6 Days Till November 21!
Nov 14th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site NewsHere is today’s question:
Is there some item (merchandise) you would like to be made?
Kallie: I think if little girls want Hannah Montana wigs they will want Alice wigs too! LOL!
Kassie: Some Twilight leg-warmers
Chelsea: Hmm…I think I’d really like to have more t-shirts and hoodies with Twilights sayings and phrases on them.
Lauren: I would like somebody to make action figures or something along that line.
Kelly: I would love if people made some of the stills released into posters, but I’m also hoping for an official Cullen Crest to be available soon!
Muna: Yes, more Jacob stuff, Jacob need love too.
Alex: Bedspread
Lexine: I’d like to see the art in Carlisle’s office, especially the cross his father made.
McKell: I want Edward PJs 🙂
Marisa: For Noble Collection to make Cullen crest jewelry
Krystal: Sheets, PJs, and I wish they had a poster book! I had a book of pull-out posters when Titanic came out, and they really need to do another one! And more purses 🙂