might be random but I really want Tyler Posey to play Seth Clearwater.

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