5 Days Till November 21!

Nov 15th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

5 days, woohoo!

Today’s question is:

What scene are you most looking forward to seeing in the movie?

Kallie:  I really want them to do the scene when Bella and Edward are in the dark watching the movie in Biology! (Not sure if it will be there though!).

Kassie:  Any with Edward, Kellan, Jasper, Peter, Cam!

Chelsea:  I really can’t just pick one scene…i’m pretty stoked for the entire movie!!

Lauren:  Scene I’m MOST looking forward to…THE MEADOW SCENE!  Or the baseball scene!

Kelly:  Oh there are so many!  Of course the meadow, and when Edward plays the piano, and well I’m just interested in seeing everything fall into place!

Muna:  The First Beach scene.

Alex: The meadow.

Lexine: To be perfectly honest, the first kiss. so, the meadow.

McKell: The Prom, Rob looks dashing 🙂

Marisa:  Prom and dancing.

Krystal: The Meadow and Prom!

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