Suggestions for the New Moon Cast?

Dec 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

This week’s question of the week is a fun one!Β  We would love to know who you think should be cast in New Moon!Β  We also want to make sure that you send in or leave your Supporter’s Speculation about what you think will happen after Breaking Dawn!

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213 Comments to “Suggestions for the New Moon Cast?”

  1. Kimberly says:

    Whatever you do please keep the actors that are in twilight for all the movies. I read all four books in 3 days and saw the movie twice, and nothing ruins a movie sequel more than changing the actors it just ruins the entire thing. Frome reading the books I know that there has to be a lot more people added to the films which will make it even better!! Just dont get rid of the actors that are already there. This is the best movie I have seen in ages, and the books well there amazing, I hope another one comes out………WITHOUT KILLING THE CULLENS!!!

  2. Kaylie says:

    I agree. the actors must stay the same there is no way that they can take anyone out especially rob pattinson. i am on page 578 of breaking dawn right now and i can’t stop reading. ive seen the movie 4 times it is absolutely amazing i dont think i will ever get sick of it. since im not finished with breaking dawn so i dont really kno what to predict will happen after but i hope she will finish midnight sun because what i read of it on her website was amazing and made me fall in love with edward even more!

  3. Hannah says:

    All the actors need to stay the same. It wouldn’t be right if Alice or Emmett was suddenly someone completely different. Since I live in the UK, I haven’t seen the film yet, but it’s still very important to me. So far, all I’ve heard is how crap it is and how disappointed fans are. I have heard some positive reactions, but not many. If people were disappointed with Twilight, and then the actors were changed for New Moon, no one would go and see it.

    About post Breaking Dawn speculations, I hope that Stephenie will finish Midnight Sun. After that, I’m hoping for a continuation of the story in Renesmee’s perspective. I also heard that Stephenie will be writing Bree’s story as well. Who knows?!

  4. Ryan says:

    I agree too. they need to keep everyone from the first movie.
    as for future books from the twi-verse, i want Midnight Sun to be released first of all.
    after that I hope for a book from Renesmee’s point of view, with Jacob along for the ride.
    I also think there is a lot of potental in Jacob’s pack for interesting books as well as the Denali coven.
    If she stays with the Cullen family i would also like to see books from each of the couples points of view, Jasper and Alice, Emmet and Rose, Carlisle and Esme.
    The Twi-verse has just started and i think there is a lot more to come.

  5. Angeline says:

    Well.. They should keep the actors, if that’s possible. I hope that they could make it dramatic!
    I have a question…
    What would happen if Robert Pattinson got older, and they have to find new actors for the part?

  6. Alice says:

    i think firstly that taylor lautner should completely be re-cast… along with all of the cullens and charlie!

    i think that for quil and embry (along with all of the other wolves) they need to cast people like the actor for sam….. this would be the first thing they do as a big role in acting, i feel like it was better than to have some really famous person.

    lastly, as long as I can’t be Bella then next few movies I do hope that Kristen gets Bella again. as much as some of the things she did truly aggravated me, she is bella for me because she was bella in the movie.

    also, for the volturi for jane kristen cheneworth (glinda from wicked) should play the part! i feel like her laugh would be perfect and she is really short!

  7. Alice says:

    hi! sorry about not answering the second question! i think that she should finish midnight sun… at her own pace just for herself, because i feel horrible about what happened to her… also the encyclopedia, and hopefully the books from different perspectives!

  8. Charlia says:

    Ok Hmm Well,
    I Think Dakota Fanning Should Play Jane. I Know Eveyone Else Thinks Differntly, Saying She Is To Old For The Part Now, But I Recently Saw A Trailer For A Movie Staring Her, And I Still Think She Is Good Enough. Though Most Say Kristen Chenowith, I Think She Is Waaaay To Old. She Was On The Macy’s Parade, And She Doesn’t Even Look Like A Litle Girl!

    I Don’t Know Why There Is Such A Controversy On Taylor Lautner, He’s Been Cast And Catherine Said He Will Continue! I Love Taylor, And After Reading Eclispe For The Third Time, I Am Now A Proud Jacob/Switzerland Fan, Sorry Kallie. But I Think He Was Great In Twilight! Very “Sunshiney”

    I Have No Suggestions On The Voulturi Members Or Wolve Pack, There Aren’t That Many Native American To Choose From.
    They’ll Have To Go With Beginners Like Kris And Solomen Again.
    Post Breaking Dawn: I’m Proud To Say I Haven’t Read The Midnight Sun Fiasco. I Am Praying For Her To Work On And Have It Published By 2010. I Would Also Love A Book Just In Jacob’s Perspective, Or Maybe Seth Clearwaters. I Think An Eclipse In Charlie’s Perspective Would Be Awsome! I’m Excoted For The Official Guide, It Should Awesome, And Enough To Keep Us Talking For Awhile.

  9. saharasplash says:

    so, i havent seen the movie fully yet coz i am also in the uk, but i have seen a load of clips off the internet. so far i really liked everything that i saw. i think that all the cast is really well suited, and that some of them bring another viewpoint to the characters which is cool. i think rob really went for the depressive edward! as for the new members being introduced, i think jane should definitely be played by Kristin Chenoweth who plays olive in pushing daisies. she is tiny, and blonde and has one of the highest voices ive heard. she could really do the part of jane justice i think. as like any other twilight fan, i would love to see new moon being brought out within th next few years, but that depends on stephenie’s involvement in new moon and of course any new projects. i really hope the movie will be just as a success here as it was in the states, and im definitely going to see it more than once! πŸ™‚

  10. saharasplash says:

    sorry, i meant midnight sun- not new moon!

  11. someone says:

    Ye, keep the actors, (they’ll get older, but if they change actores, they’ll get even more different, so I dont se the point with changing, well, exept Jake, maybe, if it makes the result better..)
    And finish Midnight sun, and we want new books, lol. I liked the movie, (saw it in sweeden, Norway’s running late, really).
    Well, in New Moon, it should be ballanced with Twilight, if the movie gives the impressen that Jake and Bella have a really good realitionshop, the Bella-edward thing whould be really wired and stuff. So keep to the dessisions from Twilight movie. ehm, and they should make the time shows a bit more, or it would be wired.

  12. Angel Marie says:

    I hope they do keep the original cast, including Taylor as Jacob! I do have to say I like that for twilight they didnt use big name actors. They used people who truly fit the role and I hope they do the same for the new characters in New Moon.

    As for after Breaking Dawn, I did read somewhere in an interview Stephenie Meyer did. She said something along the lines of she wouldn’t pick up and finish Midnight Sun anytime soon because she wants all the talk about it to die down. That she needs to feel alone in the writing process again and I think thats true. If the hype for it dies down a bit then hopefully she’ll finish it up.

    Also, I read The Host and though Im so not into Sci-fi stuff, the book was amazing (Kassie are you done yet? lol) and I heard there may be a sequel. But that may be old news or hearsay. Stephenie is a great author and has shown she can glide from one genre to another. With that, I dont feel so sad about leaving the Twilight Universe once she has.

    Love the podcast and you guys looked AMAZING at the premiere.

  13. Denise says:

    Keep all of the hotties whatever you do. Rob especially! That is the hottest vampire I have seen in a long time. Who would have thought that I would fall in love with a vampire myself. No wonder Bella was so weak!

  14. Kassidy says:

    i think that anyone would be great as long as they don’t hate vampires and hate the twilight saga. THAT WOULD BE BAD!!!

  15. Kassidy says:

    oops! i forgot about the second part! well i think that they will do what the cullens did and move back again in a couple of years and just go back and forth.

  16. Emmetts Rosalie says:

    The cast of Twilight should definitly stay the same. Maybe not Taylor though.. HOW are yall going to make him be big and bulky??? He is SOO smalll.

    Dakota Fanning should without a doubt play Jane. She is not to old, and honestly she is the best to play the part. I mean have you seen her in all her movies. Cast her please. Oh and Jensen Ackles. He is down right sexy when he is a bad ass.

  17. Heidi says:

    I thought the casting for Twilight was perfect; please dont’t change! And the integrity of the characters’ personalities from the book to the movie, I thought, was near seemless. Needless to say, I was impressed.

  18. hazel says:

    i think maybe dakota fanning would be good for Jane, or probably Nora Zehetner (though she is a little old for the part) and…hmmm..

  19. Cherise says:

    I think all the cast should stay the same, BUT when Jake and Bella are apart for the month or whatever it is and then she goes to his house because he is ignoring her they should change Jakes. He has changed so much then she almost doesn’t recognize him anyway. That is where they should change to Steven Strait. Taylor and him resemble each other enough to pull it off. And Bella is all “Jake??” not sure it is him anyway. Steven Strait looks in his 20s and Jake could look older from there out and it wouldn’t matter. Steven is a bit taller than Rob. Taylor while I love him is too young and baby faced to pull it off. If you don’t know who Steven Strait is, look him up on IMDB. I swear you will totally agree once you look at it and if they did the switch at that point in the movie it would work.

    I hop Stephenie finishes Midnight Sun at some point, but I would love a Nessie and Jake POV. Or even a Leah story!

  20. Halle says:

    I think they need to keep the cast, they also need to get awesome people for the volturi right. They need to get that really shuddering evil.

    Crispin Glover- Demetri (Thin Man from Charlies Angels)
    Charlize Theron- Giana (I dont know why I just think it’d be cool)
    Gaspard Ulliel- Aro or Caius (He was in Hannibal in Hannibal rising)
    Anthony Hopkins- Aro or Caius
    Kristin Chenoweth- Jane
    Micheal Cane- Aro or Marcus
    Reese Witherspoon- Jane (only dreamin)

    Yeah I will probably think of more but I’ve always thought of Aro as someone older, But, they cant have wrinkles or anything like that so I guess Micheal Cane and Anthony Hopkins are out. I hink Gaspard looks evil when he wants to and he looks foreign, they cant have someone who looks American to play someone that old and vampiric, I dont think they can pull it off.

    Either that or have some unknoen Italians play them

    Love you guys!!!!!

  21. Halle says:

    I also hope I get in there haha I only wish!!!

  22. Josie says:

    Oh, please keep the cast of Twilight. Otherwise it would be just way confusing and ruin it for those who loved the movie (particularly new fans). I haven’t seen the movie yet (I’m in the UK), but from what I’ve seen, it looks good. Me and two friends are going to see it opening weekend. Anyway, the suggestion of changing actors (Taylor Lautner to Steven Strait) in the middle of the movie sounds like a good idea as they do have a resemblence. However, I would prefer it if Taylor was there throughout New Moon.
    As for casting the Volturi, I have this idea of Antonio Banderas playing Aro. I think seeing him in Interview with the Vampire influenced that idea, but the way his character Armand was like a wise leader, it was very Aro and I had him in my head while reading Breaking Dawn. I would love to see either Kristen Chenoweth or Dakota Fanning as Jane. I don’t care, they would both be good.

    I can wait a couple of years for Midnight Sun, Stephenie will finish it in her own time.

    There is so much to explore in the Twilight Universe that if I were in Stephenie’s shoes, I wouldn’t know which way to go in terms of which character would narrate. I’d love to read from Renesmee’s POV. Or maybe a prequel of Carlisle’s history from his early life & transformation up to the beginning of Twilight. That could be a series in itself. I’d love to read about Carlisle’s experiences (especially with the Volturi).

  23. grace says:

    I think they should keep all the cast the way it is. This time around they will have more money to play with so we will get better effects and such. For all the new characters like Jane and Aro and stuff, I think they should use actors that are newer. They would get to have the exposure (everyone has to start somewhere!) and it would leave more money for all the good stuff. I am so afraid that if they get a cast of A-list actors (like EVERYONE is suggesting) they will have to be paid their A-list salary. Do you get where I am going with this? There will be MUCH less money left to do all the special effects. Can you imagine what would happen to the wolves if there isn’t enough money to make them cool? It would be AWFUL and really CHEESY!

    I really hope that Stephenie finishes Midnight Sun and continues with Renesmee and Jacob’s story. Maybe even do short books or a compilation book of different points of view of the characters. That would be great. She also has The Host that is really good, slow and maybe a teensy bit confusing at first but you really fall for the characters.

  24. Michele says:

    The only person I have in my mind as part of the Volturi is Saoirse Ronan as Jane. She played the young girl in Atonement and the lead character in City of Ember. I think she would be really good for the part. She is young enough and she has these eerie eyes that are just peircing in a good way. I also think she would be able to pull off the part of having some aged wisdom. As for the others It’s hard to say, there are so many actors that could fit the roles. Personally, I’d like Gerard Butler as Demitiri….that could be nice, for some eye candy. ; )

  25. niina=) says:

    I think that the actors should still be the same for the movie NEW MOON. Before I went to see Twilight i was mad that it was Robert Pattinson playing Edward, because i pictures Adam Gregory, but its cool now, Robert plays the role just as i expected. And hey i heard you guys are filming here in utah. Thats aaaamaaaaziiinggg, cause i live here in utah=). But ummmm oh yeah. I think if you guys change the actors, the whole movie will lose its focus. The actors are perfect, and they all fitt the roles they play. Especially Carlisle, and Alice( i love her, shes so sweet) you guys did so good with them. πŸ™‚ I only read all the books and after seeing the movie, i read the books again to see what the outcome was for me. The amazing thing is, when i went to reread New Moon and the last 2, Ive been picturing all the actors already playing it out for me. Its insane=) in a good way… i feel like ive already seen all four movies. I do have ONE MORE suggestion…. in THE MOVIE NEW MOON. I THINK THE SONG NEVER ALONE : BY BARLOW GIRL WOULD FITT IT PERFECT… THE SONG TO ME GOES PERFECT WITH THE BOOK, AND SO IM SURE IT WILL FITT THE MOVIE GREAT=))

  26. Elliot says:

    The only one coming to mind immediately is : Abigail Breslin for Jane! She has the most childish, cute smile and it would totally thro people of if she were to be such a cruel little vampire… Dakota Fanning is too “grown-up”, her face has not this childlike innocence anymore – perhaps her little sister Ellen would do.

  27. Tara K. says:

    Well I really hope they will keep the same cast members from Twilight for New Moon. I saw that the Cullens and Bella will be the same, but it didn’t say anything about Esme (not all characters and their characters were listed). If they film two different people for a character, it throws everyone off because each person brings out their character and that character’s personality differently. I don’t have much to say about the Volturi except for the role of Jane. Jodelle Ferland and Dakota Fanning (with brown hair) would be fantastic! Besides that, I don’t have much to say. The casting director(s) did a fantastic job with the cast of Twilight, so I trust they will do the same for New Moon. They may find someone in Italy, because I also read that they will look for people there as well. They said they were going to film in Italy, Portland, and Los Angeles. WHY LOS ANGELES?! If it has to do with the Cullens , then great, but besides that I don’t see a point to it.

    *FYI: I got my information from the acting411 website.

  28. Marissa says:

    I think that all of the actors cast in Twilight should be cast in New Moon. It just wouldn’t be the same without Rob Pattinson or Kristen Stewart! The only thing I think should be different is Jaspers face…it looks to stern. I also think Edwards sparkles should be somewhat different, it kind of looks like he’s sweating. I only wish that I could be cast in New Moon :). I would do anything to be cast in New Moon, or at least meet Rob Pattinson! I think that the blond girl from the Harry Potter movies would be good as Jane. I think after Breaking Dawn Renesme will grow older and maybe her and Jacob will get married. I also think that maybe if there are anymore bad vampires out in the world…something will happen to Charlie and Renee. It would be similar to Twilight but Bella will be the one trying to save them, not they one they’re after!

  29. Marissa says:

    I hope that Stephenie Meyers continues the series!

  30. jerrie jones says:

    Absolutly loved the cast in Twilight. I would love to see Steven Straight in one on the future films. Also a better color specialist for Rosalie and Carlisle’s hair.

  31. Crystal says:

    I loved the cast in twilight, i hope they don’t change anyone because i already visioned them in my minds, so if they did decide to change the origanal cast i would be dissapointed.
    Anyway, i think after breaking dawn, midnight sun will hopefully be published by then so maybe they can maybe make a movie out of that, i don’t know.

    i don’t really know for the rest of the cast like the Voultri and such but i am looking foward to new moon (even though jacob is in it, i am an edward fan lol) i love to see the scenes in italy that’ll be cool.

  32. Briannah says:

    The Cullens and Bella etc. should stay the same, obviously. Some people are saying to get a new Jacob because of the whole ‘he ends up looking like he’s 25’ thing, but I’m not sure.
    Volturi-wise, I think that Taylor Momsen would make a REALLY good Jane, with James Franco as Alec.
    Scarlett Johanssen would be an impossibly perfect Heidi.
    Aro, I’m thinking could be played by Robin Williams. Always caught that drift off of Aro.
    The perfect Caius is OBVIOUSLY Allen Rickman, aka Snape in the Harry Potter fandom. With the look he has to play Snape, except with white hair, he would be PERFECT!
    Marcus, definately going with Ben Stiller. Don’t question me.
    For the pack, Q’orianka Kilcher would make a FANTASTIC Leah (you can see her in Matt Kearney’s Breathe In, Breathe Out video) and she has a brother [Kainoa Kilcher] who could play Seth.
    They MUST get someone hot for Seth, because [in my mind] Seth has always been a hottie. Jared, too!

  33. Andy says:

    As I live in the UK, I haven’t seen the film till the 19th. But, I agree with everyone else. It’s beyond annoying when they change an actor. And with Twilight being so huge in the US and going to be big in the UK, I sense it would be stupid to change the actors. But new actors… no one jumps to mind, but finding someone to play Aro and Caius will be difficult, I think.

    But, saying that, my friends and I are thinking to think of some and all the actors we can think of will be linked to characters in Breaking Dawn! :/ One actor we keep returning on is Rami Malek is to play Benjamin (a bit too old, maybe?), and we have no idea who could play Garrett… now, that will interesting to see (if Breaking Dawn is turned into a film, of course…)

    Post Breaking Dawn… hm, that’s a toughie… well, hopefully, Stephenie will keep writing. I pray, for some reason, for a sequel to The Host as I love that book! If she decides that she wants to finish Midnight Sun (or Dark High Noon as it’s been nicknamed on other sites – use whatever name you prefer guys!), then I will very happy with that. If not, I will be happy with whatever she writes next.

  34. The REAL Mrs. Edward Cullen says:

    If we are going for an older cast for the Volturi….(Which is what I imagined them to be)

    Aro: Gary Oldman — From Harry Potter (Amazing actor… I think he can be both evil and ‘nice’ at once)
    Caius: Malcom MacDowell— Linderman from Heroes (Has that cool evilly look)
    Marcus: Rufus Sewell— Tristan and Isolde or The Legend of Zorro… I like his bored evil look and his voice.
    Demetri: YES to Gerard Butler!
    Jane: Dakota Fanning… She has that bitchy look down pact. Just watch Uptown Girls.

    As for Taylor.. I love him. I think he should remain cast. Its gonna make it more ridiculous and unbelievable if they switch him. Henry Cavill having a role in there would be cool too. Maybe not for New Moon but eventually.

  35. Tash says:

    I think, well obviously, they should keep rob and kristen and everyone. But they should have Drew Fuller as Demetri.

  36. Jacob luvs me says:

    Okay Hey Guys. I’m relly loved the movie and hope that the cast stays the same. Some development would be nice in the characters. I think that they should definatley not change Jacob , Taylor was awsome. I thnk Emma Watson would do an awesome job as Jane ( Kinda the smart pretty thing). A good Heidi would be Kristen Dust. Love the podcast. You guys remind me of my sister and I.

  37. Erm.. says:

    Well, personally i was pretty dissapointed with the cast..
    I was expecting them all to be completely drop dead gorgeous.. not that they arn’t, but just more πŸ™‚
    Well actually, most of them are perfect but i dont want to name the ones that i dont think are right..
    but i was expecting them to be alot younger, they look older than they are supposed to be.
    But i think Edward and Bella are just perfect..

  38. Cara says:

    I really want them to keep the cast they have now. So what is Taylor is short, we have technology today that have make he grow. However, I have a few suggests for the Volturi. I think Kristin Chenoweth, from Wicked, would be a good Jane. I don’t why but I can just see her as Jane. I also think that Jonnhy Depp should be in the Volturi, I don’t care who he plays, I just want him in the Volturi. I think he would be a great vampire and he’s gorgous to look at.

  39. Madison Team Edward says:

    Dakota Fanning as Jane
    Johny Depp as one of the Volturi
    Candace Cameron as Gianna

    Post Breaking Dawn
    I would like to hear more about what happens with Nessie and Jacob,And also what happens with Leah.
    I think more from the Host would be great,and I would like to read from Alice’s point of view and maybe Renesmees or Jacobs Point of view.Also I am reading all of the books mentioned in the Saga!!

    Keep up the podcasts,


  40. Marissa says:

    I think all the actors in the movie were great. Especially Kristen and Rob. Taylor might have to be re-cast though. He was awesome in the movie but I think he is a little too scrawny to be Jacob in the rest of the books.He might be able to bulk up ( emphasize might) but he isn’t going to get that much taller that fast.
    Awesome podcast, you guys are great!

  41. CC=p says:

    I think like madison dakota fanning for jane aswell.=p!!!!!!!!!!

  42. twiligh is love (: says:

    Keep Rob Pattison as Edward !
    he is sexxxyy !

  43. Valeria says:

    I think that in New Moon Taylor should be in the begining as Jacob but after he changes [Jacob] Steven Strait should be Jacob!!!!!! I mean Steven looks the part and Big Jake is supposed to look like hes 20 something and Taylor doesnt look a day past 16.

  44. Paul Woll says:

    I think they should combine books 2 AND 3. Otherwise everyone will be BORED out of their minds.
    Books 1,3, & 4 are full of action and were very good. Plus, this would turn this into a trilogy.

  45. Valeria says:

    OH!!!! and seriously…better hair and makeup. AndI agree that Dakota Fanning would be an excelent Jane

  46. Charity says:

    I havent seen the movie(it is a long story of why i havent) but i have seen all the trailers and seens available online. From what i have seen from those is that robert is not a good edward. He isnt sparkly. not to me. my friends said that he is better when you see the whole movie but idk. i am going to see it this sunday and i hope it is good. i think that emmett is awesome and jasper i have gotton used to the idea. I do wonder though that once bella and edward and all the others (since they are all pretty muchi n there twentys except for jacob.) if they will be replaced since they are pertraying young people in there 17- throught thier mid 20’s? and if they do i would rather them do it in new moon so we can get used to them. BUT WHAT EVER THEY DO THEY CAN NOT AND I REPEAT CAN NOT REPLACE JACOB!!!! TAYLOR LAUTNER IS SOO HOT!!

  47. Allie Nessie Black says:

    I think Alan Rickman would be good for Caius, and I like Dakota Fanning as Jane (how old is Jane supposed to be, anyway?) and as for Taylor, the guy has an eight pack! So whatever y’all say about him being scrawny better google him! I love Taylor and I will be soo disappointed if they recast him!
    For BD, I really want to see a book from Nessie or Jake’s PoV. I’m not really sure what would happen, but I think it would be really cool if that guy (can’t think of his name right now), the one who had the half vampire kids had some kind of run in with the Cullens and chaos ensues.

  48. Jacky says:

    I think the original cast is fine. I can’t really picture anyone else nailing the parts as the “Twilight” actors did. I just hope they take a little more time for character development. I also hope they get more money because the werewolves will take alot of special effects…
    I haven’t a clue who will be a good fit for the Volturi…it’ll take alot of work to make them terrifying…
    Taylor Lautner is a great Jacob before the transformation but after they need to either change his appearance or hire a more rugged/mean looking actor…Steven Strait would be cool!
    Great Podcast!
    Keep up the great work!
    – Jacky

  49. Lindsey says:

    keep the same actors!! especially the main cast! Robert(Edward),Kristen(Bella),Taylor(Jacob),Kellan(Emmet),Ashley(Alice),Jackson(Jasper),Nikki(Rosalie),Peter(Carlisle),
    Elizabeth(Esme),Billy(Charlie),Rachelle(Victoria),Sarah(Renee),Edi(Laurent)! i would also say Cam(James) but he died in the movie. πŸ™ i really liked Justin(Eric) as well he was hilarious!

    well ya they all need to stay! please don’t change!!!!!!

    oh yeah and keep the same director (Catherine Hardwicke) i know she isn’t definite yet but i think she has some good ideas for new moon!

  50. A. N. Onymus says:

    Heyy I completely agree w/ every1. U have 2 keep the same characters 4 all the movies!! (it would b like so weird if Edward or Bella were played by some1 else. I probably wouldnt go 2 c it if that happens) I’ve read the first book but i haven’t been able 2 get the other 3 yet, cuz like the only book they have at my school is Twilight, and my friend had 2 ask the public library 2 get the second book from another library, and even tho my mom works at all the highschools in this county, 1 of them only had the first and it was checked out, and another 1 had all of them, but every single 1 had like at least 1 name on the waitin list, and she hasn’t looked at the third school but i doubt they’ll have them. I would get her 2 put her name on the waitin lists, but i’m askin 4 all of them 4 Christmas, and if i did get her 2 put it on the list, it’d b like the middle of Jan. b4 i could get them so i don’t no about the charaters in the other books, but i’ll trust every1 else 2 pick somebody good to play them. srry about me babblin on!! i’ll stop now.

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