5 Days Till November 21!

Nov 15th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

5 days, woohoo!

Today’s question is:

What scene are you most looking forward to seeing in the movie?

Kallie:  I really want them to do the scene when Bella and Edward are in the dark watching the movie in Biology! (Not sure if it will be there though!).

Kassie:  Any with Edward, Kellan, Jasper, Peter, Cam!

Chelsea:  I really can’t just pick one scene…i’m pretty stoked for the entire movie!!

Lauren:  Scene I’m MOST looking forward to…THE MEADOW SCENE!  Or the baseball scene!

Kelly:  Oh there are so many!  Of course the meadow, and when Edward plays the piano, and well I’m just interested in seeing everything fall into place!

Muna:  The First Beach scene.

Alex: The meadow.

Lexine: To be perfectly honest, the first kiss. so, the meadow.

McKell: The Prom, Rob looks dashing 🙂

Marisa:  Prom and dancing.

Krystal: The Meadow and Prom!

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29 Comments to “5 Days Till November 21!”

  1. sarah says:

    When Edward first plays Bella her lullaby

  2. Jocelyn says:

    well after seeing the much music baseball scene, definatley the rest of it!

  3. Heather D says:

    I couldn’t choose just one. I most want to see the kiss, of course, and the meadow scene. But more than anything i want the last scene in the book to be the last scene in the movie. So it better end with him leaning down and pressing his lips to her throat.

  4. peeves says:

    i would like the part with the men harassing Bell and then Edward comes and saves heralso the WHOLE ballet scence like when alice takes james head off ( Go Alice) :p

  5. Hannah says:

    ALL OF IT!!!!

    I can’t pick 🙂

  6. Erica says:

    want to see him sparkle! meadow scene

  7. Shteff! says:

    Lol, i wanna see where Kellan, Ashley and Jackson jump in to get rid of James when Bella’s beign attacked. KUNG FOO NINJA!

  8. Bailey says:

    prom with jacob cause that scene is pretty funny to me idk y

  9. SeeTheUnseen93 says:

    I love all of the major scenes of course, but I think it’d be fun if they put any of the insignificant details into the movie… like when Edward and Bella match clothes on accident, or shes wearing that frumpy sweater that Edward despises.

  10. Alice says:

    of course prom (i love the whole prom chapter!)

    also… of course, when alice beheads james! i always wondered what it looked like when they killed him, and in the books bella is pretty much out cold so we never get the details with that 🙂

  11. Jasmine says:

    I really don’t care, as long as it’s close to the book!!!!!

  12. Steven Gibson says:

    I Really Really REALLY want to see.. Any Scene with Alice!!! Because we all know deep down…. ALICE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Amanda says:

    i know its expected but……..its between the meadow scene and the first kiss.
    i got chills from the trailer!!!

  14. Gabby says:

    Them having dinner together and then the drive back to forks

  15. Bagels says:

    i hope they have a lot of the “build up” scenes i guess u would call them. like in biology or at lunch or when he’s picking her up and stuff. the meadow scene just wouldn’t be the same without them.

  16. goalicego says:

    i’ve got a long list! biology, port angeles, meadow, first kiss, baseball, prom… so basically the whole movie! 😀

  17. the twilight freak says:

    i am really looking forward to the scene at the beach because i want to see what taylor lautner does with his character, jacob.
    also, i want to see the part where edward saves bella from the freaks who cornered her when she was in seattle because i think relief will flood over the crowd in the theater for those who haven’t read the book but basically those who want to watch the movie to see what the fuss is about.

  18. obsessed twilighter says:


  19. Haley says:

    meadow, prom, baseball, beach. nuff said.

  20. twilight bitchezzz says:

    OMG OMG OMG i am soooo excited i bought my ticket 3 weeks ago !!! yay

  21. Erin(: says:

    YO! LIKE HELLO??? You get the most intense/romantic scenes EVER in that half of the movie! Wicked curve balls(:

  22. el_if says:

    THE MEADOW OME!!!! i cant wait!!!

  23. Jenn says:

    I know the scene will not be in the movie. But I would love to see what would in Biology for the blood typing!

  24. Melaine says:

    I so hope they have Edward talking to Tyler on the phone as they’re driving to the prom – that was hilarious!

  25. Lindsey says:

    Obviously, the meadow scene and the first kiss, but also the first time she sees the Cullens in the cafeteria and the way Edward stares at Bella like he is frustrated.

  26. Briannah says:

    Ha, I agree with Melaine, the scene where Edward is talking to Tyler on the way to prom is GOLD!!

  27. Amanda says:

    I can’t pick…..I really just can’t wait to see it all come to life!!!! I’M SO EXCITED! 🙂

  28. Obsessive Cullen Disorder Stevenay says:

    Well I would have to agree with Kallie with the part in Biology and the intense energy between Bella and Edward in the dark during the movie… When I was reading that part of the book, I had to take a short break cuz i was all keyed up and tense my own self… And I know that Rob and Kristen (being that they have good chemistry together) would be able to pull that scene off pretty well. OOOHHH…and the part where Edward blocks Bella from leaving the parking lot allowing Tyler to come up to Bella’s truck and try to ask her to the dance…I would love to see that cuz I think that’s hilarious how Bella wants so badly to ram rod Edwards car with hers when she sees him snikering from the rear-view mirror!!!! Classic Edward!!! LOL!!!

  29. Dani from Fangless says:

    The first night that Edward stayed with Bella and then that one with the waterfall I’ve seen from a lot of movie stills….Waterfall?

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