4 Days Till November 21!

Nov 16th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News

4 days to go!!!!!!

Today’s question is:

If you could ask the entire cast the same question, what would it be?

Kallie:  “What would be your dream job/role?” I think what a person wants to be says a lot about them!

Kassie:  Do you play an instrument?  If you don’t, what instrument would you wan to learn to play?

Chelsea:  Who plays the best pranks on set?

Lauren:  I don’t know…maybe what THEIR favorite movie is, or who is their favorite Twilight character and why?

Kelly:  What was your favorite thing to shoot in the movie?

Muna:  What was your most fulfilling expierence while making this movie?

Alex:  How was Stephenie Meyer on the set?

Lexine:  When was the last time something really hit you hard?

McKell:  What they would eat for snacks, between scenes 🙂

Marisa:  What was your favorite scene to shoot?

Krystal:  What has been the most satisfying experience in your life so far?

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21 Comments to “4 Days Till November 21!”

  1. Hayley says:

    I would ask them something non-twilight. We have already heard all the generic questions multiple times. I would ask them something that they would have to think about, like, what is the best aspect of your life? Or: if you had one day to do anything you wanted, what would you do? It would be interesting to hear their answers.

  2. JJ says:

    Have you visited any of the Twilight fan websites? OR Which Twilight saga book did you enjoy most?

  3. nc says:

    hey jj. just to let ya know rob’s fav is new moon. ugh

  4. the twilight freak says:

    what is your favorite quote? who said that quote and why do you like it?

  5. ashley says:

    What are you looking forward to in the movies to come? such as battles, werewolfs, charecters(added),etc.
    for me to see Jane or Reneesme ; ) : )

  6. Chenya says:

    Mine would be:
    “What is your favorite way to celebrate?”
    I think it’d be cool to see the answers.

  7. Kandi says:

    hmm i dont i guess i would ask what was thier favorite scene in the whole twilight saga is and why not very original i know but i would prob. be to nervous and blurt it out of something embarassing especialy when i has asking the guys the question the girls i would be fine to ask but JACKSON,Rob,Kellan,Taylor are hot so i would be prob. ask them if they were were dating anyone lol just cause i would blurt it out not meaning too

  8. Johanna says:

    What’s you’re favorite book form the saga and why?

  9. shiva says:

    I would like to ask each member of the cast, who their character would invite to a Cullen Family Dinner Party, any figure from history, any epoch of history. Three guests each family member.

  10. pearlyshells says:

    I would ask each cast member who they would want to play themselves in a movie about them.

  11. Shteff! says:

    hehe, do you loooove me 😉

  12. Amanda says:

    who is your acting idol? why?

  13. Dani from Fangless says:

    If you could pick any book to do as a movie and want to be in it which book would it be?

  14. Peeves says:

    What is your favorite part of the character you paly? is what I would ask then

  15. Alice says:

    what is your favorite song of all time? i love to ask people this question because they either answer like …what… i have to pick ONE! and then pick some stupid song thats on the top 100 on itunes or they answer with this really out there song that u have to run home and look up, and it shows a lot about the person i think….. it is also something that everyone would answer differently which would be cool, i wouldnt ask them anything twilight relates because they are probably so sick of all those questions now it isn’t even funny

  16. Tiffany C. says:

    i would ask them if they prefer:

    gold? or black?

  17. erica says:

    I wouldn’t really ask them anything; I would just be hyperventelating! Naw, but hmmm….I don’t know. Is all the fandom akward, annoying, weird, new….ect.

  18. elif says:

    hmm i think i would probably ask about their families?? or i would just go like MAC or PC???

  19. elif says:

    oh also COFFEE or HOT CHOCOLATE?
    What phone are you using?
    Whats your favorite color?
    Favorite holiday?
    nn a bunch of other questions that would get them so bored that they would fall asleep!!!!:) anyway cant wait!!!

  20. the twilight freak says:

    i like elif’s question…
    i would ask who is your service provider for you cellphone…?
    and then if i could have their numbers!!! LOLZ

  21. Taylor says:

    Did you guys really enjoy the bookseries??? was it fun playing the parts???

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