New Interview With Rob
Nov 23rd, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie has a 4 part interview with Robert Pattinson here!
Philadelphia Daily News also has an article on Rob here!
“Besides the movie-star thing, Pattinson is also trying screenwriting. He has already written a few scripts, the most recent one about the slave trade. And he wants to have a production company by the time he is 26.
“I guess I’m just a control freak,” he said. “I don’t like the way the film industry is . . . If you come with a good script and then it goes to the studios and gets financing, it all gets changed because they want to make money. And it’s like, how do you know if it’s going to make money or not? All you’re doing is making it generic when you do that, and making it generic is no guarantee that it’s going to make money either.”
I wish he would throw away that stupid hat.
Aw, I love his hat! lol I agree with what he said about the movie industry. They always want to spin things and turn them around their way.
ahh, I wish he would take a shower.
omg he is so sexy, and such a good actor. love him
I love his hat. A shower would be good every now and again, but whatever he’s still HOT! His eyes sometimes look brown, maybe it’s the lighting, but I thought they were blue.
man what is it with hats hair and showers