New Moon is a GO!

Nov 22nd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Holy Moly!  I just got this email from Summit, and you probably did too!  Click on this post for a closer look!  LOVE IT!

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67 Comments to “New Moon is a GO!”

  1. sou says:

    YES!! Hale YES!! WE OWN so freaking hard right now!! XD (sry for caps just excited!)

  2. Bagels says:

    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SO HAPPY!!!!! TWILIGHT WAS ABSOLUELY AMAZING AND NOW NEW MOON IS FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Becky says:

    OH MY EDWARD!!!! Yay!!!!!! This is awesome! I loved the movie and I’m so happy that they are going to do New Moon! I bet Taylor is super excited!

  4. Nicole says:

    yay im sooooooooooooooo excited
    i love twilight

  5. Team Edward and Alice says:


  6. Jasmine says:

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! OME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOO WAITING FOR IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Kelly says:

    although it scares me too- twilight was so great that new moon will be horribly heartbreaking

  8. Baylee says:

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MOVIE WAS SO FANTISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDWARD WAS SO HOT
    I CANT WAIT FOR NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Emily Bee says:


  10. Haley says:

    omj i totally heard that!! can u believe it? my Taylor will have a role now!!!

    hey, just wondering, Kallie and Kassie, what’d u guys think of the movie?

    peace, love, and Twilight

  11. Emily Bee says:

    is taylor playing jacob tho?

  12. goalicego says:

    YES YES YES!!!!! That just made my day!!!!!! OME!!!!! I’m so happy right now!!!!!!!!!!

  13. alyssa says:

    YES!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I’M SO HAPPY!!!!! XD OME!!!

  14. Alison says:

    H*LL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG and second ago i was upset about the movie reviews for Twilight but now im so happy i dont think ill be able to sleep for a looooong time!!!!!!!!!!

  15. omg says:

    YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!YES!!!!
    that just made my day. 🙂
    ahh. crap. no it didn’t. Ijust remembered what happens in New Moon. ahhhhh. noooo.

  16. Hannah says:

    Okay, I haven’t seen Twilight yet as I live in the UK, but still…HELL YEAH! NEW MOON IS A GO-GO! I CANNOT WAIT!

    By the way, how was Twilight? It’s so not fair that I have to wait until 19th December!

  17. Lauren says:

    I JUST GOT the email from Summit & I JUST about FELL outta my chair!!!!!!!!! HECK YEAH!!!!!!! Thank you to ALL of the Twilighters out there for MAKING IT POSSIBLE!!!! BTW…..the movie was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Shteff! says:

    I’ve been so happy today, and this has made it even better! THANK GOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *saves email kissing it repeatedly*

  19. Linsey says:

    I am going to have to start looking for new outfits soon for that premiere!!! LOVE IT!

  20. Mac says:


  21. Amy Git r Done says:

    WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Even though I was disappointed by Twilight, I’m PSYCHED they’re starting New Moon already!

  22. Haley says:


  23. Laura says:

    OME! OME! This is totally awesome! The volutri! Werewolves affects! SWEET! SWEET! OME! OME!

  24. Tiffany C. says:


  25. sarah L says:

    Ok we all knew this was coming but now that its official its even more exciting!!!! I have already texted all my friends and told them!!!!

  26. jeffielou says:

    I am a 33 year old mother, wife and teacher. That being said, I got goose bumps sitting in the theater on Thursday night as the movie began. I felt like a young girl again about to be kissed for the first time. The movie did not dissapoint me at all, except that I wish it had been 4 hours longer than it was! I am so happy to hear that Summit made enough money this weekend to justify making the next movie. In my opinion, New Moon is where the depth of Bella and Edward’s love really shines through. I can’t wait to see it come to life on the big screen, that beautiful moment when Bella realizes that Edward really does love her, and that he’s here to stay. I’m getting goose bumps again just thinking about it! That will be a moment worth waiting for.

  27. Courtney says:

    twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3 twilight<3
    omg! i love the movie(: i read all of the books and they are amazinggg. so excited for new moon!

  28. Lyncoln says:

    I’ve been on a high ever since I saw Twilight Friday morning at Midnight….and then reading this earlier today gave me an even bigger boost!! We did it!!! I was soooo amazed at the movie and I’m just in utter awe thinking about how New Moon is going to be! While it’s my least favorite book of the series (because it’s sooo depressing for the most part), like Rob, I am super excited to see Edward’s re-entrance near the end! It’s going to be AMAZING!!!

    I enjoyed Taylor’s portrayal of Jacob in Twilight. I thought he did very well and seemed like Jacob. But Jacob changes sooo much in New Moon. I’m just not sure if Taylor could pull that off.

    Either way, I’m sure it will be great! And I’m sure Summit will be given a much bigger budget to make this one! Yay! Sooo happy!

  29. Christine says:

    EEEEEEK! There was no doubt at all, but I didn’t know that they would give the go so early!!! EEEEEEEK!!!!!! TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Summit Enterntainment really did a good job with Twilight!!!! And I’m pretty sure they’ll also find a way to make Breaking Dawn, too!!! EEEEEK!!!!

  30. Olinda says:

    i cant believe it!!
    when i open it i was like
    omg!! i have to tell all my friends!!!
    now they all know!!!
    we agree on see it on the premiere !!!
    we are going to get the money to go to LA!!
    I cant belive it!!

  31. Demi says:

    *Screams* *Dies* *Screams* *Dies* *Screams* *Dies* This is great!!!!!!!!

  32. Jenn says:

    OMG! I am in TwiHeaven! I am about to scream! This is totally cool! This is great! I am so shocked! This is soooo cool!


  33. obsessed twilighter says:


  34. Amber says:

    Oh my god. I screamed and then started crying. It’s amazing how much this story means to me. This was a book that I had already decided a while back that I would NEVER even TOUCH this series. One day, I gave it a shot, and… I don’t know what it is about this story. In Twilight, I identified wholly with Bella. In New Moon, I kind of felt like that identifcation slowly began to fade. However, watching Twilight last night gave me this sense of connection. This news is just so… Oh my god. It’s fantastic.

  35. obsessed twilighter says:


  36. ~ says:

    I just wanted to mention that Robert was amazing. I think that he really was Edward–who would have thought that we all hated him just eleven months ago? Also, I think that based on the cast’s performance in this movie the next will be just as good or better.

  37. Jenn says:

    For some reason I am hearing Toby Keith sing How do you like me now. Now that I’m on my way.

    Alot of people thought this movie was going to fail. I am like Amber (34)I vowed never to touch Twilight. I opened the book started to read and felt an instant connection with all the characters. I was worried that it wouldn’ t make it to the 150 mil mark and I am so happy that they are making it! You girls do a great job! Thank you for keeping us up to date.You do all of this for us fans and we should give you something back.

  38. obsessed twilighter says:

    when will they start??

  39. peeves says:

    YAY my mom told me today

  40. obsessed twilighter says:

    when??like soon?? or like nxt year

  41. Amber says:

    Obsessed, we don’t KNOW. In an interview, I think Robert said around April/May/June, but it isn’t for sure.

  42. HannahC says:

    OMG IM SO FLIPPING EXCITED! OMG! WOW! IVE NEVER BEEN THIS EXCITED ABOUT A MOVIE! BESIDES TWILIGHT BUT WOW. Okay Sorry, fangirl moment over. lol. im really excited. : ]

  43. Emmett's Girl says:

    Yippee!!!! I’m so excited. I agree with the previous poster Oh HALE Yes!!!!

  44. amy(la) says:

    i am excited they are going to go with new moon, it’s been practically confirmed for awhile though.
    twilight was good, i knew wouldn’t be as great as the book, so i couldn’t complain.
    i just hope edward is still a huge part of the movie.

  45. Erin(: says:

    Okay that is just amazing!
    And you know what would be even MORE amazing??? If they had an opencasting for Jane..and then I just randomly get the part and take Kelly and Alex(both from TST) on the set with me….and in return Kassie and Kallie are the first to interview me as the new jane!
    How cool would that be??
    HAHA!Kelly,Alex, are you ready for your set visits?(This is an inside joke)

  46. grace says:


  47. Mandi says:

    I look forward to this one… I liked the first movie (I thought too information was crammed into two hours and it didn’t flow right… but I liked it anyway.) Now that they’ve established a lot of the base relationships and things, we can count on seeing more of the details in New Moon. And um, Hello(!!!) Taylor Lautner was SEXY in the movie!!! I nearly found myself glancing over Team Jacob… courious as to what it would be like to be a part of that team… O_O Then saw that kiss between Rob and Kristen and remembered why I was a part of Team Edward… LOL

  48. Alex (TST) says:

    Haha Nice Erin….
    Thanx. YOu need to get it… Haha

  49. Kayla says:

    OMg i loved twilight .. Edward like made my heart likeee falll in love .
    i cant wait till new moon but edward is leaving =[[ i cryed like 4 times in the movie
    now hes leaving too =[ omg noo i love himm. he cant leave. hurry this movie uppp i wonnna see new moon =]]
    THis is the best movie in the world for realll!

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