1 Day Till November 21!
Nov 19th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site NewsThere is only one day left people! Can you believe it?!?!?!?!? Yay! I hope you’ve enjoyed our countdown; we certainly have enjoyed hearing from you 🙂
Our final question is:
What are your plans in the fandom after the movie’s release?
Kallie: I would love to talk more about about the Twilight Series… but we may open up the topics to other great books?!?!?! We will work hard to keep the podcast and site up as long as the Twilight fans are loving it!
Kassie: Keep up the podcast and website and be asked to play a role in the next movie or record a song for the next soundtrack!!!!! 🙂
Chelsea: Man I have no idea what I’ll do…I’ll be sad that there will be no more new books to read but hopeful that we’ll have New Moon to look forward to! I’ll keep an eye out for news for TST of course!
Lauren: I plan on being a Twihard after the movie and doing what I can to help Summit make ALL the other books movies!!! And continuing to support TWILIGHT SERIES THEORIES!!!
Kelly: To always keep new, fun stuff coming!! Just because the movie is released, in no way means that we shut down! Plus we all hope tp see New Moon soon 😉 )
Muna: I’m going with some friends who really like the series and we might wear the Team Switzerland shirts we made for the Breaking Dawn release.
Alex: Re-read time.
Lexine: I absolutely love administrating sites for the fandom. i think it’s such a creative group, and this is my way of being creative, so i want to give back to all of you who are so fun and ambitious!
McKell: I think I will try and make fans out of every man out there! So that New Moon won’t be as biased to women 🙂
Marisa: Wait.
Krystal: I plan on still posting news like crazy, especially with New Moon on the horizon 🙂 And then re-reading the series and waiting for the 3-disc DVD of Twilight!