7 Days Till November 21!

Nov 13th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

One week! Woohoo!

Today’s question is:

What is your favorite fan-made tribute to the movie? Video, icon, wallpaper, etc.

Kallie: There is so much good stuff it is hard to say what is my fave! But I have to give props to the Fan Fiction authors! I consider it an art, and reading more about all my fave characters makes me happy!

Kassie: “Save a Volvo, Ride a Vampire!!!”

Chelsea: Here—this is one of my favorite fan-made tributes to the movie because it’s so well-done…i also REALLY love the Paramore video for Decode ๐Ÿ™‚

Lauren: I don’t have a favorite fan tribute.

Kelly: I love TwiTube! Pretty much any of those! And I’ve seen some hilarious things on FaceBook, like icons or sayings!

Muna: Here. It’s just too adorable for words

Lexine: I’m afraid I really only peruse a few sites, and not many tributes.

McKell: The trailer spoof ๐Ÿ™‚ Here.

Marisa: Here.

Krystal: I love the M Squared Productions’ Twilight interview parodies! I love the person eating in the background and when the dog barks and she’s all “Shut up Jacob!” Lol! And I love all my fellow TST friends because what they do is a tribute to the series and the fans ๐Ÿ™‚ Here.

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