What did you think of the movie?

Nov 21st, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

This week our question is simple!

We want to know what you thought of the Twilight movie!?!?!

How many *’s would you give it? (5*****’s being the BEST!)

So, be honest!  Don’t forget we may read your answer on the next show!

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487 Comments to “What did you think of the movie?”

  1. Ines November 23 4:49 says:

    i saw the movie friday it wuz so good but dey cut out sum parts of da book n dey put new parts n switched alot of words around but either way it was FREAKING AWSOME I WUZ SCREAMIN WIT ALOT OF MA FRIENDS CANT WAIT UNTIL NEW MOON COMES OUT NXT YEAR HOPE ITS GOOD!!!!! BY DA WAY EDWARD N BELLA N DA BEDROOM SCENE WUZ REALLY GOOD DEY GOT SO INTO DAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDWARD IS FREAKIN FFFIIINNNNEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. C. Cullen says:

    * * * * * I loved the movie. I thought they nailed the cast, and everbody portrayed their characters well. I especially loved the Cullens. I thought they chose excellent, charming, talented, and down-to-earth actors to portray Edward and his family. They rocked it. I also loved Edi, Cam, and Rachelle as the nomads. One word: WOW.

    Some fans are complaining because the special effects were lacking. I disagree. I liked the way they showed how fast the vampires were by blurring them as they ran. I though the sparkling could be improved, but they did the best they could. This was a low budget movie based on a book series that until recently most people hadn’t heard of. Summit and Catherine Hardwicke did a great job with the budget they had and I’m very impressed with how the movie turned out. I’m so proud and grateful for all the actors and all the work they put in. Most of all, I’m proud that the once small Twilight fandom has grown in size and respectability, showing the entertainment industry at large the power of a love story. We showed the world that Twilight fans can rally behind a cause and that we give it all we have. Without the fans heading to promotions, premieres, and the movie by the hundreds, this never could have happened. I’m so excited for the fandom and can’t wait to see New Moon.

  3. Zoe says:

    I loved it! I think that they could of done better on special effects but everyone has to understand that this was a low budget film. Another thing I didn’t like was some of the Edward-Bella lines came out a tiny bit cheesy like the lion and the lamb quote and the heroin quote. Other than that, I LOVED the movie and thought Rob and Kristen’s preformence was spectacular very believable! <3 can’t wait for New Moon 🙂

  4. Zoe says:

    Oh and I give it 4.5 stars!

  5. Dear friends,
    I LOVED THE MOVIE! I saw it premiere day with my friend. We were so excited. I got into the theatre and was bouncing up and down in my seat! We got there early to get a good view of Edward : ) I also saw it the day after, on Saturday. The first time i saw it, i was a little disapointed because i was compairing to what happened in the book to the actual movie- and everything was off. The settings were off and there were things that weren’t said that should have been said. ROB PATTINSON DID WONDERFULLY! I was so proud of him. I was like the only one screaming in the theatre.. Everyone was like “SHHH”. So i had to shut up but we were wispering the entire time. So the second time I saw Twilight, it was much much better and every five seconds i was like ‘i love this movie!’ and Jasper was… kinda sexy. But edward cullen is sexier! I just want to say that i also love your website and everything you post- you are my passport into the twilight world in that i learn everything from here!
    i love you rob! : )

  6. I’d give TWILIGHT a 7.5 out of 10

    I still love Rob… : )

  7. Haley says:

    i just want to say…to all of the Twilighters out there who r disappointed because the movie didn’t follow the book word-for-word, scene-by-scene, u were just setting yourself up for disappointment. there was absolutely no way that could have been done. i think, that with the budget Catherine Hardwicke had to work with, the movie was as good as it could be. it wasn’t the best movie in history, but it grasped the key concepts of Twilight, and the acting was, on the most part, good. so lay off picking the movie into pieces and saying “that’s not what happened in the book”, because, honestly, it’s not what happened in the book. it’s what happened in the movie. and on the whole, it was Twilight on the big screen.

  8. Ponygirl says:

    I totally loved the movie! Even though it’s different from the book, what did you expect? They can’t make a carbon copy of the book onto the big screen, it would be pretty boring to everyone who’s already read the book. But they kept all the important stuff in there, and overall it was pretty good. I’d give it 4 1/2 stars. One thing I DIDN’T like was that when Bella was talking to Jacob on the beach, she wasn’t really flirting with him. Or at least, I didn’t notice it. Like I said, I enjoyed the movie and I’m so looking forward to the day New Moon comes out!

  9. Amanda says:

    Where do I start? First of all 3 stars, but to add to that it’s what I expected. I wasn’t feeling the trailers at all so didn’t expect much to come of them. However; I did expect it to be a blockbuster like it is. Not do to quality but mostly due to its fan base. I will go see the next movie of course, I love Twilight how could I not continue to follow it. My opinion is the bigger the budget maybe the better the film and I am sure the budget will be double what it was.

    What was a miss:
    Chemistry! Edward and Bella did not have the sparks we all longed for in there relationship. It was almost awkward to watch the awkwardness between them on screen. I love them still but the editing and producer should have really noticed this it screamed at us from the first moment they was together. I know it wasn’t that they lacked acting skills it was just weird. Plus to many awkward silences. The scenes we wanted were there, we missed chemistry class and the lunchroom scene at the table but we can’t get it all.

    What was a hit:
    They nailed the skin in the sunlight. I love that it was gorgeous! They nailed baseball. They nailed Charlie and I loved his pepper spray!! Jacob was amazing but had his awkward moments with Bella but that smile is amazing you forgive him.

    BIG MISS for me was the very last scene, the “twist” with the vampire looking on at prom from the window. DUH! Edward would have known she was there he can here her thoughts!

    Also the lullaby scene we all wanted the lullaby scene it was amazing in the book and though there in the movie was not given the glory it so deserved! I want my dialog that went with the lullaby that by far was the biggest let down for me.

    In closing I am sure it will be better next time around and I am willing to give them one more even two more heck three more shots till all the books are done cause this is our fantasy come to life brilliant or low tech either way its what we have been waiting so long to see and we want to see it all the way through!

  10. Allegra says:

    like 5 *’s all they way,
    i totally loved the movie,
    so i loved when Jessica was introducing the Cullens to Bella in the Cafeteria said ‘Thats Jasper, he’s the one who looks like he’s in pain’ everyone in my theater laughed so much!
    AND totally loved when Edward like jumped on top of Bella’s truck and was like ‘You know what I’m gonna take you to meet my parents’ and when Bella actually goes to Edward’s house and when Alice and Jasper, and everything is just so awesome.
    but i didn’t like how when Edwards showed Bella how he sparkles and there is like noise ?!
    i loved how they made him sparkle and all.. just not the noise, you know ?
    BUT i really just loved to movie so much ! and I’m seeing it once a week, AT LEAST

  11. Krystal says:

    My thoughts on the movie are similar to the ones I have about Breaking Dawn ; mostly good but sometimes I was thinking to myself ‘ok that is not right’. Overall I think it was really good. (3.5/5 stars) But it just wasn’t as good as I had hoped and it wasn’t even close to how amazing the book was. I think Twilight fans will enjoy it but maybe not people who havn’t read the books. Here are some Good and Bad things about the movie

    1. Casting was really good for the most part. The best was the actor for Alice (Ashley Greene). She looked and acted just like how I pictured her.
    2. Edward’s SPARKLE. They did a really good job making it look like diamonds were really in his skin.
    3. Bella’s friends were so funny. Especially Eric, it wasn’t how I pictured him to act in the books but it was really good for the movie.
    4. Stephenie Meyer made a cameo!!!

    1. I noticed Bella and Charlie ate almost every meal at some diner. I was dissapointed at that because it is said numerous times in the book that Bella usually does the cooking. I felt like that was part of Bella’s character, taking responsibility with the cooking.
    2. Jacobs hair was just not right. I know it is desribed as being long, but I pictured it making him look cool and not like a girl.
    3. No blood typing scene! I think that scene was really important to the story. It fits with the whole vampire thing and it would have been better that the field trip scene.
    4. The ending with Victoria. I guess it makes a good opening to the sequels but I sort of ruined Bella and Edwards lovely/little bit corny moment.

    I hope I didn’t sound to nitpicky with the Bad. Its just my opinion.
    Luv the podcast!

  12. Ruta says:

    I loved the movie…..it was more than i expected i mean they choosed reallt good talented actors and i was really happy that i watched it i am going to watch it again………but the most disapointing part of the movie was they skiped a lot of good and important parts they didn’t really showed that…am rather than that the movie was perfct
    kirsten stewart and robert pattison omg they were really good just like what i imagined

  13. Susie says:

    First off I’d like to say I’m a long time listener, first time commenter. Love the show. I was pleasantly surprised. Knowing the budget and feeling dissatisfied with many cast choices (including Edwards) I went with low expectaions. I thought it would be entertaining but maybe slightly disapointing. I will give the movie a 3 out of 5 stars. I actually ended up liking Rob Pattinson alot more for that part after seeeing how well he did. He is still not who I see as Edward in my head, but he did great. Kristen Stewart did a good job as bella, her performance was flat, but I think Bellas personality is also kind of flat, so that kind of worked for her. I am not a taylor lautner fan as far a jacob goes. I hope in New Moon they have a new Jacob, especially as I dont think Taylor can pull off the size that Jacob gets as he changes. I thought they stuck to the books storyline pretty closely, althought I was disapointed in the meadow seen….or lack there of. I could hardly see edwards sparkles, but I would rather hardly see them than for them to look super cheesy. And there were some other effects that looked very low budget. But overall it wasn’t bad. The one thing that I thought odd was that they completly skipped over Jaspers ability. His ability to calm played a big role in the arizona scene and also plays big parts later on in the series, I thought it was odd that they didn’t even mention it in passing. I also wish they had put in the part where Edward explains Carlises beginnings to Bella and mentions the Volturi. Other than that, I think they touched on the major parts of the book pretty well. As for Edward and Bella, the intense chemistry was not nearly as good as it is in the book, but I think that would be almost impossible to recreate on film anyways, and I think they will probably get better as the movies progress. Looking forward to your comments on this movie and on the progress of New Moons production. Keep up the good work!

  14. Emily says:

    Amazing! It’s so hard to put into words how well done Twilight was! 5 stars most definitely!!

  15. Tammy says:

    I thought the movie was excellent. I am a little biased however being a devout fan of the books. They were so addicting and captivating that I read all four in a span of five days! I know that a lot of detail had to be cut in order to narrow it down to a two hour movie but the beginning seemed rushed. It was a little choppy it seemed to go straight from saying hi to bella to being in love with her and then fighting for her. There wasnt the build up to explain to those who have not read the book. The intensity between them was not shown enough. A lot of little details from the book went into it and they did a great job at that but I think it could have been laid out better and some important scenes could have been added such as the explanation of the volturi and the lullaby scene. For the budget that they had to work with though I thought they did a pretty good job and hopefully new moon can surpass it! I give it a 4 of 5 stars

  16. sarah says:

    I give the movie 4 stars. I thought the characters were prefect, except for Esme. I loved the actor, but the director should have made her movie conservative. My friends and I saw the movie 2 times already, and it has only been 3 days. It skipped some of my favorie scenes [when Edward takes Bella to the office after blood testing, and when they are in the hospitle at the end of the book,and Edward kisses Bella, and her heart rate goes up.] I was kinda upset because they only kissed one, but oh well. I LOVED the baseball scene, and when Edward gets out of the car with his arm around Bella. Overall,teh bookwas amazing and I know that I’m going to see it way more than 2 times!!!

  17. jenny says:

    i give the movie 4 stars! although it wasnt wat i thought it would be but im love with the series,, and well heres my opinion about the movie.. whenever i went into the movie i was all excited im a big fan and i was hopeing to fall in love with the movie,, it wasnt bad but it wasnt great either. i mean come on, you could totally tell that edward had contacts on. it all happened so fast,. to many parts were not include in the movie. i think the best scene was when they were playing baseball. the battle scence was all to fast, another thing was the romance!, i didnt feel that at all! i mean people that havent read the books could think that they were just friends. i was dissappointed. it was all good at the begin and it was going at a pretty good pace but when it came to the ending part it seemed like they wanted to get over with it. i mean the hotel part wasnt even much like the book. i was expecting more excitment but that never happened. the hospital and prom pretty much suked. but what can i say im still a big fan. i just hope that new moon has a better budget. and i hope they take there time and make it more like the book, so we can feel all the emotions.

  18. Kayla Cullen says:

    omg i luved it soo much .. i would totally give it a five !! my favorite part was the baseball scene ! and my second was when edward introduces bella 2 his family! i thought that was hilarious! every1 played there character very well! jasper especially! “jaspers the won who always looks likes hes in pain” haha funny!!!!but yeah anyway i luv ur podcast !!!

  19. AmandaJean says:

    OK, so I was a little nervous going into the movie. I had been so excited to see it, but when we actually got to the theater and sat down I was scared I might be disappointed. I have to say I did end up being disappointing in the first 20 minutes or so, but as the movie progressed I started to get more and more excited. In the end, I thought that they really did a good job taking this amazing story and bringing it to the screen. I did think that the “back story” of how they fall in love was a little rushed, and that is what bothered me at first. I just feel like, if you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t understand their love. But overall, I really did love the movie, and I am going to see it again this week. The actors did a fantastic job and I cannot wait for the next movie!

  20. AmandaJean says:

    I forgot…. 4.5 stars!

  21. Emmetts Lover says:





















  22. Rose Forester says:

    Okay this may get a bit long.
    I liked it for these reasons… It did not bucher the book. In fact it was remakably close, closer than any other movie off book I have ever seen examples, Harry Potter, Eragon, The ultument gift, If only it were true, Jumper, exc. It added to the story, I LOVED how they did Charlie, and there were many funny scenes that werent in the book( One of my fav. was when she said ” you should really put your seat belt on.” I Loved the visual affects and action scenes. I thought they did a wonderfull job with the sparkles ( not making it look lame). I also loved how the actors used so much body language to tell what was happening, example Biology.
    There were however things that I didn’t like about it ( don’t boo ) The main thing was the Bella seemed really suicidal, at least in the book she had been told by him and Jacob that they didn’t hurt humans, in the movie she isn’t told until after she is deliberaltly alone with him. Kristen is a great actress, but I got a bit tired of her slight shake of the head, mouth half open, trying not to be scared exprestion (don’t kill me). And it seemed to me that the movie had a slightly emo aura to it ( don’t rip me apart and then burn the pieces) Also this ones small but Robs real accent is way better than his fake American one.
    Conclusion ****4

  23. Denise Cruz says:

    I just hope that the special effects for New Moon are better that for Twilight. I wasn’t impressed with the special effects. I feel it should have been 2 1/2 hours. They should have focused on the development of their conversations. It was too rushed… I want to see awesome special effects especially to depict the Volturi and Voltura.

  24. Jessica says:

    i really really enjoyed them movie! I thought it was great the setting the actors, the acting….
    But i have to say that i was disappointed! I really wish they wouldn’t have changed soooo many things!
    And i know that its hard to condence a long book in to a movie but still they left out so much…

    I really hated some of the things that changed like how…
    Bella never cooked for her dad and suddenly now they eat at a diner everynight
    Or how bella meets jake for the first time, i thought that it was dumb and occward…
    i didnt like when bella first experienced edwards speed… they never showed her become nauseaed
    i didnt like how at the prom, jake comes out from behind the tree randomly, when he was really supost to brake up there dance…
    Oh and i could have sworn that bella didnt have a laptop, her computer was supost to be really slow and old
    I didnt like the medow seen, or the first kiss either
    Oh and i thought the “hunt” when bella was with alice and jasper in the hotel was supose to be longer and more suspencful
    they made alice only have one vision, and they barley stayed there a day… Plus they made her sneek away to easy!
    what ever happened to them being at the airport, with edward, and her having to go to “the restroom”?!
    i wish they would have kept it like the book

    Things i wish they never left out…
    i wish they would have put in the blood-typing seen,
    i wish they would have showed bella eating lunch with the cullens
    Oh and what ever happened to the part of edward and bella in carlisles office,
    when they look at all the pictures on the wall, and talk about the past…
    and i cant remember but wasnt the “stories” jacob was telling her at the beach a lot longer?

    (i know theres tons more i was obsessing about over the weekend, but i just cant think of it now lol)
    Dont get me wrong i loved the movie for the most part… i was just expecting more

  25. KK says:

    I’m commenting agian
    (I did 135 and some thing in the early two hundreds)
    because i just went and saw the movie with my mom again.

    -Bella doesn’t talk in her sleep… weird… they lost a lot of humor there….
    -I wish the baseball scene had been longer. IT WAS AWESOME
    -Jackson Rathbone… you are adorable but you look and sound like a robot in the movie…. i’m sorry.
    -I wish Bella had actually cooked…
    – It gets better the second time around…. I was less critical and enjoyed it more….


    and Twilight

  26. KK says:

    Bella looked stupid cuz she just let him speed…
    + the blood typing scene is so sweet and funny…

  27. Kristen says:

    OMG *****! I was trying to keep my expectations as low as possible (I didn’t want to set myself up for disapointment) but it was INCREDIBLE! Of course there are things that I wish were a little bit different and of course it wasn’t as good as the book, but they really pulled it off and it’s a great compliment to the book and it’s fandom.

  28. Mary says:

    I am so sad to say it but i didnt like the movie, it was super disappointing
    it was rushed, they totally could have made the movie so much better and less cheesy…

    but on the positve note, i think the baseball seen was my favorite,
    even thought it made me laugh…
    when James was like “you brought a snack”
    and then the cullens got in like wierd positions, all defensive…
    it reminded me of “A West Side Story” when the jets and the sharks
    where about to brawl, with their snap fingers lmao

  29. heather marie says:

    2 out of 5 stars.
    I was so hyped for this movie, that i even went to the midnight showing. I knew not to compare the film with the book because if you do your easily let down. But that was not needed the film itself was a total let down. It was so campy and cheesy. People were laughing for all the wrong reasons, mostly it was due to robs portryal as edward. He seemed to serious and his facial expressions didn’t make him scary, he just looked really confused. The scene where he tells is sitting/rocking in the tree telling bella how his family are not like other vampires looks like something from one flew over the cuckoo’s nest! And kristen stewart was very boring to me, and her acting seem very stilted, but that was obvious from the trailer. And the music in the film just seemed way off to me, and am i know that i;m not te only one annoyed with the random crazyy techno muscic when you see that victoria was at th dance. I know it seems like i must hate the movie but i love the supporting cast! Billy Burke as charlie was very funny. and nikki reed did a excellent job of portraying alice, she even looked like she was dancing when she moved, especially in the baseball scene. And i wish Taylor Lautner was in the film! more he really did seem just like how i pictured Jacob.

  30. amanda says:

    I have to say I was disappointed. I thought that Edward and Bella were portrayed well, but I had a hard time with the fact that the humans got more screen time than the Cullens.

    I thought there could have been more character development ( I know there is a time issue) and I thought Bella and Edward’s relationship was a bit rushed. I think if they added in a montage of Edward and Bella spending time together, it would have made their relationship seem more realistic.

    Also, the kiss. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, because I DID, but I thought the kiss was suppose to be light, and even the slightest bit of passion that Bella put into it was too much for Edward. I thought that the kiss was a bit more passionate than in the book…but I think I can let that one slide becuase I kind of loved it = ]

    I also loved the new scenes they added in!!! I thought they were great additions that kept true to the book. I loved the scene were the Cullens are cooking, it was so funny/cute/spot-on.

    Anyway, I thought that the movie was pretty good, but overall, was disappointed. I thought it started off kind of slow, but I loved the end.

    ps. the edward/jacob exchange of death glares?!?! THE BEST.

  31. heather marie says:

    i posted before and said nikki reed as alice but i wanted to correct myself i meant Ashley Greene as alice, sorry for the mistake. and i never realized how many mistakes i make when i type fast lol

  32. Cynthia from California says:

    3 out of 5 stars :-/

    I think the movie was too rushed through out the first half. It got better after the baseball scene. They could have added another 15 minutes to the movie to develop Bella’s and Edward’s relationship (Bella’s bedroom scenes) and to add some of Bella’s dreams. I was disappointed by the meadow scene – was that even a meadow!? 🙁 I liked the soundtrack music in it, but not the background electric guitar that played throughout the entire movie. It got annoying.

    I liked Bella’s relationship with her parents.

    My favorite scenes:
    When Bella meets the Cullens
    The baseball scene
    The ballet studio scene
    At the end when Victoria was stalking them

  33. cho-lee says:

    i haven’t actually seen the movie yet [can’t wait but am also a little worried that it won’t be as good as the book]
    can anyone tell me what OME is??
    I taking a wild guess in pressuming it’s something along the lines of OMG [which is what everyone says where im from [[NZ]] ] could someone take the time to enlighten me???

  34. Laura says:

    Okay! I was reading some of the comments and I think a lot of people are saying that the movie was rushed, but come on people! They can’t make the movie 3 and ½ hours long, that would be so boring to people who’ve never read the book, for instant my cousin saw the movie and now she wants to read the books so she can get all the juicy details because she loved the movie so much. She wanted to know more about the characters after I told her there was so much more to know if she read the book. Also Summit wants to try to attract all sorts of an audience, not just Twilighters.
    Over all I really liked the movie I give it a five out of five star. My favorite scene was the baseball scene. I thought it was the most pumped up scene in the movie. One thing I wished I could have seen was the blood typing scene. But I still loved the movie; Charlie was hilarious in the movie! Everyone in the theaters laughed at his pepper spay lines! I can’t wait to see New Moon I think Summit will do an awesome job with it

  35. redroses1350 says:

    I give it (**). One * for effort and another * for actually managing to ruin a good story. When I went to the theater I took 5 friends with me. Two have never read the book and 3 who have. (they even read midnight sun) The two who have never read the book where just completely lost watching the movie. So after the movie it became a Q&A for us because they were still confused about parts in the movie. The other 3 including myself kept having to calm each other down. Not because of Rob Pattinson obvious hottness but because we could not believe why the film makers would ruin such a perfectly good story. Why did they have to change the meadow scence? And how come it was never explained in the movie that the song Edward was playing on the piano was Bella’s lullaby? I also don’t get why they kept focusing on the actor’s faces? We already know that they were wearing contacts you didn’t have to prove it to us in HD!!
    I felt that the characters where robbed. We never got to know the cullens family story at all. They never explained that Rosalie was actually ment for Edward, and why Carlisle made Esme a vampire. They also didn’t give us the back story about Alice either. The one thing that got me really mad about the whole thing was the hotel scene. When I read that part in the book I honestly felt that edward’s and bella’s love was completely real. It was confirmed by Jasper telling Bella that no matter what happens we are going to protect you because no one wants to look in Edwards eyes if anything was to happen to you. This is just my opinion but I felt that if anything… that that line should have been in the movie, because it confirmed that Edward was madly truely deeply in love with her. But you know the movie decided to skip that part!!! Urg… and as for the special effects, I understand “low budget” but it looked like the nomad vampires where just walking on a convyer belt that you see at air ports, and as for Edwards sparkles….who said it would be a good idea to just put a bunch of glitter on him? and don’t even get me started on there running!!
    All in all I was not impressed with the movie.

  36. Kassidy says:

    the movie took me by suprise!!!! i thought that they would leave alot more out and stuff but the kept it just like the book.

    the only thing that i wanted in was the phone call and how she got away from alice and jasper. the was the only thing i wanted in too.

    also i went with my mom and she (she doesnt read the books) said that she wanted to hear more about the other vampires and more than just edward.

    i give this movie 5*****!!! cant wait until new moon comes out!!!


  37. Brianna says:

    i love the movie it was absolutely great………I am a big fan of robert pattinson he is extremely hot and so is taylor launter, i love his long hair inthe movie. I also think that kristen stewert is the PERFECT “BELLA” i loved it. the director has has a great eye. I love Robert Pattinson.

  38. BMusings says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed the movie overall: Bella and Edward had smoldering and breathless chemistry (astounding considering Stewart’s deadpan true-life persona), Charlie was perfectly portrayed, Bella’s home and bedroom were the epitome of my imagination. The romance was highlighted mostly, which is understandable considering the shortened movie timeframe. There were a few scenes I missed, including the “shocking” biology lesson and Edward’s reaction to Bella whispering his name in her sleep, but I understand the need for edits. Smallish criticisms would be Rosalie’s less-than-utterly-perfect appearance, the alteration of the Cullen’s large white, porch-surrounded abode, and Jasper’s and Alice’s complete lack of presence. My HUGE criticism would have been Edward’s having to be told to “stop” by Carlisle during the climactic ending, when, in fact, his ability to control himself and resist his urge to feed on Bella is a huge part of his character development and the love story. There was NO NEED for this plot change and it altars the characters and the future of the story.

  39. Hannah Slauf says:

    I thought the movie was awesome!!! It was the best movie i have ever seen!!! I cant wait for New Moon!!!

  40. Eva says:

    Omg! Ok, so I like just saw the movie Saturday and it was totally Awesome!! My best freind has never read the books but she is soo psyched to go see the movie ( I didnt go see it with her)! It was a funny and cute movie all mixed into one. I thought Rob and Kristen had great chemistry!
    P.S. LOVE the podcasts girls!!!

  41. Lori says:

    I was wondering if any of you really saw the same movie I saw???? I thought it was awful — I was truly disappointed. My heart also was breaking for Stephenie — how crushing to have her amazing books turned into such a poorly made, dialogue butchered movie. The one thing we all love about Stephenie and her writing is the dialogue — how dare the screenwriter not even use most of it. Instead she substituted her own stupid lines — if I had the opportunity, I would fire her today and I would make sure whoever wrote the New Moon screenplay was required to use Stephenie’s dialogue. Also, I hope that Rob and Kristen will both continue with acting lessons before New Moon and Catherine needs to learn to have her cinematographer back off of Rob and Kristen.
    And then there was the fact that the whole movie was completely confusing — if you hadn’t read the book. I wished they would have narrated the story in both Edward and Bella’s mind, like Bella always does in the book. They could have explained so much more and they could have shown us their love developing. As it was there was no chemistry and because of that no excitement at the prospect of their romance.
    But all being said and done I do have one compliment — the music was amazing! Every song seemed perfectly suited and well placed! Hats off to everyone involved in the music. I also did enjoy the scenes where we watched Rob and Kristen while the music was playing — I think those scenes were better because no one was talking.
    Oh, and Tyler did an amazing job playing Jacob — that boy can act. I wasn’t sure he would be up to doing New Moon, but now I hope they give him a chance. He was amazing and fun to watch.

    Love the podcasts and the website — Kallie and Kassie are the best!


  42. Sue C. says:

    I really, really liked the movie when I saw it at midnight, and even better when I saw it the second time. I would give it 4 stars. For a low budget film, I thought the affects and cinematography were well done considering what they had to work with. That being said, I was disappointed in the meadow scene, as that was the ONE SCENE that everyone said they must get right. I wanted to see this scene really define Edward and Bella’s relationship like it did in the book and not just show them making goo-goo eyes at each other. Also, another disappointment was that they never said ‘I love you!” to each other in the film. Of the actors, for the most part I thought they were all spot on – – Ashley Green was a perfect Alice, and even Nikki Reed made a great bitchy Rosalie. At times Kristen Stewarts performance seemed to be flat and I thought she could have shown more emotion, like when she was leaving Charlie, but all in all, she is Bella. My first impression of Jackson Rathbone as Jasper left me with the feeling that he was suffering from some kind of intestinal cramps but after seeing it the second time, and knowing the background of the character, I could better understand how the character was portrayed in the film. An then Robert Pattinson, OME WOW! He was absolutely superb and portrayed the essence of Edward perfectly. There was so much more I would have liked to see and have explained in the film, but I can understand the need to omit certain parts of the book. Now the soundtrack – – pure genius! The music really helped carry this film as well as stand on its own. Muse during the baseball scene was awesome!! This is one cd that will stay on my play list favorites for a long, long time. Well done Catherine Hardwick, cast and crew! I cannot wait to see what you give us for New Moon!

  43. Leslie says:

    Hey Guys,
    I think they did a okay job overall! The things that i didn’t like though were how they lead up to the meadow scene and not enough of the Cullen family and no hotel scene. I mean Alice was my favorite character in the books and she said like ten lines. It wasn’t like I didn’t like the actors who played the Cullen family. They were totally cool! I just didn’t like that they didn’t say that much! I mean they didn’t mention Jaspers gift at all and Carlisle’s history. Also I wanted more Alice! I would give it maybe 3 stars. But i do think other people who haven’t read the books would like the movie! All I can say that in the next movie they better have more Cullen family and when they vote on Bellas imortalty. I cant wait for the next movie though and I hope they learn from their mistakes! I love your podcast!

  44. Christina says:

    The movie was alright! I went and saw the movie twice just to make sure. Rob Pattison is awesome. I love Jasper and they got the jist of the movie. The esstinal. BUT!! Bella (kristen Stewart) was annyoning. Ugh!! Come on that scence in the forrest. She did look scared. I love how they end the film that was awesome. I will definetly support the film because I love stephenie meyer and the entire twilight books.
    I hope that summit will spend more money on the film, some of the scence look really cheesy. What is up with edward and that light blue collar shirt. He wore that shirt 3 times in 3 different scence.

  45. pearlyshells says:

    I loved it!!! I would give it 5 stars, I mean of course I wouldve wanted to see certain chapters in their but I understand where summit is coming from but overall I really loved it! I wouldve like to hear the Cullens talk more but I think it was crucial for the first movie to hear and feel more of Edward and Bella’s love for each other for those who havent read the book, but hopefully we will hear more of the Cullens in the sequels. I took three of my friends who didnt read the book to see the movie and they absolutley loved it, they all couldnt stop talking about how great it was and how hot Edward was a.k.a Spunk ransom
    It just made them all the more want to read the book, so as far as reaching out to those who havent read the book, Melissa Rosenberg did an awesome job because now people want details of this bleeding love, if you can forgive the cliche.
    It even had some humor to it, I loved it!! I cant say enough!!!

  46. Kasey says:

    Hi ladies! I think the movie was one of the best books-to-movie adaptations I’ve seen in a long time! I would give it about 4 stars. The effects of the vampires speed and agility could be fine-tuned as well as the “sparkle” (maybe this is a result of low-budget). I went with a group of mixed people (those who read the book and those who didn’t)- it was interesting to see everyone’s reaction (some loved it and others hated it). I’m sorry to say my hubby fell asleep and thought it was way too slow. I’m happy to hear that they are making New Moon, but I really think that they need to combine books 2 & 3 for the next movie. My reasoning behind this is that I think there needs to be more action in the movies in order to grab the attention of non-Twilighters. Plus, there are only a few action scenes in the books and I think combing New Moon and Eclipse would make for an AWESOME film (Volturi and Victoria in 1? How cool would that be?!)!! Keep up the good work =)

    -Kasey from Florida

  47. Jamie Long says:

    I remember i found this book in a scholastic book order form and thought this sounds cool and ordered it, this was before it was a bestseller and the was no one talking about the book. i’ve been a fan for a while now and this movie didn’t do the book justice….sorry….
    I’m most likely going to be bashed horribly, but i didn’t like it as stated above : ( i didn’t think kristin and rob had that great-a chemistry, and she was so sullen and monotone the entire time, i was like “you’re in love with this guy, why was she not excited and just wow” (sorry about my thought procees it’s crazy, anyway) they made it seem like her mother was forcing her to leave and even though in the book it was her choice. The romance aspect was completely cut from movie practically, there wasn’t any indication that she was madly in love with him, btw, Rob was a great choice for Edward : ) and the movie seemed to jump around and everything justed seemed so drastically changed from the book. Everything felt rushed and mishmashed
    i thought the people who were cast for the vampires were good, charlie was good, and renee looked way old, she was supposed to look young and bubbly.
    Overall i would give the movie ** (2 stars) but the next time i watch it i might just watch the fight scene

    since they are going to be making new moon hopefully they will stick to the book a little better, and not mess up in any way

    i’m still a big Twilight fan!!!! no movie could take that away lol

    love your show!!!!! : )

  48. Karla says:

    4 out of 5!! I saw this movie 3 times this weekend. And every time I saw it, it only got better for me. There were at times that Rob made some really strange faces that did make me laugh and the part when Bella/Kristine is in the hospital and she freaks out I thought it was a little over the top but overall I think it was great. I really stuck to the spirit of the book. If anyone here went with the idea that they were going to make the movie just like the book you must be out of your mind. I enjoyed myself, I laughed and my boyfriend it enjoyed it very much. Mostly importantly there was a group of 11 of us who went 5 out of the 11 had not read the book and really really liked the movie and want to read the 3 other books because they want to know what happens next. That was my biggest concern was people who hadn’t read the book going to like it. So there!! I just want all the critics and nay sayers to go and eat their words for all the bashing. Cause last time I checked this movie made how much was it? I’m sorry I can’t hear you….was that $70 MILLION?!?! 70 MILLION!!! Suck that!!

    I love your pod cast I think you guys are so cute I laugh every time I listen to an episode people at work think I’m crazy. Oh I’m 26 by the way.

    Can’t wait for the next one!!

  49. Traci says:

    I did not like all the tree climbing stuff if found it silly. Edward kinda just ran up the trees, and the thought of a t-shirt with the slogan “I run up tress on it” I don’t think I was supposed to be distracted in that way. Also the two monkey comments bothered me “spider monkey” “monkey man” yuck! The sound effect that let us know Edward was “sparkling in the sun” made me cringe. Did we really need Disney style twinkle sounds! I didn’t feel any suspence at James chasing Bella and the fight scene, and I don’t think it’s because I read the book., when I watch Harry Potter movies I feel that dread or suspence and I totally know whats going to happen…Bella freaking out in the hospital seemed to come out of no where for the movie, see just suddenly freaks out, she was calm pretty much the whole movie even when James was attacking her then alll of a sudden freak out!

    I loved The first half of the movie up to when Edward followed Bella into the woods. I loved anything with Edward’s family and Charlie. The La Push and Forks kids are great. The Prom scene was great. The “bad” vampires didn’t seem scary enough or bad enough. Now at the end the shot of Victoria was better.

    I give the movie 3 out of 5 stars. It was better then alot of other book to movie films I’ve seen, and it’s better then a lot of other movies that have come out.

  50. Nicole Kline says:

    So I just have to say that the movie was REALLY good!!!!!

    But I just wanted to inform you guys (Kassie and Kallie) that New Moon was approved by Summit I was e-mailed by Summit via Rob and Kristen thanking the fans and letting us all know that they were just informed that New Moon was green lighted on Saturday.

    I just thought that you might want to know that, love the podcast!!!!

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