4 Days Till November 21!
Nov 16th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News4 days to go!!!!!!
Today’s question is:
If you could ask the entire cast the same question, what would it be?
Kallie: “What would be your dream job/role?” I think what a person wants to be says a lot about them!
Kassie: Do you play an instrument? If you don’t, what instrument would you wan to learn to play?
Chelsea: Who plays the best pranks on set?
Lauren: I don’t know…maybe what THEIR favorite movie is, or who is their favorite Twilight character and why?
Kelly: What was your favorite thing to shoot in the movie?
Muna: What was your most fulfilling expierence while making this movie?
Alex: How was Stephenie Meyer on the set?
Lexine: When was the last time something really hit you hard?
McKell: What they would eat for snacks, between scenes 🙂
Marisa: What was your favorite scene to shoot?
Krystal: What has been the most satisfying experience in your life so far?
I would ask them something non-twilight. We have already heard all the generic questions multiple times. I would ask them something that they would have to think about, like, what is the best aspect of your life? Or: if you had one day to do anything you wanted, what would you do? It would be interesting to hear their answers.
Have you visited any of the Twilight fan websites? OR Which Twilight saga book did you enjoy most?
hey jj. just to let ya know rob’s fav is new moon. ugh
what is your favorite quote? who said that quote and why do you like it?
What are you looking forward to in the movies to come? such as battles, werewolfs, charecters(added),etc.
for me to see Jane or Reneesme ; ) : )
Mine would be:
“What is your favorite way to celebrate?”
I think it’d be cool to see the answers.
hmm i dont i guess i would ask what was thier favorite scene in the whole twilight saga is and why not very original i know but i would prob. be to nervous and blurt it out of something embarassing especialy when i has asking the guys the question the girls i would be fine to ask but JACKSON,Rob,Kellan,Taylor are hot so i would be prob. ask them if they were were dating anyone lol just cause i would blurt it out not meaning too
What’s you’re favorite book form the saga and why?
I would like to ask each member of the cast, who their character would invite to a Cullen Family Dinner Party, any figure from history, any epoch of history. Three guests each family member.
I would ask each cast member who they would want to play themselves in a movie about them.
hehe, do you loooove me 😉
who is your acting idol? why?
If you could pick any book to do as a movie and want to be in it which book would it be?
What is your favorite part of the character you paly? is what I would ask then
what is your favorite song of all time? i love to ask people this question because they either answer like …what… i have to pick ONE! and then pick some stupid song thats on the top 100 on itunes or they answer with this really out there song that u have to run home and look up, and it shows a lot about the person i think….. it is also something that everyone would answer differently which would be cool, i wouldnt ask them anything twilight relates because they are probably so sick of all those questions now it isn’t even funny
i would ask them if they prefer:
gold? or black?
I wouldn’t really ask them anything; I would just be hyperventelating! Naw, but hmmm….I don’t know. Is all the fandom akward, annoying, weird, new….ect.
hmm i think i would probably ask about their families?? or i would just go like MAC or PC???
What phone are you using?
Whats your favorite color?
Favorite holiday?
nn a bunch of other questions that would get them so bored that they would fall asleep!!!!:) anyway cant wait!!!
i like elif’s question…
i would ask who is your service provider for you cellphone…?
and then if i could have their numbers!!! LOLZ
Did you guys really enjoy the bookseries??? was it fun playing the parts???