New Moon Wish List
Nov 24th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsSpoiler Alert! Don’t click on the link if you haven’t read New Moon or seen Twilight the movie. Ok, MTV has a list of things that they would like to see in New Moon, changes that they feel would benefit the sequel. Click here to see it. What do you think? Do you agree with their list?
i really think they should start showing bella giving dinner to charlie! the dinner thing in twilight wasn’t at all necesary in my opinion… it was an important part in the book of how bella felt when she was alone with charlie… waiting for edward… feeling sad about his departure… alice is the most beautiful thing alive too!
I want the break up scene to really tear out the audiences heart because it did tear out mine. I also want more Bella Edward Ooey Gooey time (I know it does not come until the end). I want real raw emotion from the charcters. The werewolves cannot look fake. All the werewolves have to grow taller and buffer (Jake getting his new muscles). That is all I can think of for now.
Loved the movie!
My biggest thing…the wolves. If the werewolves look fake, stupid, ugly, or like on of those cheesy TV special effects…I WILL kill someone. My werewolves need to be perfect :D. And honestly, that is all I ask. I just want my wolves.
I seriously hope that they don’t rush right into the whole “Jacob is a werewolf” thing. I really want the movie to show how much pain Bella was in after Edward left and before she found Jacob. I was crying so much during chapter 3 of “New Moon” that my parents made me put the book down and take a shower to calm myself. I also hope that they don’t make the werewolves look like some monster like in “Harry Potter” they should use real wolves. They also need to make “New Moon” longer than “Twilight” because I felt like the movie was rushed to make it fit in the 2 hour time slot.
Alright Im going to stop now before this turns into an essay.=}
well first of all i think in twilight i needed more action because they kiiss at least 3 times or even 5 i mean for sure are 3 & in the movie it was just 1°°°!!! and another thing is in the book the most important thing is the way edward looks bella with his eyes he shows everything and bella too i mean eyes & how they look it’s very important and he was kinda sweet instead pf being the strong vampire he looks really sweet but i hope the wolves look good because damn! if they look like liitle fake noooooo please no! although i love robert i think someone would be better for the role but right now is just perfect the way it was chosen good job! and let me tell the soundtrack wow! fuckin awesome! the best was that the music!!
I think she hit the mark! I totally agree!! I am very excited about New Moon becoming a movie and would love them to stick with the story, but I am very willing for it to change a bit. I would really LOVE to see what is going on with the Cullen after they leave and Edward and how he is handling things. I could go on and on about this but I have a feeling this will be a question of the week so I will stop now.
I definitely think they need to recast Taylor. As much as I loved him in Twilight and thought he did an excellent job portraying Jacob in that stage of his life, I just don’t see him fitting the part in the rest of the movies. Not only is he supposed to get taller, but he’s supposed to change in his looks too. Look older.
I thought the special effects in Twilight were fairly decent considering the budget…but they are definitely gonna have to do something about creating the werewolves. THis movie needs a much bigger budget for sure!
I do want to see Edward throughout the movie and see how he copes without Bella. BUT then again I don’t. As much as I love seeing Rob on the screen….I just think the movie will have a much better climax if they DON’T show Edward and he shows up near the end like he does in the book. THe audience (that hasn’t read the books) will be wondering the whole time if he’s gonna show up again or not. Then boom! He does! It will also make Edward and Bella’s reunion much more beautiful.
Oh….and definitely more Edward/Bella mushiness! haha I don’t care how cheesy it is! It’s Edward and Bella! And Rob and Kristin are awesome together onscreen!
That’s pretty much all I ask for. I’m definitely hoping Catherine will be back as director. I think she did a great job and she has such a passion for the series! 🙂
[…] two categories for next year’s Academy Awards: Best music score and song (Decode) … New Moon Wish List Tue, 25 Nov 2008 05:20:36 Spoiler Alert! Don’t click on the link if you haven’t read […]
i think the twilight movie was awesome… i wasnt excited to see it at 1st but one i sat down and watched it… it took me a min or two once the movie was over to be like “WOW” i wanna see it again!.. im hoping every book becomes a movie… it would be really awesome! and deff. in the 2nd movie when edward comes back. bella and edward need to have a little more musshy time together… its so cute how he wants to go cross the line, that he drew between their physical reationship… also the werewolves dont need to look fake like harry potter, i mean the budget they spend on this move has to go to the extreme! because i mean the day twilight came out it made 37.6 million…so im sure if they put enough effort into it the 2nd movie should be longer and just as exciting and emotional and every other feeling the audience would get. when they watched it. ok this is insaily long… 😀
I think we should leave the movie making to the movie making people…
Everybody keeps saying that they should use REAL wolves. Well, correct me if I’m wrong, but the good Lord didn’t make REAL wolves the size of a horse. That’s how they are described in the book. Remember? People keep confusing them for bears. I’m sure that there will be a bigger budget for New Moon. I think that CGI will work if they actually spend the money on it…, a lot of money.
disagree, i like the ‘cheesy ‘ effects and thought they weren’t cheesy at all!
that list was a disappointment to me,
They did an absolutely phenomenal job on Twilight and I believe that New Moon won’t let us down. Can’t wait though to see more of Edward!!! 🙂
i dont think they should use real wolves because they are not the same. they are tthese huge version of a wolf they’re not exactly the same. i think they should make them look real but wayyyyy bigger like they were in the book. also i agree that bella should be cooking for charlie likke she did in the books, and that there should be more involvment of the other cullens. loved twilight cant wait for new moon
I would really love to have a LOT of Alice in the movie! Alice and the yellow Porsche! Because in the book, when Alice is there, it’s the light at the end of the tunnel for Bella, she’s her lifeline, the promise that the Cullen’s haen’t forgotten her. And I want the Cullens too, when Rosalie tells Edward about Alice’s vision, and everything that’s just a minor line in the book: WANT THEM!!!
I’m praying that Catherine Hardwick reads that article and follow through with everything it says. All of that stuff would have made the movie a lot better. Heck, maybe that lady that wrote the article should be on set to help direct New Moon. Seriously. I’m afraid that if New Moon is the letdown that lots of people feel Twilight is, that might be the end of this movie franchise…
What I’m hoping for is that the movie gets better just like the Harry Potter movies get better over time. But the thing that HP does that perhaps Twilight should consider is…change directors until you find one that strikes gold…
The movie should be able to stand alone on it’s own without the need for us Twilight diehards to know and understand everything that is going on. That begins with a solid script that develops the characters. The books are character-driven, that’s why readers literally FELL in LOVE with the characters. The same needs to be done with the film. This includes developing the Cullens more than they did in the Twilight movie. How are they going to show the friendship between Alice and Bella? That is a crucial point in New Moon when Alice returns. It will be impossible to show EVERY detail of the book, but if they stay true to the charactors and their stories, the New Moon movie should be great!! That is what I think was lacking in Twilight the movie…it was REALLY good, but not great because of the lack of character development.
I think one of the biggest things I want in New Moon is that when Edwards gone there should be no music, at all. Because it’s talked about in the book that “Bella doesn’t like music”. And Im worried that there will be music when Edward leaves.
Im really excited about New Moon and all the Jacob. Also the trip to Italy with Alice. Personally, Edward buggs me. So Im glad he’ll be gone for a while. haha. It’s me favorite book, so I hope they dont mess it up too bad.
I need more of the sarcastic bantering between Bella and Edward that made me fall in love with them in the first place. The movie jumped right into “I can’t live without you” scenes between them. It wasn’t nearly as believable as it was in the book.
Her friendships with Mike, Eric, Jessica and Angela were not developed at all! It would have added to Bella and Edwards relationship to show how Bella was getting along with her human friends. And again…develop the Cullens! They literally had like 2 scenes in the movie. Alice is an extremely essential character and friend of Bella’s even when Edward leaves. I don’t think they developed that friendship enough in this movie–are we really going to believe it when Alice comes back into Bella’s life in New Moon???
i totally agree with the no edward no music modo…. thats it great!
also, i really think there needs to be amazing werewolves or i will cry! and to all of you people who think taylor has to get recast…. just NO! he was picked for the part and the director must like him so it shouldn’t be a problem, i really liked the way he portrayed jacob, i feel like he is a believable jacob black, and that’s what matters, please for the love of god give the guy a break!
lastly, i don’t want more gushy bella/edward i want more REAL bella/edward time. like in twilight they took out the whole part where they r on her couch and there is the whole “without night, we wouldn’t see the stars” scene i that touches me even more than the making out, i loved how they were BOTH constantly asking questions
GAH! i can’t read it yet T_T
they rushed through twilight, my mom went and saw it and had no clue what was going on. She said that she got harry potter movies, despite not readng the books, but just felt like nothing got explained in twilight. so I hope they make new moon long enough to fix all the story they left out in twilight, and properly tell the new moon story.
i also hope they dont rush the whole JACOBS A WAREWOLF!! i want to see her go thru the pain, i wanna cry!!!
and i want to see cliff diving!!!!!
Volterra… I’m so excited for the reuniting scene. Rob and Kristen are so perfect for that part.
I like the wish list especially the part that they are going to not make the vampires become a blur when they run.
i totally agree…except w/ #6 cuz i thought the vampires were supposed to do that whole crouch thing but wateva…anyway im just sooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!! idc wat its like i just want it to come out ASAP
My wish for New Moon is this, a whole movie with not much Edward is murder !! but its the way the book was.. it’s why I couldn’t put it down he left i cried and read saying over and over he has to come back, when does he come back, omg will he come back?? I wouldn’t put the book down till he came back! But a movie a long 2 hour movie is nothing compaired to the 10 hours i did without him in the book still how will they do this. Yes i love Jacob and Jacob needs his 2 hours to shine, but remember those flashes of Edward that Bella has. I know the story wil be altered from the book so maybe some very vived dreams and more flashes maybe they can add dreams that flashed back to scenes they left out of Twilight, But the script is done so I guess we will have to wait and see. PLEASE DON”T MAKE US WAIT TO LONG, I AM RUNNING OUT OF TWILIGHT FIXES. I even read the unfineshed Midnight Sun on steph’s page I need more books! IM HUNGRY no THIRSTY FOR MORE!
I’m freaking excited to see NEW MOON.. I think Steven Strait (lead from the movie The Covenant and 10,000 BC) would be better to play the the role of older Jacob, though.. Hope the director and the screenwriter would put every important thing on NEW MOON especially those they’ve left out on TWILIGHT (like Carlisle’s history with the Volturi, how it was explained on TWILIGHT..) – think they could still add it on NEW MOON (as a flashback, guess so..)
And I’m hoping that they would be able to give justice on the part where Alice and Bella was racing themselves to get to Edward on time in Italy – omg, they better have to.. Afterall that’s the most important thing there.. the adrenaline rush, how Alice drive like a maniac on her stolen-yellow-porsche, how Bella pushed people on the event so she could get Edward out of the street before he gets out in the sun — omg! omg! omg! PLEASE DO IT LIKE THE WAY IT WAS ON THE BOOK ♥ thanks..
By the way, I’ve watched Twiight like three times now and I’m gonna watch it again, tomorrow.. I’m obsessed with it, love it so much..