10 Critical Ways the Twilight Movie Differs from the Book

Dec 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Reelz Channel has a list of 10 things from the movie that differ from the book!

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9 Comments to “10 Critical Ways the Twilight Movie Differs from the Book”

  1. Alice says:

    Don’t agree with all of them. I agree with the leaving out Carlisle’s history, Jasper’s ability, and there should have been more Alice/Bella interaction in Phoenix. The development of their relationship had to be sped up in the movie, because you don’t have several months in a two hour movie. You have to admit, it was a love at first sight situation, that Edward got tired of fighting, and so did Bella. Over all, I think they did a good job keeping to the book, and setting up New Moon, where Alice and Bella’s friendship really takes off.

  2. CullenCrazy17 says:

    i do agree with most of those but some things really werent all that necessary in the first place so still overall THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!

  3. Steven Gibson says:


  4. Lion&Lamb says:

    Twilight was by far the most amazing production that I have ever seen in my life. I’ve gone to see it four times in theaters already and I just can’t get enough. I read the book after the movie, which I thought was a really good idea. It was a lot easier to visualize everything after seeing the movie but I agree that they left out some really good scenes. Bella’s sleep talking and dreaming along with her relationship with Alice would have been awesome in the movie. I also think that they should have kept the original “prom scene” as well. Either way, I was not at all disappointed with the movie when I saw it, I can’t wait for New Moon (I hope they find a way to get Edward in a lot here).

  5. Roz says:

    some of those things were not needed for the movie. The only thing I wanted was the small buildup of the love between edward and bella but I still felt it because rob and kristen had smoking chemestry.

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  7. Emmetts Rosalie says:

    In Twilight, Alice and Bella become best friends! Where was that in the movie?? I agree with most of the things they said, especially Carlisles history

  8. Shteff! says:

    I can’t excatly say yet since i’m trying my best not to watch it until it’s on the cinema in the UK 🙂

  9. ... says:

    I agree with everyone single one of those!

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