New Twilight Clip!

Nov 14th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Here is the new clip that aired during MTV’s Spoilers tonight, just in case you missed it ๐Ÿ™‚

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14 Comments to “New Twilight Clip!”

  1. jess says:


    that was cool as man..can’t WAIT to see this movie, especially without all the flashback to different scenes while they are talking

  2. Cammywamy says:

    it’s not that long but it’s completely and utterly amazing. the song from the soundtrack is incorporated and everything! Kristen’s amazing, she’s like exactly like Bella! so much its scary actually. And Rob… well he’s the most perfect of all perfect Edwards obviously. I don’t know if that’s biased but he is -shrugs-
    but in whole true and honesty… I do think Kristen is a better actor than rob. she’s so convincing in her role that you feel that she’s been Bella forever where as rob, in some parts of the scene’s so far it just feels like he’s not putting enough in. don’t get me wrong, he’s great but it’s just that Kristen’s just a tiny bit better.

  3. Samie says:

    um ok, all its playing is commericails! =(

  4. Sasha says:

    i looovvvveeee itt!!!!

  5. Stephanie says:

    UMMMMM, this player isn’t working. WHY???!! ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

  6. detective889 says:

    hmm that was an ok lip but i really didnt like the music. a producer once said that the music should be so well placed and orchestrated that when someone asks you about the music in the movie you shouldn’t be able to recall it because it blended so well with the scene, all this music did was blair out at me no matter how many times i watched it. but i did like the scene and want to see the whole thing.

  7. i can’t wait anymore!!!!

  8. Hannah says:

    What on Earth? All it’s playing is adverts. Oh no, I bet it another one of those ‘We can’t show this clip outside the US’ things. For Edward’s sake, OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO SEE IT TOO! NOT JUST AMERICANS! Grrrrr…

  9. elif says:

    i cannot wait untill the movie!!!!! arghhhh

  10. Amanda says:

    Wow!! I missed it last night cuz I had to work so thanks guys for putting it up!

  11. Faith Cullen says:

    OME!!! that was amazing! i can’t wait anymore!! UGH!

  12. Shteff! says:

    Me not allowed to watch >.< DARN

  13. Megan says:

    Did anyone else notice that at around :28 Kristen blinks like 10 times?
    I certainly hope that doesn’t happen throughout the whole movie, it was rather distracting.

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